South Westmorland Seniors Bowling League.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held at Burnside Cricket Club on Thursday 27th October 2016.

The Treasurer welcomed everyone to the meeting, and a minutes silence was observed for the many bowlers who had sadly passed away during the season. An apology of absence was received from Langdale Bowling Club. All bowling clubs were present, with the exception of Warton and Silverdale bowling clubs.

Apologies of absence was received from our Chairman Mr. Barrie Parker.

The Minutes for 2015 were passed by the meeting, and there were no matters arising. It was proposed that they be passed by Ingleborouugh B.C. and seconded by Staveley B.C.

The Treasurer's balance sheet and report were read to the meeting. Both were proposed by Milnthorpe B.C. and seconded by Bowness. In the report the treasurer had suggested reducing the subscriptions for 2018 season by £1 making the total cost for each team to £11.50. It was proposed by Holme B.C. that the subscriptions remain the same i.e. £12.50 per team. The meeting had a short discussion on this matter

and it was unanimously agreed that the subscriptions remain at £12.50 per team, this was seconded by Milnthorpe B.C.

The presentation of the trophies was made by the President Mr. Tony Batty.

Division 1 - Champions for 2016: Netherfield "A" Runners-up: Warton "A"

Division 2 - Winners: Windermere "A" Runners-up: Carnforth "A"

Division 3 - Winners: Victoria Runners-up: Abbot Hall "A"

Division 4 - Winners: Levens "B" Runners-up: Holme "B"

Division 5 - Winners:Netherfield "C" Runners-up: Burton-in-Lonsdale

Many congratulations to all the winners and runners-up.

The Secretary discussed her report, and stated that if there were any changes to either Secretaries or Team Captains, she would like to be informed prior to the commencement of 2017 season. She also requested that all clubs, prior to the start of the season, add/delete players on their respective team list on the website. She explained that once the season has commenced, all such deletions/additions have to be done by the Secretary, so she therefore asked for clubs to contact her by e-mail. The Report was proposed by Springfield and seconded by Bowness.

The Secretary explained that due to family commitments, the Chairman wished to be replaced. The Secretary asked if there was anyone at the meeting willing to fill this vacancy. There was no response to this request. Fortunately the Secretary had asked Ian Hayton from Holme B.C. if he was interested in the position (this was done prior to the meeting), fortunately he has agreed to act as the League Chairman. Holme B.C. proposed this motion and it was seconded by Milnthorpe B.C.

A proposal was received from Netherfield B.C. to enter a fourth team in our League. There was quite a discussion by the meeting, and it was voted on that they may be allowed to enter another team. It was proposed by Netherfield and Seconded by Subscription B.C.

Subscription B. C. also put a proposal in for their club to enter a third team. This was voted upon and it was accepted that they enter another team. This was proposed by Subscription B.C. and seconded by Carnforth B.C.

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The Secretary informed the meeting that she appreciated some clubs have not as yet held their own A.G.M's she stated that if there were any other clubs wishing to join our league, she must be informed by e-mail no later than 31st December 2016.

The Secretary tried to explain as briefly as she could, the promotions from some division of three teams, rather than the usual two. There were many many comments with regard this matter. She stated that with 55 teams now in the League the number of teams in each division, would be (from division 1) 12, 12, 10, 10 and 11. She also informed the meeting that once a division had reach 11 teams, that division would have to play on Bank Holidays. Finally Netherfield B.C. proposed that it should be left to the discretion of the Committee. The meeting voted on this suggestion and it passed, and Milnthorpe B.C. seconded this


There were no other matter to be discussed.

The date for 2017's A.G.M. is Thursday 26th October to be held at Burnside Cricket Club @ 1.30p.m.

The meeting closed at 2.15p.m

Balance Sheet for SWSBL for 2017
Expenditure / Income
£ / £ / £ / £
2016 / 2017 / 2016 / 2017
39.95 / Public Liability Insurance / 39.95 / 675.00 / Registration fees / 700.00
(56 x £12.50)
60.00 / Secretary's Honorarium / 60.00
3.96 / Building Society interest / 12.39
Secretary's expenses
30.00 / Treasurer's Honorarium / 30.00
300.00 / Prize Monies / 300.00
14.00 / Engraving / 14.60
50.00 / Internet/website charges / 50.00
50.00 / County affiliation fee / 50.00
12.50 / Refund (Hale BC)
556.45 / Total / 544.55 / 678.96 / Total / 712.39
122.21 / Balance(loss on year) / 167.84
Balance sheet as at 31st October 2016
Liabilities / Assets
Accumulated account as at Oct. 31st 2016 / 2016 / Cash in Skipton Buiding Society
Income over expenditure / £167.84 / Oct 31st 2017 / £972.35
I report that the income and expenditure account and balance sheet are correct and in accordance
Signed: / Rod Sayers / Hon. Treasurer
Audited: / Tony Fisher / 15th September 2017
