Adding and Managing User Accounts
About this guide
This guide explains how to set-up and manage accounts for users on the NHS Jobs service.
The features described in this guide are only available to users that have permission to add and manage user accounts.
This section introduces the key points that you need to understand about creating and managing user accounts.
Email addresses
When you set-up a new account for a user you will need to enter a valid email address for them. The email address that you enter will be the one that NHS Jobs will use to send information to the user, therefore it should be their official work email address.
Permissions and roles
On NHS Jobs ‘permissions’ are sets of actions that users can be allowed to perform on the system. For example:
· Manage applications
· Manage vacancies
· Publish vacancies
· Set-up interviews
The full list of permissions is included at the end of this guide.
A ‘role’ on NHS Jobs is a combination of permissions. There are a number of standard roles on NHS Jobs, but organisations have the ability to set-up their own.
System Administrator
There is a specific role called ‘System Administrator’ that gives a user control over how NHS Jobs is used within an organisation. NHS Jobs will only allow up to three people within an organisation to be given system administration permissions. Every organisation must have, as a minimum, two responsible officers to act as the local system administrator.
A system administrator can set-up and manage user accounts on NHS Jobs and can allocate any combination of permissions to a user.
System administrators have a responsibility to ensure that their organisation’s account complies with the NHS Jobs access agreement and are the first point of contact for all their user accounts. Should system administrators require any assistance they can contact the NHS Jobs Helpdesk via telephone or using the online ‘Contact us’ forms.
User Administration
This is a permission that allows a user to set-up and manage user accounts for all users except those with the system administration permission. This additional permission enables an organisation to delegate the setting up and removal of user accounts to someone other than the system administrator, should they wish. The responsibility for all user accounts still rests with the system administrator though.
Where to start
If you click the ‘Admin’ button on the left hand menu, and then the ‘User accounts’ button you will access the ‘User Accounts’ page of NHS Jobs, which will look like the screenshot below. The page lists all of the user accounts for your organisation. There are various options on the page for working with the user accounts. The options will be explained through this guide.
Filtering the list
You can filter the list of accounts by ‘role’ and by ‘account status’. To apply a filter, select it from either of the two drop-down boxes at the head of the list, then press the ‘Filter’ button. The possible status values of an account are explained below:
· ‘Inactive’ means that the account has not been used or has been ‘Disabled’.
· ‘Locked’ means that someone has tried to login to the account five times in succession with the wrong password or security code, and the account has been automatically locked out. You can reset a locked account by clicking the ‘Reset Account’ link.
· ‘OK’ is the normal status for an account.
· ‘Password Expired’ means that the user has failed to re-set their password in accordance with the NHS Jobs security policy. You do not have to do anything with accounts in this state, as users with an expired password can still login using their old password, but will be required to change their password as soon as they login.
· ‘Account reset’ means that the user has not logged in since the account was last reset by the system administrator.
Disabling and activating accounts
You can ‘disable’ an account by clicking the ‘disable’ link on the list. Disabling an account means that it is kept on the system but cannot be used for the time being. When you want the account to be used again, click the ‘activate’ link which appears beneath any disabled accounts on the list.
Adding users
Clicking the ‘Add users’ button at the top right of the ‘User Accounts’ screen will take you to the screen illustrated below. To create a new user simply enter their email address, their name and choose a role to apply to them on the system.
Once you have entered the detail, click the ‘Create users’ button at the bottom right. You’ll then return to the main ‘User Accounts’ screen. The accounts you have just created will appear at the top of the list.
Editing users
Clicking the ‘Edit/view’ link next to an account will take you to the ‘Edit User’ screen, which is illustrated below. The screen shows the name and role of the user and the permissions currently allocated to them. You can change any of these details and click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen for the changes to take effect.
User account reports
There are three reports available that you can access from the buttons at the top of the user accounts screen.
User lockout report
This report lists the users that have been locked out, together with the dates when the lock-out occurred. You have the option to define the time period to be covered by the report by entering a start and end date, as illustrated in the screen-clip below. You can also report on an individual user by selecting their email address from the ‘User’ drop down box. After you have entered dates or selected a particular user you will need to click the green ‘Update’ button for your filters to take effect.
Inactive user report
This report lists the users that have been inactive for a given period of time. Simply specify the time period by clicking the options at the top of the report. For example, the time period of more than 24 months has been picked. Again you need to click the ‘Update’ button for your choice of time period to take effect.
User access report
This report lists the dates and times at which the wrong password or security code has been entered when someone has tried to log-in to an account. Again you can specify the time period for the report, or select an individual account to report on, as shown in the screen clip below.
Managing roles
There are a number of standard roles on NHS Jobs, but system administrators have the ability to create up to 20 other roles. If you click the ‘Role Management’ option under the ‘Admin’ button on the left navigation menu you will be taken to the ‘Role management’ screen, which is illustrated below. The screen lists all of the roles for your organisation. The standard roles have just a ‘View’ link against them, whereas the locally-defined roles have an ‘Edit/View’ link. The screen shows the number of users that have been allocated a given role and you can click through from that number to see the details of the actual users.
To add a new role, click the ‘Add role’ button at the top right. You will then see the ‘Add role’ screen, which is illustrated below. To add the role you need to enter a name, select the combination of permissions to go with the role and then click the ‘Save’ button that appears at the bottom of the list of permissions.
The list of permissions
The full list of permissions is presented below, in alphabetical order:
Permission / Associated actions /Access flexible reports / For accessing flexible reports:
· Create
· Edit
· View
· Delete
· Save
· Download
· Customise
Access saved reports / For accessing saved flexible reports
· Run
· View
· Download
Access standard reports / For pre-defined reports:
· Run
· View
· Download
Approve or decline vacancies / · Approve or decline a vacancy in the approval process, i.e. action a vacancy to move from pending approval 1 ->2 etc or move from a pending approval level to declined.
· Edit vacancy during the approval process.
· Add notes and upload document
Copy vacancies / · Copy
Create and edit interviews / · Interview and slots:
o Create
o Edit
o Delete
o Cancel
o View
· Print (paper or PDF)
o Interview pack
o References
o Interview schedule
· Upload documents for interview pack
· Make notes against interview
Create draft vacancies / · Create, edit and delete draft vacancies created by the user.
· Forward draft vacancies onto the next step of the workflow only.
HR administration / · View and edit restricted accounts
· View and edit “Affected by change” accounts
· Manage role documents
Invite to interview / · Invite and re-send invitations to candidates for interviews or assessments by email, letter, CSV or verbally
· Confirm applicants into slots where needed
· Decline interviews on behalf of applicants where needed
· Cancel interviews for individual applicants
Manage applications (HR) / · View applications screen, including pre-employment check summary from “Shortlisted” onwards.
· Add offline applications
· View and print all sections of the application form (including monitoring)
· Long-list actions
· Shortlist actions, including using the score card
· View shortlist matrix
· Finalise shortlist
· Invite applicant to interview
· Make offer and mark applicant as recruited
· Create notes
· Message/email applicant
· Talent pools:
o View
o Search
o Add/remove applicants
Manage applications (Recruiting manager) / · View vacancy applications screen, including pre-employment check summary from “Awaiting outcome” onwards (note, this may only include the references, with other pre-employment checks being present when at “Offer – Conditional”.
· View and print non-confidential sections until application is shortlisted at which point they should be able to view and print all sections of the application form EXCEPT the monitoring section.
· Long-list actions
· Shortlist actions, including using the score card
· View shortlist matrix
· Finalise shortlist
· Mark applicant as appointable.
· Create notes
· Talent pools:
o View
o Search
o Add/remove applicants
Manage pre-employment checks / Manage checks for:
· Professional Registration
· Declaration
· Right to Work
· Occupational Health
· Qualifications
Manage references and ID checks / Manage checks for:
· References
· ID checks
Manage vacancies / · Create vacancy from scratch including selecting a template to use. Also includes all functionality on vacancy form (inc adding notes and uploading documents)
· Edit vacancy at all stages including editing “Close date” to extend advert or close advert early.
· Progress vacancy through workflow (all statuses except those involved in vacancy approval, i.e. not moving from pending approval 1 ->2 etc or moving from a pending approval level to declined or those involving publishing the vacancy)
· Delete draft
Newly qualified pool management / · Search newly qualified pools
· Validate applicants to newly qualified pools
Publish vacancies / · Publish a vacancy
Review applications / · View and print non-confidential sections
· Shortlist actions, including using the scorecard
· Create notes
System administration
(Limited to a maximum of 3 but must have at least 2 per organisation) / · Manage:
o Employer details
o Reporting groups
o Roles
o Vacancy templates (including creation from vacancies)
o Job packs
o Documents & links
o Role document library
o Pre-application questions
o Application form additional questions
o Short list matrices
o Reference requests
o Secondary employers
o Restricted accounts
o “Affected by change” accounts
o Pools
o All user accounts
o KPIs
· View organisation’s audit trail
User administration / · Manage user accounts except those that have system administration permission
View applicant feedback / · View the applicant feedback widget on their home page and drill down to summary and comment pages.
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The Standard Roles
The standard roles on NHS Jobs are explained in the table below. The left hand column is a list of all the permissions on NHS Jobs, in alphabetical order. The other columns are the roles. Where there is a YES in a cell it shows that the permission is included in that role.
/ Recruiting Manager / Recruitment Officer / Approver / Reviewer / Recruitment Team Manager / Reporting Standard / System Administrator /Access flexible reports / YES
Access saved reports / YES
Access standard reports / YES / YES
Approve or decline vacancies / YES / YES
Copy vacancies / YES / YES / YES
Create and edit interviews / YES / YES / YES / YES
Create draft vacancies
HR administration / YES
Invite to interview / YES / YES / YES / YES
Manage applications (HR) / YES / YES / YES
Manage applications (Recruiting Manager) / YES
Manage pre-employment checks / YES / YES / YES
Manage references & ID checks / YES / YES / YES / YES
Manage vacancies / YES / YES / YES / YES
Newly qualified pool management / YES / YES
Publish vacancies / YES / YES / YES
Review applications / YES / YES / YES / YES / YES / YES / YES
System administration / YES
User administration
View applicant feedback / YES / YES
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