Jamie Beard, Antonio Blasco, Connor Burns, Dana Peschke, Marlena Hoffman, Callie Ruyle, Addison Waneck, Blythe Edwards, Helen Smith, Samantha Gurley, Keita Stark, Luke Paysse, Brittney Anderson, Angeline Smith, Darcy Mullen, Nicole Helmer, Janae’ C. Powell, Ashlyn Wilhelm, James Beard, Jon-Michael, Christina Calvery, Elliot Moore, Oscar Alecci, Danielle Houle, Steve Haight

Add Judy Vire, Sophia Royster, Philip Chiappetta

Scene 9

(Part 3)

LIGHTS: Generals up evening.

Everybody finished applauding.

PRINCE: (looking at Cinderella) Excuse me.

CINDERELLA does not hear him and crosses to the band area.

PRINCE starts his way down to CINDERELLA.

PRUDENCE and HELENA meet the prince at the foot of the stairs.

QUEEN and KING start down the stairs behind PRINCE.

PRUDENCE: Are you ready?

PRINCE: Excuse me; there is a young lady…

PRUDENCE: Prince there is protocol, first the Mother Dance.

PRINCE: But first I need to…

HELENA: You with your mother.

LADY HELENA guides PRINCE out of the way so QUEEN and KING can come down the stairs.

CID: The mother dance.

PRINCE: (preoccupied with CINDERELLA) Mother.

QUEEN: Prince.

JAMIE plays.

PRINCE and QUEEN dance.

During this dance PRUDENCE and HELENA move the ladies in to a line that goes out the HALL. (order: STAZI,ROWAN,WREN,DURZILLA,TRISTANNA, FLORENCE, LT, and FGM sneaks into the end of the line.)

FIDGET and LUCIFER work their way half up the SR stairs and sit.

EIGHT enters Loft and sits center hand rail watching.

RAINBOW enters loft and crosses to the top of SL stairs and sits.

GRAND comes half way down SL stairs.

QUEEN: There is no pressure.

PRINCE: Of course not.

KING dances with Princess Enchanting.

CID dances with AVA.

GRAND dances with MARIAH.


KING and ENCHANTING crosses to the QUEEN and the 3 of them will dance.

LT fights her way to the front of the line.

STAZI: Mother!

LT: You hush.

HELENA: She was in the front…

LT: I’m first.

LT crosses to PRINCE and grabs his hand and places it for the dance.

PRINCE: Good evening.

LT: Dance.

JAMIE Plays.

HELENA crosses to them.

LADY HELENA: Good to see you Lady Tremaine.

LT: We are dancing.

LADY HELENA: Your daughters look lovely.

LT: Thank you.

LADY HELENA: My how they have grown.

LT: Children do that.

LADY HELENA: Before you know it you will be a grandmother.

LT stops dancing and urns to face HELENA.

PRUDENCE: Time. Next.

PRINCE starts toward CINDERLLA and HELENA stops him and brings him to the next Lady. This happens each time.

STAZI takes LT’s place.

LT is ushered out SL arch by GRAND.

JAMIE plays.

STAZI: I am Stazi the Beautiful.

PRINCE: I am the Prince.

STAZI: You make such witty conversation.


STAZI: As Prince are you always first in line?

PRINCE: Most of the time.

STAZI: I am always first in line. Do you think this will be a problem?

STAZI very big smile.

PRINCE: Oh, not at all.

PRUDENCE: Time. Next.

ROWAN takes STAZI’s place.

JAMIE plays.

PRINCE: How are you this evening?

ROWAN: (forcing a giggle) Hehehehe.

PRINCE: Nice weather for a Ball don’t you think?

ROWAN: Hehehehe.

PRINCE: Have you ever pondered the responsibilities of being Queen?

ROWAN: (really pushing it) Hehehehe!

PRUDENCE: Time. Next.

PRINCE turns and waves at CINDERELLA. CINDERELLA smiles.

WREN takes ROWAN’splace.

PRINCE: I don’t believe I have ever seen you before.

WREN: Are you going to get any taller?

PRINCE: I think so.

WREN stops dancing and turns to PRUDENCE.

WREN: That is all I need.

PRUDENCE: (confused) Time. Next.

PRINCE turns and waves at CINDERELLA.

This time CINDERELLA waves back.

DRUZILLA takes ROWAN’s place.

PRUDENCE shakes her head “Ni.” Toward HELENA.

DRUZILLA: You’re cute.

PRINCE: OH… ah, thank you. What’s your name?

DRUZILLA: Druzilla.

PRINCE: Well that’s a name.

LADY HELENA: Pardon, but is Lady Stazi your sister?

DRUZILLA: She is my lovely sister.

LADY HELENA: She just told the Grand duke the most horrid thing about you.


LADY HELENA leans over and whispers in DRUZILLA’s ear.

DRUZILLA: No she did not!

DRUZILLA crosses to Grand Duke.

GRAND: Hello?

DRUZILLA: Did my Sister really say those things to you?

GRAND: Who are you and who is your sister?

DRUZILLA: You sir are a cad! Stazi! Mother!


GRAND: What did I do?

PRUDENCE: Time. Next.


PRUDANCE and HELENA watch the next dance and are confussed by TRISTANNA’s responces.

PRINCE: That last Lady was upset.

TRISTANNA looks off in the distance.

I hope you are enjoying the Ball.

TRISTANNA looks off into space.

You don’t talk much do you?

TRISTANNA stairs off into space.

PRUDENCE: Time. Next.


FGM steps up and draws PRUDENCE and HELENA’s attention.

PRUDENCE: You are not on our lists.

LADY HELENA: If you are not on our list you may not dance with the Prince.

FGM: Bippity-Boppity-Boo.

FGM gestures with both hands as if she hand thrown magic dust on PRUDENCE and LADY HELENA.

PRUDENCE: Refreshments?

LADY HELENA: I would love something.


FGM: Time. Next.

FGM takes FLORENCE’s place.

PRINCE: Thank you for the dance.

FLORENCE: Thank you.


PRINCE and FGM dance.

RAINBOW crosses to the KING and QUEEN.

RAINBOW: Your Majesties, have you seen the romantic moon. It covers the sky.

QUEEN: I don’t see the moon.

RAINBOW: You can only see it on the other side of the caste.

KING: Shall we?

QUEEN: Come with us Enchanting.


QUEEN: Of course.


RAINBOW: (to CID) There are happy and sad cries to be cried within.

CID: I am the Crier.

CID exits SR.

RAINBOW: (GRAND) Royalty is to be joined on the other side of the castle.


PRINCE: (to FGM) Are you enjoying your dance?

FGM: You dance nicely.

PRINCE: Not as nicely as you.

FGM: (with a smile) I have danced a few dances.

PRINCE: You are happy. Do you really want to be the Queen?

FGM: No. I am here for another reason.

PRINCE: Why are you here?

FGM: Every coin has two sides. My job is to if it is worth the flip.

PRINCE: Interesting.

FGM: I think so. Time.

JAMIE stops playing.

FGM crosses to REYNARD, ELEVEN and ERIC.

(to the musicians.) Will you play for me in the meadow?

REYNARD, ELEVEN and ERIC exit SL followed by FGM.

RAINBOW takes the dancers by the hand and takes them out the HALL.

FIDGET and EIGHT watch.

PRINCE: (to CINDERELLA) Would you like the next dance?


PRINCE: Jamie, could you play something different for us.

JAMIE: I would love to.

JAMIE plays.

LIGHTS to blue and down stage special.


PRINCE: I have waited for this dance all evening.

CINDERELLA: I have waited for this dance all my days.

They dance. PRINCE works up the courage to speak.

PRINCE: Now that we are dancing it is like there is no one else here.

CINDERELLA: We are alone.

PRINCE: I feel that way too.

CINDERELLA: (laughing) No. Silly, we ARE alone.

PRINCE looks around.

BRITTNEY and LIKE enter LOFT and dance.

LIGHTS: loft dance special.

PRINCE: Where did they all go?

CINDERELLA: (jokingly) Away?

PRINCE: Good. It feels like time is standing still.


SOUND: The clock begins ringing 12 times.



FIDGET: The time is here!

FIDGET runs down the stairs and grabs CINDERELLA.

CINDERELLA: What is it?

FIDGET: Midnight is ringing!

CINDERELLA: (to PRINCE) I have to go.



ELEVEN: Cinderella! This way!

SOUND: Frantic music begins with the ringing.

CINDERELLA runs up the steps. She trips and leaves her shoe.

Enter STAZI, ROWAN, WREN, DRUZILLA, TRISTANNA, FLORENCE SR arch. As they enter each grabs the PRINCE and dances him in a circle. PRINCE CANNOT get away. As each dancer leaves PRINCE they exit SL arch.

EIGHT and CINDERELLA exit loft followed by BRITTNEY and LUKE.

PRINCE: Wait! Who are you? I don’t know your name or where you come from.

JAMIE exits SL.

PRINCE is alone. He finds the glass slipper and looks at it. PRINCE sits on the CRIER’s box. ERIC enters SL and crosses to the box and sits. PRINCE hands ERIC the Shoe.

LIGHTS: Fade to black.