Illini Emergency Medical Services

Constitution and Organizational Charter

Last ReviewedAugust January 2914th, 20175

ARTICLE I: Nature, Function, and Purpose

  1. This Organization shall be known as Illini Emergency Medical Services (IEMS). IEMS is a Registered Student Organization (RSO)program of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ILLINOIS) through the Illinois Fire Service Institute and shall function within the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ILLINOIS) Registered Organizations and Facilities Guidelines. In addition, IEMS shall be affiliated with Presence Regional EMS System (PREMSS), the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI), as well as be an operational partner with University of Illinois Police (UIPD).
  2. IEMS shall function at a level consistent with that of a non-transport basic life support (BLS) service as defined by the standards of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Center Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 515) and the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Systems Act (210 ILCS 50/3.10c).
  3. IEMS operates with the following purposes:
  4. To administer prompt, efficient, effective, and responsible pre-hospital basic life support care to the public. This specifically includes ILLINOIS students, faculty, staff, and their guests at ILLINOIS events where IEMS is officially represented.
  5. To promote and to create educational programs to familiarize its members and the community with pre-hospital medical care. These programs include, but are not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid,Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), CPR Instructor (CPR-I), Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B), and cContinuing eEducation (CE) courses.
  6. To encourage the maintenance and advancement of the skills and abilities of all IEMS members.
  7. Serve as a responding agency as part of the emergency response for a campus disaster. Coordination to be done with other responding agencies and the Office of Emergency Planning.

ARTICLE II: Membership

  1. Employed faculty, staff, and currently registered students shall be eligible for membership.
  2. All members must sign a volunteer agreement form before the start of their duties. The form authorizes IEMS and ILLINOIS to perform a background check on the candidate for a fee of $45. The $45 deposit can be reimbursed upon request after the member has completed two full semesters meeting minimum membership requirements. Candidates who do not pass the background check will not be allowed to join IEMS. Exceptions shall be considered by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis for participating in educational events, but no exceptions will be granted for operational events.

B.All members shall submit membership dues consistent with those described in Article III, Section D.

  1. All CPR, Emergency Medical Responder, and EMT members are required to staff the minimum operational hour requirement per their certification. The set number of hoursmay be changed if needed by the current Officer Corps. The hour requirement will be determined by the Operations Department and then voted on at the following Officer meeting. There will be a separate hour requirement for fall and spring semesters based on changes in staffing needs.
  2. Staffing EMT practicals, EMR practicals, critical skills, and general meetings do not qualify for a member’s operational hour requirement.
  3. Members unable to complete this requirement are subject to probation.
  4. Members working under observation status – with no valid CPR certification -- may not count events observed towards their events.
  5. All members shall possess a valid CPR certification at the level of the American Heart Association (AHA) Healthcare Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider. or have their current certification approved by the Director of Education. It is strongly encouraged that all members also obtain first aid certification.
  6. All members will attend at least 1 non-operational event per semester. This includes continuing education nights and practicals.
  7. All members are expected to comply with the personal conduct guidelines as stated in Section D., Item 6 of our Standard Operating Guidelines and Article 1, Section 1-302, Item A of the ILLINOIS Student Code. Members are expected to respect the professional responsibility that being part of this oOrganization entails. Members are expected to not abuse the authority given to members of this oOrganization, as well as access to both patient and membership information. The oOrganization’s Executive Board has the responsibility to review membership status and conduct as stated in Article XI of this constitution.
  8. Membership Status
  9. Probation
  10. Members will be subject to probation for failure to meet the minimum membership requirements as stated in Article II, sections B - E.
  11. Members who violate the personal conduct guidelines of the Standard Operating Guidelines or the ILLINOIS Student Code as stated in Article II, section F will be subject to probation.
  12. Members who have failed to meet the minimum requirements for their Officer position as outlined in Article V and Appendix I, supervisor position as outlined in Article VII, or CPR-I position as outlined in Article VIII will be subject to probation.
  13. Members will be suggested for probationary status to the Executive Board by the department head supervising the appropriate requirement (e.g., Director of Operations for any member who fails to work the required number of operational hours in a semester) or the President for all other requirements.
  14. A simple majority of the Executive Board is needed for a member to be put on probation.
  15. Probationary status will be reviewed at the end of each semester. All members currently on probation who have made the appropriate changes to correct membership violations will be recommended for full status.
  16. A simple majority of the Executive Board is needed for a member to have their probationary status revoked.
  17. Members who have been on probation for more than two consecutive semesters will be removed from the organization, but have the opportunity to rejoin the organization after one full semester has passed.
  18. Probationary members may participate in all IEMS activities unless otherwise stated by the Executive Board.
  19. Probationary members may not run for any Officer positions or be considered for supervisor or CPR-I positions, although they may continue to carry out the duties of their position while on probation until the end of their term or when they are removed from the organization, whichever is first.
  20. Ban
  21. Members with severe infractions of the Standard Operating Guidelines or the ILLINOIS Student Code will be recommended by the supervising department head to the Executive Board for an immediate ban from the organization with no opportunity to rejoin.
  22. A simple majority of the Executive Board is needed for a member to be banned.
  23. Banned members will no longer be considered members of IEMS, may no longer participate in any IEMS activities, and may not wear the IEMS uniform or ID badge.
  24. Appeal process
  25. Members who feel they have been wrongfully banned or put on probation may appeal to the Executive Board for reconsideration.
  26. The Executive Board has one week to respond to all membership appeals, and appealing members must meet with the Executive Board in person within one month of appealing. Appealing members will have an opportunity to provide a statement, followed by a question and answer session, and will then be asked to leave the room for private deliberation among the Executive Board members. Final decisions must be unanimous and be supported by the Faculty Advisor.


  1. All funds shall be managed solely by the Accounting Department with oversight from IFSI.
  2. All funds shall be deposited into the IEMS outside private checking account or the inside University Funds and Savings (UFAS)appropriate ILLINOIS account according to the event or program.

C.This Organization shall collect dues that will not be excessive. The amount shall be determined by a vote of the Officer Corps.

D.Dues shall be collected annually.

1.Any member wishing to enroll after the first semester shall submit dues equal to half the annual membership dues.

2.Any member wishing to enroll after Spring Vacation shall not be required to submit dues for the remainder of the academic year.

3.The membership fee shall be waived for members currently holding an IEMS office or functioning as current weekly supervisors.

  1. All members must formally request reimbursement of funds used under the auspices of IEMS from the Director of Accounting in advance so that purchases can be made through the IFSI Purchasing Officer. The Director of Accounting must have the payment in process within two weeks of receiving the reimbursement request. Unbudgeted requests in excess of $100 must be approved by the Officer Corps.
  2. Any member found committing any fraudulent or questionable action with IEMS funds shall be brought before the Executive Board and suspended until the situation can be resolved. The Executive Board will inform UIPD of any fraudulent behavior.
  3. IEMS will hold a separate account with IFSI, the money from which will be used to make bulk purchases for operations and education. In exchange for a 10% Indirect Recovery Fee from the IEMS CPR profit, IFSI agrees to provide database, registration, and resource management system access and services to IEMS.


  1. IEMS will be advised by the Associate Director of IFSI. The Associate Director will regularly attend Executive Board meetings and Officer Corps meetings as necessary. He will be in communication with the President regarding new policies and organization news, and will serve as a liaison to all other campus entities.

A.The Faculty Advisor will be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board and retain his office until a simple majority of the Officers gives a vote of no confidence.

1.This organization will retain a Faculty Advisor who will be a member of the University faculty or staff.

2.The Faculty Advisor must be informed of all meeting dates, times and meet with the President once a semester.

3.The President and Faculty Advisor must be in communication about new policies and organization news.

B.With its association with the Office of Emergency Planning at the University of Illinois, this organization will also have an Agency Advisor and point of contact with that department.

1.The Agency Advisor through the Office of Emergency Planning will be kept informed of all meeting dates, times, and meet with the President at least once a semester.

2.The Agency Advisor will attend at least one meeting of the organization.

3.The President and Agency Advisor must be in communication about new policies and organization news. The Agency Advisor will serve as a liaison to the Chancellor’s office for the organization.

ARTICLE V: Officers

  1. A list of individual Officer duties can be found in Appendix I.
  2. All elected Officers serve for a term of one year, beginning and ending on the ILLINOIS spring semester Reading Day, with the exception of the Officers in the Operations department whose terms start and end on May 1st.
  3. Following elections in February, each candidate voted to office holds a position as an "Officer-Elect." After elections, the “Officers-Elect” begin training and shadowing their respective positions. The transition period ends on Reading Day of the spring semester, unless otherwise stated below.
  4. Officers may be removed prior to the end of their term for any of the following conditions:
  5. Violation of any item under Article II.
  6. Unexcused absence from three or more Officer meetings.
  7. Unexcused absence from three or more scheduled office hours.
  8. Failure to comply with assigned duties outlined in Appendix I of this constitution.
  9. Any case for dismissal must be presented before the Executive Board and a decision to dismiss must be supported by a simple majority of the Executive Board.
  10. In the event of a dismissal of any member of the Officer Corps at any time before the start of the spring semester, the President shall appoint another Officer (preferably of the same department) to carry out the duties until another member is appointed by a simple majority of the Executive Board to the position through an application process. If a member of the Officer Corps is dismissed at any time after the start of the spring semester, the responsibilities of this Officer will be given to another Officer or his or her duties will be split among the remaining Officers (if possible within the same department) as decided by the President and department director. At the discretion of the President and department director, another member may be appointed by a simple majority of the Executive Board to the position through an application process if deemed necessary.
  11. In the event that the President is removed from office or is unable to carry out the duties of the office for any reason, the following order of succession shall be implemented:
  12. President — Director of Accounting — Director of Public Relations — Director of Operations — Director of EMS Education — Director of BLS Education — Assistant Director of Accounting — Assistant Director of Operations — CPR Education Officer — Training Officer — Records Officer — Education Equipment Officer — Operations Equipment Officer — EMT Class Coordinator — EMR Class Coordinator — EMT Practical Coordinator — Historian — Social Officer
  13. All Directors, the EMT Lead Instructor, and the EMR Lead InstructorExecutive Board members must hold three office hours a week. All other Officers must hold two a week.

D.Only full-time officially registered students shall be eligible to serve as appointed or elected Officers. All exceptions shall be reviewed by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis and must be presented within one week of Election Day.

  1. All Prerequisites prerequisites for Officer positions must be completed by the first day of classes in the fall semester.
  2. President: Elected. Prerequisites- The President must have servedone year asas an Officer for at least one year and hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board. The President must also complete the RSO President’s Quiz on Compass as soon as possible following spring semester Reading Day.
  3. The Education Department is responsible for all educational needs of IEMS. This department shall consist of the following offices:
  4. Director of EMS Education: Elected. Prerequisites- The Director of EMS Education must have served at least one year as an Officer, hold a current and valid State of Illinoisbe an EMT license, and for at least one year and hold aan AHA BLSCPR-Instructor certification. Must be practical evaluator trained. Must also be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  5. Director of BLS Education: Elected. Prerequisites- The Director of EMS Education must have served at least one year as an Officer, hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license, and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Must have at least one year of experience as an IEMS CPR Instructor. Must also be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  6. EMT Lead Instructor: Appointed. Prerequisites- The EMT Lead Instructor must be an EMT and hold a CPR-Instructor certification. hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification. The Instructor must also be approved to teach by the local training center and is highly encouraged to obtain an EMS-Instructor license.
  7. EMT Class Coordinator: Elected. Prerequisites- The Class Coordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and an AHA BLS Instructor an EMT as well as hold a CPR-Instructor certification. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  8. EMT Practical Coordinator: Elected. Prerequisites- The PracticalCoordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and an AHA BLS Instructor an EMT as well as hold a CPR-Instructor certification. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.

5.EMR Lead Instructor: Appointed. Prerequisites- The EMR Lead Instructor must hold an EMT certification as well as a CPR-Instructor certification. The EMR Lead Instructor must also be approved to teach by the local training center and is strongly encouraged to obtain an EMS-Instructor license.

6.EMR Class Coordinator: Elected. Prerequisites- The EMR Class Coordinator must hold at minimum a EMR or EMT certification as well as a CPR-Instructor certification.

  1. BLS Class Coordinator: Elected. Prerequisites- The BLS Class Coordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT-Basic license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification.
  2. Heartsaver Class Coordinator: The Heartsaver Class Coordinator must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT-Basic license and an AHA BLS Instructor certification.

7.CPR Education Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- The CPR Education Officer must possess a CPR-Instructor certification.

  1. Education Equipment Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- The Education Equipment Officer must hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license and is strongly encouraged to obtain an AHACPR-BLS Instructor certification. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  1. In the event that a member of the Executive Board runs for either the EMT-B Lead Instructor or the EMR Lead Instructor position, said Executive Board member may not participate in the appointment procedure (interviews, voting, etc.). The current Lead Instructor (EMT-B or EMR, whichever is applicable) will take the place of the vacant Executive Board spot for the interviews and subsequent discussion of the possible candidates. The current Lead Instructor may only vote to break a tie among the remaining 4 Executive Board members.
  2. The Accounting Department is responsible for the management of all funds, merchandise, and records of IEMS. This department shall consist of three offices:
  3. Director of Accounting: Elected.Prerequisites- The Director of Accounting must havebe served as an Officer and member of IEMS for at least one year and hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license as well as complete the RSO Treasurers’ Workshop, Treasurer’s Quiz and SORF Quiz on Compass as soon as possible following spring semester Reading Day. . Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  4. Assistant Director of Accounting: Elected. Prerequisites- None.
  5. Records Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- None.
  6. The Public Relations Department is responsible for the administrative duties of IEMS. This department shall consist of three offices:
  7. Director of Public Relations: Elected. Prerequisites- Must have been One year as a member of IEMS for at least one year and hold a current and valid State of Illinois EMT license. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  8. Social Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- None.
  9. Historian: Elected. Prerequisites- Must complete Historian application and be approved by the Executive Board to run. Applications are due one week before electionsNone.
  10. The Operations Department is responsible for all aspects of IEMS as a non-transport BLS provider. This department shall strictly follow Illinois EMS Region VI protocols, system regulations as outlined by Provena Regional EMS System, and the EMS Act (210 ILCS 50). The transition period for this department ends on May 1. This department shall consist of four offices:
  11. Director of Operations: Elected. Prerequisites- The Director of Operations must be hold a current and valid State of Illinoisn EMT license and must have been a Supervisor for at least the previous year. Any exceptions to the Supervisor requirement must gain Executive Board approval one week before elections. The Director of Operations must Must also be a member of IEMS for at least one year.Must complete NIMS 300 and 400 by end of the summer. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  12. Assistant Director of Operations: Elected. Prerequisites- Mustbe hold a current and valid State of Illinoisn EMT license and be a weekly supervisor. Must complete NIMS 300 and 400 by end of the summer. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  13. Operations Equipment Officer: Elected. Prerequisites- Mustbe hold a current and valid State of Illinoisn EMT license. Must be approved to run by the current Executive Board.
  14. Training Officer: Appointed. Prerequisites- Mustbe hold an EMT current and valid State of Illinois EMT license as well as an AHA BLS Instructor certification. Is allowed a vote in Officer meetings. Assist all members of the Operations Department with duties when needed.. The Training Officer reports to both the Director of Operations and Director of Education for duties as outlined in Appendix I, although s/he is principally a member of the Operations Department.

ARTICLE VI: Officers-Elect