
Aarey, 147, 148, 150, 153, 154

Abba, 353

Acar, Joseph, 388

Acholi, 344

Acton, Norman, 232-3, 371-2

Addis Ababa, 366, 428

Addis Ababa Conference (1966), 212

Adenivi-Jones, Dr, 252

adoption resolution (Unicef), 33-5

aedes aeqypti, 117

Afghanistan, 137, 294, 406

Africa, 1, 9, 10, 13, 17, 77, 79-81, 87,

91, 97-100, l62, 108. 109-11, 116-7,

120,121, 125. 129, 1&), 132,134,135,

155, 156, 163, 166, 172, 179, 180-3,

189, 191-2, 195, 203, 207, 212, 215,

222, 232, 234, 242, 249, 251, 255, 260,

271, 282-3, 290, 294, 297, 315-6, 318,

321, 327, J30-1, 345, 354-5, 361-2,

364, 366, 369, 372, 418-21, 425, 431,

438-9, 443-5, 455-61


African emergencies, 455-461 passim

'A Gift of Song', 353

Albanez, Teresa, 483, 485

Aldaba-Lim, Dr Estefania, 357-8, 365

Alexander. J. A. A. C., 73

Algeria, 1&, 264

All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public

Health, 71, 72, 170

All-India School of Hygiene and Public

Health (Calcutta), 409

Alliance of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies see national committees of
Allison, Rev Clyde, 69
Alma-Ata Conference, 349, 351, 462-3,
Alma-Ata, Declaration of, 350-1
America/Americas, 18, 75, 98, 115-6,
137, 170, 172
American Friends Service Committee,
American Legion, 219
American Red Cross, 38, 231
American Relief Administration see
Amin, Idi, 438
Amin, Mohammed, 456
Amul-Anand Milk Union Ltd, 151
anaemia, 27
Anand (India), 148-153, 166 passim,
234, 326
Anderson, Gullmar. 451-3, 455
Andes Mountains, 261
Angola, 442, 444, 456
animation royale, 328
anopheles qambiae, 9, 114-8, 121, 125,
131-5 passim, 181
applied nutrition, 226, 269, 313, 342,
ARA (American Relief Administration),
Arab Gulf Programme for United
Nations Development Organizations
(AGFUND), 415, 417
Argentina, 64, 355
Argentine Association for Unicef see
national committees of Unicef
Arole, Mabelle, 338, 346-7, 471
Arole, Rajanikant, 338, 346-7, 471
Article 55, 192
Ashrafiye (Lebanon), 454
Asia, 2, 9, 10, 15, 25, 33, 39, 49, 53, 55,
69-71, 75, 77, 79-81, 87, 90, 93, 98,
100, 102, 107-9, 117, 120, 125, 129,
163, 166, f70-3\ 194-5, 212, 215-6,
222, 232, 243, 246, 249. 254-5, 258,
372, 379, 419-21, 425, 431, 469, 476,
Assam (India), 286
Y<1<W //„
'Assignment Children' (film), 216-7
Ataneo de Manila University, 428
Atlas Copco, 285-6
atole, 161, 163
Attlee, Clement, 29
aureomycin, 105
Australia, 6, 22,34,63-6,68,77,79, 81,
205, 215, 217, 402
Austria, 4, 43, 45-6, 53, 59
Austrian Committee for Unicef, 224
Autret, Marcel, 155, 180
Aykroyd, Wallace, 144, 155
Ayub Khan, 256
'The Baby Killers' (pamphlet), 432
Bacic, Sasha, 277, 282
bacteriology, 30
Baganda (people), 344
Baguio General Hospital (Philipines),
Bahrein, 358
bal ahar ('child's food'), 268
Bale (Ogaden), 441
Balkan** 2
balwadis, 189
Bangkok (Thailand), 90
Bangkok Conference, 212
Bangladesh, 12.14,138, 288, 294,300-1,
310, 322, 3&-40, &3^t, 354, 371,
378, 384, 417, 444, 472-3
Bangladesh, Government of, 287
Bangladesh Unicef Committee, 477
Barbados, 358
Barbey, Grace Holmes, 68,69, 231
•barefoot doctors', 57, 59, 337
Barnen, Radda, 22/7-8, 23.1, 295-6
basic health services/strategy, 334-6,
340-1, 364-5, 416, 443-5. 448
Bad camp (Ethiopia), 458
Say of Bengal. 286-7,311
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin),
49-55 passim, 76, 89, 90, 100-5
passim, 216, 381, 483
Beaumont, Jacques, 380, 384-5. 387,
389-93, 3%
Beatrix, Princess, 223
Bee Gee, 353
Bekaa Valley (Lebanon), 453
Beirut (Lebanon), 449, 451-5
el, 91
Committee for Unicef, 220.
~^, 251, 363
gian Congo, 180, 192
•ian Relief Commission, 37
tium, 19, 20, 180, 251
Bell, Earl, 44
Bellagio Conference, 210-12, 235, 356
Bengalis, 287
Benin, 358
Bernadotte, Count Folke, 50, 76
Bernard, Dr Lunien, 251
Bertoni, Fausto, 299
Betancur, Belisario, 483-5
Beyer, Martin, 285, 289, 295, 299
Bhutan, 358
Biafra, 271-1, 276-7, 281-2
Bihar (India), 265-70, 283, 285passim
bilharzia (schistosomiasis). 181, 290, 334
blackwater, 181
Bogota (Colombia), 429, 432
Bokhari, Professor Ahmed, 82
Bolivia, 294, 303
Bombay (India), 366, 425
Borcic, Dr Berislav, 43, 51, 53, 57, 142,
173, 218
Botswana, 322, 338, 358, 459, 471
Bowles, Chester, 65
Brahmaputra River, 288
Brando, Marion, 219
Brazil, 31, 34, 74, 115, 117, 125, 129,
137-8, 143, 145-6, 179, 234, 251,
367-9, 371, 417, 427, 419, 436, 474,
497 (£>)
^ ( (V
breast-feeding, 348, 429-436 passim,
466, 474-5, 478
Bretton Woods Conference, 80
Bridgewater, Ed, 169, 173, ill
Bristol-Myers Corporation, 432
Britain (also UK),T 22, 23, 29, 34, 66,
70, 73.76, 81,115, 16$, 180,191,199,
205, 222, 271, 274, 282, 355, 393, 434
British Commonwealth, 273
British East Africa, 184, 234
British North Borneo, 71
British Save the Children Fund, 439
Britons, 316
Brock, Prof J. F., 155, 180
Bruce, Viscount, of Melbourne, 22
Buerk, Michael, 456
Bugnion, Franciois, 380, 389-91, 393,
Bulgaria, 43, 45, 48, 145, 180, 359
Bulgarian National Committee for
Bunche, Ralph, 179, 180
Bureau for Social Affairs, 204, 210. 246
Burkina Faso, 441 -2. 458, 479, 486
Burma, 70-1, 73, 137, 143, 176, 216,
294, 410
Byeolorussia, 2
Cairo (Egypt), 366
'the calorie gap', 344
Cambodia, 99, 384, 386, 388-9
Cambodian Government, 386
campesinos, 318
Canada, 29, 34, 63, 66, 78, 81, 85, 215,
Canadian Government, 268, 287, 368,
Caamdian Save the Children Fund, 367
Canadian Unicef Committee, 218,363
Candau, Dr Marcolino Gomez, 129
Carmcpl (radio network), 484
CARE, 268-9, 347, 388
Caribbean, 123, 254, 367
Caritae International, 278
Canwfie, Dale, 19
Carnegie Foundation, 19
Carter, Gordon, 287, 295, 414
Carter, James, 400
Carter, Mrs Rosalyn, 399
Catholic Relief, 265
Catley-Carlson, Margaret, 418, 452
Central America, 48,125,143,146.153,
Ceylon (see also Sri Lanka), 71. 73.
116, 129, 242
Chad, 358, 441-2, 444, 456
change of name (Unicef), 83, 260
Chamow, Jack. 33, 78-9, 355. 370, 413,
Chatila camp (Lebanon), 454
Chiang Kai Shek, 56, 84
chickenpox, 138
Chifley, Hon. J. B., 6
Children's Bureau, 33
Chile, 146, 159, 165, 358
China, People's Republic of, 2, 4, 21,
24, 31, 33-4, 43-4, 55-9, 69, 70, 75,
84, 173. 265, 272, 300. 319. 327, 337.
339, 358, 409-10, 479
Chinese Government, 488
Chinese Liberated Areas Relief Association
(CLARA), 57-8
Chisholm, Dr Brock, 31, 51
cholera, 18, 268-9, 287-8, 290, 334,
Cholera Research Laboratory, 472-3
Chowdhury, Dr Zafrullah, 340
Chou En-Lai, 59
Christian Medical Commission, 338
Churchill, Sir Winston. 2,4,7,22 -3,25
Church of Scotland, 285. 296
Clayton, William L, 29
Club of Rome, 411, 415, 469
*f,cc> v
Cold War, 4, 25, 28. 34. 84, 217, 229
Collins, Bertram, 380. $88
Colombia. 161, 381, 355, 358, 369, 417,
Colombo Plan, 150
Columbia University Law School, 358
Columbia University School of Social
Work, 210
Commission for Polish Relief, 38
Commission for Relief in Belgium
(CRB), 19, 20
'community development', 184-90
passim, 197, 201. 208, 292, 324-5,
327, 346-7, 350, 429
community participation, 319, 364,429,
464-6 concentration camps, 2, 3, 13
condom, 245, 251
Congo, 358
Congo crisis, 264, 271
conjunctivitis, 106
Convention on the Rights of the Child
375-6, 489
Conzet, Dr Hans. 220-1, 223, 227-8,
235, 240, 252, 382, 408
Coombs, Philip, 315, 319-20, 322-3
Cornell University, 447
Cortines, Adolfo Ruiz, 122
Costa Rica, 74, 146, 154, 417
Cousins, Dr William, 426
Crete, 300
CSM (food product—corn-soy-milk),
Cuba, 74. $39, 479
Curie-Labouisse, Eve, 240, 412-3
Cyprus, 451
Czechoslovak Committee for Co-operation
with Unicef, 230
Czechoslovakia, 42, 44-7, 50, 53, 55,
59, 61, 66, 68, 84
dai, 172, 173, 256
Danish Committee for Unicef, 220, 224,
Danish Red Cross, 49, 50
Daughters of the American Revolution,
Davee, Robert, 119, 122
Davidson, Alfred, 43,61
Davidson, George, 30
Davies, Glan, 148-9, 288, 414
DOT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
49, 76, 78, 89, 90,115-8, 216, 332
Dean. R. F. A., 158
Debre, Prof Robert, 50, 52, 55, 86-7,
102, 170, 210, 240
Decade for Women, 418, 463
de Campos, Roberto Oliveira, 74
Declaration of the Rights of the Child,
15, 198-201 passim, 217. 354-5, 374
de Cuellar. Javier Perez, 452, 477, 488
Defence for Children International
(DCI), 375
de Macedo, Guerra, 485
Democratic Republic of Kampuchea,
378, 380, 388-Sj
Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 383-4
Denmark, 49, 50, 66, 363, 385
Denver, John, 219, 353
Depression, the, 19, 20, 22
de Rivero. Tejado, 349, 351, 435, 462
De-schooling Society flUich), 319
Development Decades: first, 10, 17, 129,
191, 194-6, 205-9, 211, 213, 226, 259,
307-8, 342, 361,410-11,414; second,
308, 311-2. 328. 361, 411, 414; third,
diammo diephemyl sulphone, 110
diaphragm, 245
diarrhoea, 175, 265, 288, 290, 292, 331,
diptheria, 37, 76, 89, 475, 481, 485
displaced persons, 1 -4, 6
Djakarta (Indonesia), 73
Djibouti, 417, 444
djurupateks (assistant nurses), 95, 97,
99 Dodge, Cole, 439
Dominican Republic, 74, 359, 479, 486
Donahue, Dr John, 427 -8
DPT (vaccine), 475, 484-5
Dufy, Raoul, 69
f-tl (a-) t l / v
**un, 172, 173
Duvalier, Dr Francois (Papa Doc), 76
dysentry, 72, 288, 348
Dzitka, 68
England see Britain
Earth. Wind and Fire, 353
East Africa, 132
East Pakistan, 256.283,286-7,311,472
Eckert, Ralph, 386-7, 414
Economic and Social Council see
ECOSOC (Economic and Social
Council), 8, 22, 31, 34, 78, 193, 200,
Ecuador, 76, 146, 260, 369, 429, 486
edible oil. 159
Edinburgh University, 75
educacion inicial, 328
education, formal and nonformal,
Edwards, Paul, 218
Edwards, Dr Joseph, 146
EEC (European Economic Community),
167, 170:221
Egger, Charles, 180-1, 234, 269, 276,
354,383-4.399,405,412-3,419\ 454
Eggink Jan, 223
Egypt, 77, 114-15, 117, 474, 480
Elsenhower, Dwight D., 83, 238
Eliot, Dr Martha, 44, 74, 87\ 142
Eloesser, Dr Leo, 57-9, 75, 173, 327
El Salvador, 116, 429, 470, 486
El Salvador Red Cross, 486
El Tiempo, 484
empirica, 172
epidemiology, 30
epilepsy, 372
Eritrea, 440
Ethiopia, 24, 87, 138, 139, 289, 299,
311, 313, 343, 406, 439-40, 442-4,
456, 458-9
Ethiopian Relief and Rehabilitation
Commission, 459
Europe, 1-6, 9, 10, 18. 20, 21, 23-8,
30-3, 35, 39, 43, 46-7, 49, 54-5, 59,
65, 76, 79\ 80, 82, 100-2, 104-5, 109,
115-7, li3, 141-3, 145-7, 152, 15i,
165, 168, 170. 191, 195, 199, 219,
220-2. 224, 230, 232. 238, 242, 244,
260, 262, tfl. 274, 290,300, 305, 310,
316, 330, 361, 366, 369, 402, 405, 444,
473, 482, 489
European Economic Community see
Expanded Programme of Technical
Assistance (EPTA), 193-4
Expanded Programme on Immunization
fEPI), 482-3
Facing Mount Kenya (Kenyatta), 316
falciparum see plasmodium falciparum
family planning, 246—59 passim, 321,
325, 338, 413*424, 463-
152-5, 155. 158-162, 167, 180, 193,
197, 202, i04, 210, 222, 226, 246,
269-70, 343, 391, 598-9, 401, 403,
449, 471
Far East, 114
Farina, Aldo, 363, 415, 417
Federal Republic of Germany, 355, 385,
Ferguson, Clyde, 281
Fernando Po. 273-4, 276, 278
Finland, 44, 46. 358, 362
Finnish Committee for Unicef, 362
first World War, 19, 21, 22, 37, 89, 199,
fishmeal, 159
food, contaminated, 472
food for work schemes, 459
Ford Foundation, 269
Ford, President Gerald. 410
formula, infant foods, 430-436 passim,
474, 476-7
France, 20, 34, 44-5, 48-9, 64, 68, 81,
85, 115,169,180,182,271
Francis, M, 297-8
Fraser, Hon. Peter, 6-7
498 (k\ 4(8
PfMdom from Hunger Campaign, 222,
223.233, 243. 246265, 2697361
Friwv, Pnulo, 319, 361
Fnmch Committee for Unicef, 223-4,
French Equatorial Africa, 180,181
French West Africa, 181
Friends World Committee for Consultation,
Friends Service Committee, 77,265
Frost, David, 353
FUNABEM (National Child Welfare
Foundation), 368
Fund for Italian Emergency Aid, 418
Gaan, Margaret, 381,419
Galbadon.Dr Arnoldo, 118
Gambia, 358
Gandhi, Indira, 265, 267-8, 477
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 303
Gandhi, Rajiv, 488
Ganges River (India), 268, 288
Gams, 316
Gaza, 450
Geneva Accords (1954), 381
Geneva Conventions, 18, 392,453
Geneva Declaration, 200
German Army, 48, 56
German Committee for Unicef see
national committees of Unicef
Germany, 19, 21, 38, 41-2, 46, 49, 50,
53,59.158 /
Ghana, 358, 442,456
GOBI, 449, 471-90passim
goitre, 343
Gold Coast. 182
Gomulka, VVladyslaw, 7
Gondar province (Ethiopia), 459
Gorgas, William, 114-15,117
gptong-royong, 327-8
Gowon, Yakuba. 271-2, 274, 277, 282
Smm sevikas, 189
rant, Ethel Henck, 412
Grant, James P. (Jim). 14,400-1,403-6,
408-16, 418, 447-9, 453-4, 458,
467-71, 476-9, 483, 485-6, 488
Grant, Dr John B., 409, 463
Greece, 4, 43-5, 48, 53, 59, 65, 77, 81,
Green, Stephen, 289
greeting cards operation, 68-9,219,418
S'owth monitonng, 472
run, John, 357, 360, 365, 414
Guayaquil (Ecuador), 429
Guatemala, 74. 87, 2$4, 311, 326
Ginea-Bissau, 358
Haakon, King, 241
HABITAT (Conference on Human
Settlements, 304, 425
Hackett, Dr C. J., $4, 95
Haile Selassie, 249, 299, 440
Haiti, 76,92, 93,95,96,358,477,480-1
Halco of England, 285
Halloween, 218
Hammarskjold, Dag, 37,191, 216, 238
Hammerman, Susan, 371-3
handicapped children, 369-74 passim
Hanoi, 380-7, 3%
Hanson, Perry, 57, 59
Herman, Zena, 235-6, 240, 450
Harrison, George, 219
Harvard School of Public Health, 324,
Hausa (people), 316
Helenic National Committee for Unicef
see National Committees of Unicef
Heyward. E. J. R. (Dick). 56,77-9,143,
201, 2fO, 236, 238, 24b, 2>7-8, 282,
349, 351. 384, 412-4, 418, 435, 462
Hill, Ronald, l4g
hilot, 173, 174
Himalaya Mountains, 288, 299
Hiroshima (Japan), 1, 12
Hitler, AdoH, 41
Ho Chi Min City, 380
Hocke, Jean-Pierre, 403
Hoffmann, Paul. 194, 240
Holm, Celeste, 219
Holm, Dr Johannes, 49-53,75, 87,101-2
Hong Kong, 71, 72
</<S(c) t/"
hookworm, 89
Hoover. Herbert, 19-21.26-8, 32,34-5,
37, 38\ 63, 67, 81,199, 220
'Hoover blankets', 20
'HoovervilleV, 20
Hopwood, lan, 387, 404
Horn of Africa, 439, 444, 455
Howard, Jim, 390
Human Rights Commission, 200,374-5
Humphrey, Hubert, 279
Hundley, James, 270
Hunganan National Committee for
Unicef, 230
Hungarian uprising, 260
Hungary, 44-5, 50, 61, 116. 358
Hyderabad (India), 426-8
Ibo, 271.273-4, 281-3
1C A, 410
ICC (International Children's Centre),
55, 169, 170, 204
ICED (International Council for Educanal
Development), 320, 322
ICEF see Unicef
Iceland, 66
ICRC (International Committee of the
Red Cross), 5, 12! 13. 18, 19, 21, 56,
379-80, 3&-3. 386, 389-93, 396-7,
399, 401-5, 486
Ifekwunigwe, Dr Aaron, 280
Ignatieff, Paul, 386, 388
ifiich, Ivan, 319, 361
ILO (International Labour Organization),
79. 193, 204, 210, 228, 358
immunization, 475, 481-489 passim
'incaparina', 161
India, 70-3, 81, 87, 90,93,98-100,116,
125, 129, 135,137-8,143,145-6,151,
225, 234, 24i, 246-7, 2&, 253, 255,
258, 260, 264-6, 269-70, 276, 286-8,
293, 295\ 297, 301, 311, 3i6, 339,
342-3, 355, 358, 469-10, 424, 444,
462, 474, 479
India, Government of, 347
India Mark II pump, 296-8. 300
Indo-China, 14, 71, 283, $78, 380-1,
384, 399, 407
Indo-China Peninsula Liasion Group,
Indonesia, 71, 73, 90, 93-7, 99, 116,
125, 137, 138, 158, 172-3, 327, 345,
359, 471
Indus River, 195
Industrial Revolution, 100, 199
infant formulas see formula, infant food
Infant Formula Action Coalition
(INFACT), 432
infant mortality, •
iity, 445-6, 468-9 passim,
infant mortality rate (IMR), 468-9
Influenza, 20, 331
Institute of Child Health, Bombay, 347
Institute of Nutrition for Central
America and Panama (INCAP), 75-6,
144, 160-1
Inter-American Childrens' Institute
(Montevideo), 204
International American Institute for the
Protection of Childhood, 74
International Association for the
Promotion of Child Welfare, 199
International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD), see
World Bank
International Catholic Child Bureau,
353, 369
International Centre for Diarrhoea!
Disease (Bangladesh), 480
International Children's Book Fair
(Bologna), 363
International Children's Centre, see ICC
International Children's Fund, 8
International Code of Marking for
Breast-milk Substitutes, 435-6
International Committee for the
Assistance of Child Refugees
(Barcelona), 228
International Committee of the Red
Cross, see ICRC
International Conference on Oral
Rehydration Therapy, 480
'f 11 V V(?
International Co-operative Administration
(ICO). 125,239
International Co-operative Women's
Guild. 231
International Council for Educational
Development, see ICED
International Council of Infant Food
Industries (ICIFI), 432
International Council of Women, 235
International Development Association
(IDA), 194
International Drinking Water and
Sanitation Decade, 304
International Federation of Business
and Professional Women, 231
International Health Conference, 31
International Institute for Educational
Planning, 315
International Labour Organization, see
International Office of Public Hygiene,
International Paedeatrics Association,
International Red Cross, see 1CRC
International Refugee Organization,
see IRQ
International Rescue Committee, 444
International Tuberculosis Campaign
(ITC), 50, 52-5, 66, 76, 77, 89, 9T),
100-5, passim, 169
International Union for Child Welfare
(IUCW), 199, 200, 204, 217, 231
International Water and Sanitation
Decade, 480
International Year of the Child (IYO,
353-377 passim, 391, 400, 408, 414-5,
International Year for Disabled Person*,
370, 373
intra-uterine devices (IUD), 246, 251,
iodine deficiency disease, 343
Iran, 7, 132, 154
Iraq, 77
Irish National Committee for Unicef,
IRO (International Refugee Organisation),
4,7, 28, 43, 79
Israel, 77, 145, 154, 238, 358, 450-1,
Israel National Committee for Unicef
see national committees of Unicef
Isoniazid, 104, 105
Italy, 42-5, 53, 59, 68, 115, 119, 124,
145, 418
Italian Committee for Unicef, 220, 363,
415, 417
Italian Government, 363, 417
Ivory Coast, 442
Iwaszkiewicz, Edward, 209-10, 212
Jackson, Sir Robert, 1, 14, 25, 27-30,
287, 384, 386, 399, 403, 405
Jacob, Betty, 67, 69, 83
Jahn, Gunnar, 241
Jalna pump, 296
Jamaica, 345, 371
Jamaica Council of the Handicapped,
Jansson, Kurt, 404
Japan, i 69, fO, 81, 145, 216, 402, 436
Japan Committee for Unicef, 364
Java, 73
Jayawardene, J. R., 477
Jaycees, 357
Jebb, Eglantyne, 18, 19, 199
Jellife, Derrick. 178, 333, 344
Jenner, Edward, 135
Jews, 23, 76
John Birch Society, 219
Joint Church Aid, 279
Jolly, Richard, 418, 447-8
Jones, Mildred, 35$
Jordan, 81, 145, 239
Junod, Marcel, 56-8
Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producer's
Union (Anand, India), 149
Kampuchea (see also Democratic
Republic of Kampuchea), 11-14, 360,
378-80, 388-407 passim, 414,444,465
Kampuchean crisis, 389—407 passim
499 (W * I*
Kampuchean people, 438
Kampuchea refugees, 444
Kane, Cheikh Hamidou, 212
Karamoia, 438,440, 471
Karamaiong (people), 439, 459
Kartu MenujuSthat (KMS), 471
Katzin, Alfred, 66
Kaye, banny, 69, 216-9, 241
Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, 349
Keeny, Spurgeon Milton (Sam), 73, 89.
Kennedy, Jaqueline, 219
Kennedy, John R, 191, 194, 217, 239,
315, 410. 426-7
Kenya, 13$, 182-5, 234, 291, 318, 358
Kenyatta, Jomo, 316
Kerala (India), 424
Kershner, Dr Howard, 74
Keynes, John Mavnard, 22
Khaled, King, 415
Khmer Rouge, 378-80, 384-86, 388,
390-2, 3944, 400, 405
Khmer (people), 12,13,391-2,395,397,
399, 400V402, 407
Khurody, D. N.. 147. 148, 151, 152
Kikuyu (people), 183
King, DrXlharles Glen, 160
King, Mackenzie, 27
King, Maurice, 333-4
KirHey, Leslie. 274
Kissinger, Henry, 314, 384
Klausener, Bernard, 383
K-Mix-2, 280, 343
Kodijat, Dr, 93-5, 97, 99. 327
Koeniggracht, Isabel, 280
Korea, 2, 24, 70, 73, 145, 192, 258, 260,
Korean War, 60
Korem camp (Ethiopia), 457-8
Kozusznik, Boguslaw, 229, 230, 235,
Kristofferson, Ulf, 394-5, 400
Kuala Lumpur (Malaya), 428
Kurien, Verghese, 148-153, 166-7, 326
kwashiorkor, 155-164 passim, 180-1,
249, 316, 332, 344, 348, 471
Kyaruzi, Dr Vedast, 274-5
Labouisse, Henry (Harry), 14, 238-40,
246,251,255. 257, 267; 276-9,281-2,
286, 314, 323-4, 328, 339, 349, 351,
354-5, 357, 360, 364, 380-4, 387,
390-2,3%, 399,401,406,408,413-4,
423, 462
labour exploitation of children, 376
Lakshmanan. Dr C. K., 71-2, 87, 100
Lagos (Nigeria), 425
La Guardia, Fiorello, 8, 28-31, 35
The Lancet, 473
Landelius, Hakan, 295
Lao Democratic Republic, 385
Laos crisis, 384—386 passim
Lappe, Andrfce, 221
Larsen, Poul, 2*74, 282
Latin America, 6, 9, 10, 63, 73-4, 76-7,
79-82, 87, 100, 108, 115, 117, 128,
143, 146, 153.156,161-3,172,194-5,
212, 215, 232, 242, 246, 249, 254-5,
330-1,361, 366-9, 425, 429, 431,476,
483 487
'lay inspectors', 91, 99
League of Nations, 21, 22, 28-30, 43,
51, 85, 144, 409
League of Red Cross Societies, 382-4,
'Learning to Be', 320, 322
Lebanese civil war, 450
Lebanese Government, 451, 453
Lebanon, 77, 81, 358, 449, 452
Lehmann, Herbert, 2, 24-5, 28
Lenroot, Katherine, 66, 73-4
leprosy, 9, 108-111 passim, 121, 136,
169, 181, 290, 338, 370, 468
Lesotho, 482
Liberia, 180, 359
Li Chih Chung, Dr, 58
Lima (Peru). 425 427-9
Lindt, August, 276-9
Ling, Jack, 355, 444, 465
Lions, 355
literarcy, 315
Lomfc Conference (1977), 212-3, 294-5,
422 <mc^ ?[i«
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, 333
loop, 245, 256-7
Lord, Maty, 66, 81
Lubbock, Michael, 65
Lucas, Martha, 240
Lutheran World Relief, 265
Lutz, Gertrude, 61,419
Luxenbourg, 358
Luxembourg Committee for Unicef, 220
MacArthur, General, 114
McCarthy, Joseph, 60, 83, 219
McDouoall, James, 357, 365, 414, 450-1
McLeod, John, 285
McLeod, Ken, 296
Macmillan, Harold, 191
McNamara, Robert, 309, 477
McPherson, Peter, 480
Maendeieoya Wanawake, 183, 185, 234
Maharashtra (India), 295-6, 299, 338, 347
mahila samiti, 189
Mahler, Dr Halfdan, 53, 103, 339,
349-51, 412, 462, 473, 487
malaria, 9, 17, 55, 71, 75-6, 89, 100,
113-140 passim, 169, 181, 327, 332,
Malawi, 294, 301 -2, 358, 482
Malaya/Malaysia, 71, 99, 124, 258
Maldive Islands, 261
Mali, 289, 417, 441, 457, 459
Malthus, 243, 250, 253-4, 256
Managua. 311, 367
Mande, Dr Robert, 380-2
mantris (male nurses), 94-5, 97
Manzoor Ahmed, 322
Mao Tse Tung, 56, 57
marasmus, 348
SS Mark Hanna, 44
Marshall, Gen. George C., 35, 56, 63\
Marshall Plan, 29, 39, 194, 238
Marti, Roland, 180
Marx. Karl, 19
Masai (people), 316
maternal and child health see MCH
Matisse, Henri, 69
matoke, 344
Mau Mau, 183
Mauritania, 441-2
Mauritius, 262
Mauroy, Pierre, 477
Mayer, Dr Jean, 324, 349
MCH (maternal and child health),
168-190 passim. 176,202,208,330-1,
334-7, 338. 346, 348, 370, 419, 424,
429, 432. 4&
measles, 331, 348, 458, 481, 484-5
Mediterranean, 2, 145, 153, 170, 215
Mekelle camp (Ethiopia), 458 Memet, Titi, 428
Meyer, Willie, 220-2, 276
Mexico, 76, 119, 120-3, 128, 130, 133,
135, 294. 327, 345, 366, 369, 371, 373,
Michanek, Ernst, 408 -9
Middle East, 4, 48, 53, 76, 79, 82, 238,
254, 260, 272. 290, 450
Middle East Relief and Refugee Administration
(MERRA), 7
miliary tuberculosis, 49, 54
milk, 43, 44, 46-8,141 -167passim, 177,
181, 225-6, 277, 343, 413, 430, 474 (
Milk Conservation Programme, 47
Missiroli, Dr Alberto, fl5-16
Moerman, Canon Joseph, 353-5, 357,
Mohammed Ali, 219
Mongolia, 294
Monkowska, Jadwiga, 38
Montini, Avocato, 382
Montini, Ludovico, 220
Morley, David. 333
Moroco, 106, 450
Morris, Morris D., 410
Morse, Bradford. 458
Mount Kenya, 316
Mount Mulanje, 302, 304
•Music for Umcef, 353
'Mwalimu' see Nyerere, Julius
«il) O (£-) off &
Naimy, Raymond, 454
Nansen, Dr Fridtiof, 21-2
National Child Welfare Foundation see
national committees of Unicef, 217-27
passim; 360—1
National Committee for Unicef of the
German Democratic Republic, 220,
223, 230, 363
National Commission for Unicef of San
Marino see national committees of
National Council on Social Welfare
(Dutch), 223
National Dairy Development Board
(India). 166
National Research Institute for the
Mother and Child, 46, 230
Nationalist China see Taiwan
Nayer, Dr Sushila, 250, 255
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 150, 191, 265
Nepal, 137, 343
Nestle Corporation, 432
Netherlands, 81, 279, 355
Netherlands Committee for Unicef, 220
222-3, 265, 363
Netherlands East Indies, 71
New Deal, 22
New Delhi (India). 426
New Internationalist, 432
Newton-John, Olivia, 353
New York Herald Tribune, 84
New York Times, 31, 66, 236
New Zealand, 6, 7, 63, 65, 67, 73, 81,
New Zealand National Committee for
Unicef Inc see national committees
of Unicef
Nicaragua, 146, 154, 373, 479, 486
NigerTm 339, 417, 441
Nigeria, 97,110,137,181,182,192, 272,
274-7, 280-3, 317, 339, 358, 413, 446,
479, 486
Nigerian Civil War, 11, 271— S3 passim,
Nigerian Military Government, 272
Nigerian Red Cross Society, 281, 283
Nigerian Rehabilitation Commission,
night-blindness, 343
Nile ValleyJEgypt), 195
Nkriunah, Kwame, 191
Nobel Peace Prize, 11, 235-6, 240, 241
Noel-Baker, Philip, 30
NGOs (nongovernmental organizations)
230-5passim; 355, 357, 365, 370, 375
North Africa, 53, 388
North America, 6, 42, 65, 105, 115, 142,
145, 153, 159, 199, 217, 222, 242, 262,
300, 305, 310, 361, 366, 444, 473, 482
North Vietnam, 381-5, 387, 389
North Vietnamese Red Cross Society,
382, 384-5
North Yemen, 139, 450
Norway, 63,64,66, 355-6, 358.362, 385
Norwegian Committee for Unicef, 220,
notificantes, 128
Nuba (people), 316
Nyereve, Julius, 318, 323, 327
OAU (Organization of African Unity),
Ogaden (Ethiopia), 439-41, 444
Ogata, Mrs Sadako, 364, 409
oilseed, 159
Ojukwu, Colonel Odumegwa, 271-4,
Oman, 358
OPEC (Oil Producing Export Countries),
Operation Flood, 167
onchocerciasis see river blindness
oral rehydration solution (ORS), 458,
472-81 passim, 484, 487
Ording, Aake, 29, 64-6, 355
Organization of African Unity see OAU
Orissa (India), 287, 342
Orr, John Boyd, 42
Overseas Development Assistance
(ODA), 1%
Overseas Development Council (ODC),
400, 410-1, 415
500 «/<?
Owen, David. 194
Oxfam, 12, lil, 265, 274, 278, 337, 390,
392-3, 397, 402, 439
Pacific/Pacific islands, 1, 98,124, 290
PAG, 160
Page, Hans. 401,403
Pakistan. 7J, 72,81-2.90.125,137,143,
145,1&, 172-3.176, 262,246-7, 250,
253, 256, 265, 301, 343-4,406,486
Pakistan, Government of, 286
Palestine, 76-7, 450
Palestinians, 238-9, 450-1,453
Palme, Olaf, 477
PAM (procaine penicillin), 92
Pampana, E. J., 117-8
Panama, 290, 335, 373
Panama canal, 115
Pan-American Health Organization
(PAHO), 117, 125,483, 485
Pan-American Sanitary Bureau (PASB),
Pandit, Mrs Viiaya Lakshmi, 216
Pantaleoni, Helenka, 38,67,69, 83,217,
227, 241
Papua New Guinea, 359. 436, 474
Paramount Pictures, 216
Paris Agreement, 384
Paris Conference (1966), 212
Parran, Dr Thomas, 31, 71-2, 87, 100,
Partners in Development, 308
part time social workers, 347
Passmore, Dr Reginald, 75, 87
Pate, Martha Lucas, 412
Pate, Maurice. 8, 11. 14, 20, 26, 35,
37-41, 43, 4\56, 6i-70, 73-5, 77-8,
81-3, 85-6,122.144,189, 201,203-6,
210, 215H5, 220-1, 231-3, 235-6,
238-41, 412-3
Patel, V., 149
Pathet Lao, 384-5
Peace Corps, 269
Pearson, Lester, 308
Pele, 219
penicillin, 55, 78, 81, 89, 91, 95-6, 98,
101, 181, 2i5. i29
People's Republic of Kampouchea,
379-80, 389. 391, 404-5
Peron, Eva, 27, 64
Peron, Juan, 27
Peru, 163, 212, 251. 291, 327, 429
Petitpierre, Max, 221
Pham Van Dong, 3%
PHC see primary health care
Philippines, 2, 24, 70-1, 73, 93, 98-9,
lT^-4, 246, 251, 355, 358, 369, 371,
Phillips, Dick, 300
Pilger, ion, 396
pill, 245-6, 251, 256-7
pinta, 91
plasmodium falciparcum, 114, 131, 123
pneumonia, 348
Phnom Penh (Kampuchea), 378-80,
386, 388-98, 400-4
Physical Quality of Life (PQLI), 411-2
Poland, 4, 7, 34-5, 38, 40-6, 48, 50,
53-5, 61, 68, 84, 86-9, 116, 145, 210
poliomyelitis (polio), 37, 370, 475-*,
481, 484-5
Polish Committee of Co-operation with
Unicef, 224, 229-30
Polish Governm nt. 375
Pol Pot, 12, 378, 380, 389-91, 397-8
Pope Paul VI, 220
population control see family planning
population crisis, 243, 245, 249, 255,
257-8, 331, 423
Port au Prince (Haiti), 480
Portugal, 271
Portuguese Committee for Unicef see
national committees for Unicef
primary health care (PHC), 11, 12, 341,
348-51, 413, 445, 463-71passim. 469,
473, 476-8, 485-6, 488-9
'Primer on the Medicine of Poverty'
(King), 333-4
Prmceton University, 37, 160
'protein gap", 156-160 passim, 344
Provisional Revolutionary Government
(PRO) of South Vietnam, 384-7
pyrethrum, 115
^6^QC) f»l< «
Qana (Lebanon), 452-3
'quac (Quaker Upper Arm Circumference)
stick', 280
Ouaison-Sackey, Alex, 236
Quaker Oats of South America, 161
quinine, 134
Racelis, Mary. 428
Rahman, Muiibur, 287
Rajchman. Ludwik. 21-2, 29-32. 34-5,
38-40, 42-3, 50-1, 53, 61, 63, 65-6,
73-5, 77, 84-7, 142, 144, 229, 409,
Ramos, Dr Domingo, 74
Rao, Dr Surya, 426
Rao, V. K. R. V., 210
Ras el Ain (Lebanon), 452, 454
Reagan, Ronald, 477
Red Crescent Society, 260, 278
Red Cross Society (see also International
Red Cross), 260, 450
Rehabilitation International, 71-4
Relief and Rehabilitation Commission
Relucio-Clavano, Dr Natividad, 434
Remy Francois, 387-8, 414, 451-4
Report to the Club of Rome (1976)
(TRIO), 445-«
'Reshaping the International Order'
(Club of Rome), 468
Richardson & Cruddas, 296-7
rickets, 27
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 428
river blindness (onchocerciasis), 181,
Rockefeller Foundation, 19, 21, 30, 89,
115, 117,160,269,409
Rockefeller Foundation Centre
(Bellagio), 210
Rockefeller, John D., 19
Roman Catholic Church, 244-6, 251,
Romanian National Committee for
Unicef, 230
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 35, 82, 83
Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 2, 22,
Rotary, 357
Royal Commonwealth Society for the
Blind, 370
Royal Lao Government, 385
Rumania, 43, 45
Rusk, Dean, 239-40
Russell, Dr Paul, 115, 117
Russia see USSR
Ruttinger, Horst, 402
Sabah Al Alawi, 414-5
Sabin, Don, 146, 148-150. 158
Sabra camp (Lebanon), 454
Sahara Desert, 15, 77, 120, 137, 179-
181, 283, 289, 441-2, 457
Sahel, 311, 313, 343, 441-3, 455
Saigon (South Vietnam), 382, 386-7
Salim Salim, 360
Sampson, Edith, 83
Samrin, fceng, 379-80, 389-90, 392-3,
396-7, 400-1, 405
Sandberg, Martin, 384-7, 414
sanitation see water supplies and
San Salvador, 367
Santiago Conference, 212
Sao Paulo (Brazil), 368, 429, 431
Sao Tome, 274, 278
Sardinia, 89, 117-8
'saridele', 158, 161
Saudi Arabia, 358, 371, 415, 486
Saunders. John 393-4, 397, 400, 404
Sauvy, Alfred, 210