International Numismatic Conference NAAC2013
Brisbane, 9th - 10th November 2013
The conference starts on the Saturday morning at 8.45am and concludes at 4.45pm on the Sunday. Speakers include museum curators, collectors, academics and students. There will also be an informal get-together on the Friday night at the Irish Club, commencing 7pm (drinks and nibbles at own expense).
The conference capacity is 80 and places will close on 31st October unless sold out beforehand. Full details of the conference including abstracts and local accommodation and be found at the Events page of the NAA website
NAAC 2013 Registration Form
Full Name…………………………………………………………………………………
Title (Mr. Mrs. Dr. Professor etc. – as you want it to appear on your name tag)……………………..
Major affiliation (for name tag)………………………………………………………..
Email address for contact regarding conference updates………………………………………….
Do you give permission for your name and email address to appear on the abstract booklet?
YES o NO o
Postal address (this will not be published)
Conference Dinner: This will be held on the Saturday Night at the Irish Club at $45 per person (you will need to pay for drinks on the night). Guests are welcome to attend. Cancellation: 7 days notice required for a full refund.
I have enclosed payment for:
$65 registration fee/ NAA Members $60 $
$45 conference dinner $
$45 for each guest $
Total: $
Payment: Can be made by posting a cheque made out to the Numismatic Association of Australia and posted to PO Box 3664, Norwood, or by direct debit:
Account name: Numismatic Association of Australia
Bank: National Australia Bank BSB 083 004 Account number: 019 438 766
· Please notify secretary by email when payment is processed
This form must be completed and posted to the secretary regardless of payment method.
PO Box 3664, Norwood, South Australia 5067