
Attn: [Name of Health Staffer]

The Honorable [Name of Senator/Representative]
[D.C. Office Address: Note you can find this information in the Health LA Directory]

Dear [Senator/Representative] [Name]:

On behalf of [enter organization name] located in [enter city and state], I am writing today to urge and request your support in protecting the Affordable Care Act and preserving Medicaid expansion in the 115th Congress.

[Enter information here about your organization. Who do you serve/what type of service do you offer? How many clients do you see each year? How many of your clients receive health coverage through Medicaid?]

Recent health insurance data show that Americans with mental health and substance use disorders are the single largest beneficiaries of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. Approximately one in three people who receive health insurance coverage through the Medicaid expansion either have a mental illness, substance use disorder or both simultaneously. By repealing the Medicaid expansion, this population of vulnerable American would be left without access to lifesaving treatment, driving up costs in emergency room visits and hospital stays.

Moreover, I am writing to urge your support for the protection of the Medicaid program from proposals to restructure Medicaid as a block grant or capped program. These proposals would reduce federal investment in Medicaid and leave millions of Americans without access to needed mental health and addictions treatment in our state and communities. Please work with your colleagues to protect our nation's most vulnerable patient population and preserve their access to treatment.

Thank you for your hard work and consideration of this important matter.


[Organization Name]