Proposed Project Title:
Details of Lead/Co-ordinating School
School Name
Roll number
Email Address
Telephone Number
Nominated representative and cluster co-ordinator
Other Participating Teachers
Is the school included in DEIS?
Details of Participating (Cluster) School 1/Educational setting
School Name
Roll number
Email Address
Telephone Number
Teacher(s) participating in the project
Is the school included in DEIS?
Details of Participating (Cluster) School 2/Educational setting
School Name
Roll number
Email Address
Telephone Number
Teacher(s) participating in the project
Is the school included in DEIS?
Details of Participating (Cluster) School 3/Educational setting
School Name
Roll number
Email Address
Telephone Number
Teacher(s) participating in the project
Is the school included in DEIS?
Details of Participating (Cluster) School 4/Educational setting
School Name
Roll number
Email Address
Telephone Number
Teacher(s) participating in the project
Is the school included in DEIS?

[Add as required]

Project Summary(Maximum 500 words)
Here you should give an overalldescription of your School Excellence Fund projectproposal
What need is the project addressing among your cluster of schools/settings?
How was this need identified? What data did you use to identify this need?
What will your project do to address this need?
What groups of learners[1] will be targeted by the project?
Which area(s) of the curriculum, or other areas relating to teaching, learning and assessment will the project address?
List the project aims(Maximum 6 aims: each aim to be presented in bulleted form) / Consider
What do you hope to achieve with your project?
What impact do you expect the project to have on teaching learning and assessment, particularly learner outcomes and experiences?
How will this project contribute to developments in its field (empirical/theoretical/practice)?
How will participating cluster schools/settings contribute to the project’s aims and objectives?
What implications will the project have for the wider system?
How will your proposed project develop teacher subject knowledge and subject-specific teaching methods/pedagogy?
The domains, ‘Teachers’ Individual practice’ and ‘Teachers’ collective/collaborative practice’ in the Looking at Our Schools 2016 document will be a useful reference in this regard.
Project Organisation and Implementation / Consider
How will the project be organised and whatresearch and other methodologies will be adopted?
What baseline data will you consider to inform your target setting?
What are the anticipated project requirements, including proposed allocation of funding – consider the costs of acquiring relevant CPD, substitute cover, purchase of additional resources etc (maximum funding available is €55,000)
What approaches do you propose to use to teaching, learning and assessment?
Project Roles and responsibilities / Consider
How will each of the schools/settings in the cluster be involved?
Role of, and relationship with, industry, state agencies or local community organisations (if involved)
Role of, and relationship with, third level institutions (if involved)
How might parents of learners be involved?
How might learners be involved in running the project?
The domain, ‘Teachers’ collective/collaborative practice’ in the Looking at Our Schools 2016 document will be a useful reference in this regard.
Project Communications Plan / Consider
How will collaboration be managed and facilitated?
Where will you meet?
How frequently will you meet?
How will teachers be facilitated to learn from each other and to share good practice?
How will collaboration be facilitated among schools/settings and teachers in the cluster?
How will you communicate the project’s progress to parents, learners and other key stakeholders or agencies?
How do you propose to disseminate and communicate the overall outcomes of the project? (video, online resources, showcase, etc.)
Suggested timeline for the project
For example: / Consider
Priority target 1 / Personnel involved / Actions/Strategies / Success criteria / What targets are you hoping to achieve by the end of each year in the three-year programme?
Year One?
Year Two?
Year Three?
The domains, ‘Learner Outcomes’ and ‘Learner Experiences’ in the Looking at Our Schools 2016 document will be a useful reference in this regard.
To increase the percentage of students who say they enjoy Science lessons from the current rate of 55% to 70% over the three-year period / Pupils and teachers in 5th & 6th class
Students in 1st year / Teachers to plan and teach lessons on a cross-sectoral basis;
Pupils in 5th & 6th classes to receive Science lessons in Post-primary school laboratory;
Teachers to observe lessons and to analyse and discuss the lessons afterwards;
Teachers to share teaching methodologies to encourage and increase pupil/student participation / By end Year One: % of studentswho say they enjoy Science lessons will increase from current rate of 55% to 60%
By end Year Two: % of studentswho say they enjoy Science lessons will increaseto 65%
By the end of Year Three: % of students who say they enjoy Science lessons will increase to 70%
Priority target 2 / Personnel involved / Actions/Strategies / Success criteria
Priority target 3 / Personnel involved / Actions/Strategies / Success criteria
Project Outcomes / Consider
How do you see the activity you propose raising learner attainment in your cluster?
What baseline data will you consider to inform your target setting?
What will be the expected outcomes?
For teachers?
For learners?
For the cluster?
Project evaluation and monitoring mechanism / Consider
How will you monitor and assess progress and improvement throughout and after the project?
How will you assess progress on an annual basis?
How will you evaluate the project at the end of the three-year period?
Other relevant information / Consider
The possibility of links with
  • Third level
  • Localindustry,
  • The education centre network

How will your proposed project benefitteaching, learning and assessment for the participating schools and the wider school system?
How will you ensure the use of the funding is cost effective and that the project provides value for money? Please provide an outline of costings for your proposed project.
How will your project differ from the DEIS initiatives that are currently operating in your school/cluster? What additionality will your proposed project bring to the schools in the cluster?

Completed applications to be emailed to 18 May 2018


[1]Learners includes children in early years settings, pupils at primary school and students at post-primary schools and other centres for education.