Agent Onboarding

Review Salesforce to determine if the agent is direct to AMZ or not. If they are not direct go to the carrier appointment and see if the National Account box is checked. If it is DO NOT provide them access to AMZ Financial website.

If under carrier appointment the agent is not direct to AMZ and the National Account box is not checked then we need to reach out to the NVP to determine if they should have access to AMZ Financial website.

If the Do Not Call box is check we need to reach out to the NVP to determine if they should have access to AMZ Financial website.

Add contracted agent login to AMZ Financial by Fast Team

Welcome Call from Fast Team member:

If agent answers:

Is this or isn’t it a good time to chat? If it is proceed. If not a good time ask to reschedule or send Welcome Email through Salesforce.

Begin RingCentral meeting to screen share. (or walk through over phone)

Make sure agent can log into the website and that they received their email.

Cover tabs in the site providing brief descriptions and answer basic questions..

Give them a tour of the business tools. (Located on the Resources Tab)

Cover all basic questions in the Hubspot details area of Salesforce:

Are you actively recruiting agents?

How many agents do you support?

Total Life premium?

Do you Sell or Intend to sell IUS?

Primary IUS carrier?

Total Annuity production?

We can ask the additional questions but if they choose not to answer just move on.

Offer to do an illustration comparison for them on an existing or new client.

If agent wants to discuss specific programs schedule a 30 minute call with NVP.


Mark Bermudez:





Mark Triplett:

Scott Turner:

Unless they are wanting Consistent advisor set 15 minute call for David

Email follow up template “FastTeam OnBoarding” in SF and a copy will also go to the NVP.

If Agent does not Answer: Leave voicemail for them to return our call to the Fast Team. Send Welcome template email. Set 1st follow up for morning next day. Set 2nd follow up for afternoon next day. 3rd follow up for morning 3rd day. 4th follow up for afternoon 3rd day. (Determining what 4th and final touch will be).

30 days later after conversation with the agent: Follow up for new cases agent is working on.

Continue for 90 days at 30 day intervals.

Rev 6.1.17