Appendix 6b

Licensing Service Proposals

The Public Protection Sub-Committee have requested a full review of policies and procedures relating to private hire licensing.

Any amendments to the policy will require consultation therefore the opportunity has been taken to review the entire policy.

Hackney Carriage Vehicles

Problems have been encountered where one person is the holder of a hackney carriage licence and they then “rent” out this licence to a vehicle owner. In many of these situations there is little or no contact between the licence holder and the vehicle. Many of the badly maintained vehicles discovered have been the subject of this arrangement. The legislation does require that the licence holder is the proprietor of the vehicle. An amendment to the policy is therefore proposed to require that a vehicle licence holder is named on the V5 as the vehicle owner and that the insurance certificate/cover-note names the licence holder as the policyholder.

2.6.3 “How am I driving stickers”

These have been displayed on vehicles since 2007. There is very little evidence of any benefit. The Sub-Committee is requested to consider whether there is still the need for this initiative.

3.7.1CRB checks

Currently we require an enhanced CRB, however guidance from CRB is that we should only be requesting standard checks. Both standard and enhanced checks disclose spent and live convictions. The only difference is that standard checks do not contain police intelligence.


The hackney carriage trade have questioned the use of meters in private hire vehicles. They request that where private hire vehicles have meters fitted, these meters should be set to the Blackpool Council approved tariff. There is no power to determine what fares should be charged by the private hire trade. It is the current view of the Licensing Service that the Sub-Committee does not have the power to require that meters in private hire vehicles should be set to the current Blackpool Council tariff. Advice from Counsel is being sought however on this point and the Sub-Committee will be updated verbally at the meeting.

Appendix A – Vehicle Specifications

1.6.1Contains a declaration that licensed vehicles must not have been written off for insurance purposes at any time. In view of the fact that there are different categories of write off, should this be relaxed to allow certain categories of written off vehicle to be licensed?

8.1Makes reference to a plate being fixed to the front and rear of the vehicle – we currently do not have rear plates for private hire vehicles.

11.1No smoking sign should be dealt with under signage not advertising.

Minor Amendments Proposed

2.2.3Should include a reference to the fact that there are no standard conditions for a hackney carriage vehicle. Private hire vehicle conditions to be included in Appendix D

2.3.4The duty to carry assistance dogs applies to private hire drivers as well. First sentence to be amended to read “Licensed drivers are under a duty to carry guide, hearing and other prescribed assistance dogs in their vehicles without additional charge”

Private Hire Vehicle Licence Conditions – to be inserted into Appendix D

This licence shall remain the property of Blackpool Council.

At all times during the period of this licence there shall be in force in relation to the use of the vehicle as a private hire vehicle, a policy of insurance or such security as complies with the requirements of Part VI of the Road Traffic Act 1988

The proprietor shall notify the Council in writing of any change in his address during the period of this licence within 7 days of such change taking place.

Communication Equipment

a)Radio or other data communication equipment must be fitted for use in the communication of bookings from the Private Hire Operators base station and may only operate on the frequency allocated by Ofcom, to the licensed operator to which the vehicle carries out bookings.

b)The radio or other data communication equipment must be fitted in a manner approved by the Council and maintained in a safe condition and in working order at all times

c)Where the radio or other data communication equipment is the property of an operator or agent acting for the operator, the equipment must be returned to the operator or agent within 72 hours of ceasing to work for that operator.

d)The carrying or use of scanning equipment is not permitted within a licensed vehicle

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Vehicles with Dual fuel or “after market” liquid petroleum gas (LPG) systems must be tested and certified by a recognised Liquid Petroleum Gas Association accredited installer. For vehicles that have an LPG system fitted during the currency of a private hire vehicle licence, they must inform the Licensing Service in writing and produce the above certification within 7 days.

No alteration or change in the specification, design, condition or appearance of the vehicle shall be made without the written approval of the Council

Any damage to the vehicle materially affecting the safety, appearance or performance of the vehicle or the comfort or convenience of passengers shall be reported to the Council as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 72 hours of the occurrence of the damage

Immediately upon sustaining any damage which materially affects the safety or performance of the vehicle or comfort or convenience of passengers, the vehicle must be withdrawn from service until an authorised officer has inspected the damage.

The licence disc shall be securely affixed to the near side upper interior of the front windscreen so that the particulars are clearly visible to persons outside the vehicle.

The licence disc shall remain the property of the Council at all times and shall be returned to the Council in the event of the surrender, suspension or revocation of the licence.

The proprietor shall report to the Police and to the Council the loss or damage to the licence disc as soon as the loss or damage becomes known.

A licence in respect of which the fee has been paid either in part or in full by a cheque or credit/debit card shall be of no effect in the event that of that payment being subsequently dishonoured.