Internship Assignment

ITE 105 – Internship Assignment

Your Name Please

What is your name?


  • Download this file and save it as internship-lastname.docx
  • Open this file in Word. Keep the questions numbered exactly as they are. You should know how to do this.
  • At the end of each question, enter your answer.
  • When you finish, save your file.
  • Follow the instructions given by your instructor on how to submit.

Assignment Learning Objectives

During the last semester of your degree, you have the option of completing an internship or co-op if you need more professional work experience. This assignment will help you answer the following questions:

  • What will the internship job be like?
  • Learn about the "real job".
  • What do I need to do to apply for an internship?
  • How do I find an IT internship in my degree field? Where are the companies located?
  • How many hours do I work in an internship?
  • Does the company have a scholarship program?
  • How flexible is the company working with your class schedule?
  • How much will I get paid for the internship?
  • What skills do I need to have to qualify for an internship?
  • What are the requirements for a non-local internship?

Internship Goals

Before you spend time doing research to find an internship, you need to know your goals.

  1. What degree do you plan to complete?
  2. What semester and year do you plan to complete the internship?
  3. Use My Next Move for help with job titles.What job title matches the experience you need during the internship?
  4. What city and state are you targeting for your internship?
  5. What companies are you considering for your internship?
  6. Go back and look at the earlier 40 Names in 4 Minutes assignment. Who on your list can help you find an internship?

Research NRCC Internship/Co-Op Rules
Important Notes

  • Read the Internship Forms available on the ITE 105 Assignments page to answer the following questions.
  • You will work together with your internship employer to schedule your work hours around your college class schedule.
  • Mrs. Eaton is the Co-op/Internship Coordinator for the 2017/2018 academic year.
  1. The first page of the sample Internship/Co-op packet contains basic contact information. What is the purpose of the 2nd page of the form packet?
  2. What is the purpose of the 3rd page of the form packet?
  3. What signatures do you need at the bottom of page 3 in addition to yours?

See page 4,Internship Rules, of the internship forms packet to answer the following questions.

  1. How many employers can you work for over the course of the semester for your internship or co-op?
  2. What is the policy on following the employer’s rules and regulations?
  3. What is the policy on professional appearance?
  4. What is the policy on reporting for your work hours?
  5. What happens if you fail to submit your internship assignments and reports to your Co-Op/Internship Coordinator on time?
  6. What do you have to complete to earn your final grade?

See pages 5-6, Learning Objectives, of the internship forms packet to answer the following questions.

  1. Why do you need Learning Objectives for your internship?
  2. What are the 3 kinds of information needed for an acceptable objective?

See page 7, Weekly Work Report, of the internship forms packet to answer the following questions.

  1. You want to earn 3 credit hours for your internship/co-op. How many total hours do you need to work over the semester?
  2. What do you submit to report the hours you worked each week?

See page 9, Employer’s Evaluation, of the internship forms packet to answer the following questions.

  1. Who at your employer evaluates you at the end of your internship semester?
  2. Who at NRCC determines your final grade at the end of your internship?

Use the Resources available in Chapter 13 Job Search Skills in your Professionalism textbook, the MyStudentSuccessLab, and the NRCC IT web site, Careers Page to answer the following questions. You need to target your internship search.

Internship Employer Research

  1. Network with a person in person. Who did you discuss a future internship with? What company?
  2. Use an online, social network to find a future internship. Which social network did you use? Who did you connect with? What company?
  3. Use an online job search engine to locate an internship that matches your target. Google is NOT a specialized job search engine. What job search engine did you use?
  4. Narrow down your list to an internship that matches your future needs. What is the job title? What is the company? Where would you work? (City, State)
  5. Use a local web site such as RBTC, RU’s Career center or VT’s Career Services site. What local job web site did you start from?
  6. What site(or link from the local site) did you use to find an internship (different from above)?
  7. Narrow down your list to an internship that matches your future needs. What is the job title? What is the company? Where would you work? (City, State)
  8. Check out the CSIIP (Virginia Commonwealth STEM Industry Internship Program). List at least one benefit of this program.
  9. What are the 2 items you usually submit to employers to get an internship?

Mrs. EatonITE 105 – 2017/18Page 1