NationalUniversity of “Kyiv-MohylaAcademy” (NaUKMA)




The objective of this course is to introduce students to Ukraine from various perspectives. Course gives general overview of the country and its place in the world as well as covers specific issues and problems. Also, this course provides participants with an idea of ‘post-soviet society’, its main features and development dynamics. Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in their further studies and during their stay in Ukraine.

Course is interdisciplinary and includes four different sections – History, Politics, Society\Culture, and Economics.

Prerequisites None

Type of course

Spring Semester Course, January-April 2011

Course Organization

Academic hours – 90

Class hours – 30 (including consultations with course instructors and students’ presentations)

Meetings – 1-2 times per week (exact days and time TBC)

Classes – 18 (each class lasts 1 h 20 min)

Most of the classesare combination of a lecture and a seminar

ATTENTION: class will start in February 2011

Number of ECTS points

2.5 ECTS

Place:NaUKMA (Voloska 8/5, Building 5), Auditorium 5-313


There are following requirements for passing the course:

  1. Participation in classes, including attendance and involvement in discussions – 30 % of the final grade
  2. Group presentation (for 2-3 people). Students will choose the topics of their presentations at the end of the course upon confirmation of the course instructor. Students may suggest presentation topics during the course as long as they are related to the course sections. The maximum time allowed per presentation is usually 20-30 minutes, depending on the schedule. The presentation must account for the facts related to the topic and must include discussion questions – 30 % of the final grade
  3. Final Paper. Students willdiscuss and critically assess one of the course-related topics. The length of the essay must be 7-10 pages (Times Now Roman, size 14, double-spaced) – 40 %of the final grade

Course communication:Consultation in person after classes or upon appointment


Section / Class Topic
HISTORY / Overview of History of Ukraine up to the 20th century: changing narratives -1 (TBC)
Overview of History of Ukraine up to the 20th century: changing narratives - 2 (TBC)
Walking tour around Kyiv
History of Ukraine of the 20th Century: revolutions, Ukrainian SSR and WesternUkrainianLands, Man-Made Famines (Assistant Prof. Natalya Shlikhta, NaUKMA Department of History)
History of Ukraine of the 20th Century. Ukraine and WW2 (Assistant Prof. Natalya Shlikhta, NaUKMA Department of History)
POLITICS / Political system and system of government
(Professor Andriy Meleshevych, Dean of the Faculty of Law / LawSchool)
Orange Revolution and its Aftermath
(Professor Andriy Meleshevych, Dean of the Faculty of Law / LawSchool)
Place of Ukraine in the world
(Professor Andreas Umland, Department of Political Science)
SOCIETY\CULTURE / Changes of Social Structure of the Ukrainian Society (Anastasia Riabchuk, PhD Candidate in Sociology, Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, NaUKMA)
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity of Ukraine: One Ukraine or Multiple Ukraines(TBC)
Media in Ukraine
(Tetyana Lockot, NaUKMASchool of Journalism)
Public Health Care in Ukraine
Education in Independent Ukraine: Problems and Challenges
(Larysa Chovnyuk, NaUKMA Vice-President for Foreign Cooperation)
Environmental Policy in Ukraine.
Major Environmental Problems inUkraine(Assistant Professor Olena Maslyukivska, NaUKMA Department of Ecology)
ECONOMICS / Parallel Political Projects: Nation-Building and Economic Reform in Post-Soviet Ukraine (Historical Outline of 18 Years of Socio-Economic Change) – 1(Associate Professor Mychialo Wynnyckyj, NaUKMA Department of Sociology, KyivMohylaBusinessSchool)
Parallel Political Projects: Nation-Building and Economic Reform in Post-Soviet Ukraine (Historical Outline of 18 Years of Socio-Economic Change) - 2(Associate Professor Mychialo Wynnyckyj, NaUKMA Department of Sociology, KyivMohylaBusinessSchool)

! Additional meetings, discussions, guest lectures, trips might be added to the program

The cost of study trips is not covered by the University. You will be responsible for your own expenses.