Laurencekirk Primary
Issued November 2014 No. 65
Another chapter!
After competitive interview on Friday Mrs Emma Allen, Acting Head Teacher at Johnshaven, was appointed as our Deputy Head Teacher. She has a wealth of experience and is very enthusiastic and solution focused, so will fit in well with the staff here in school!
There will be another new person on the Management Team of Laurencekirk School, as after giving everything a lot of consideration, I have decided to give up my post as Head Teacher. As some of you are aware, my home life isn’t without its challenges and I need to be around more to support my family. I see this as a positive step though, as I am not going to rest on my laurels! I plan to do something else, but something I can do from home.
As for the school, I am excited for it! With lots of exciting things already planned for the coming two terms, a lovely staff, great children and many supportive parents, the new Head Teacher is going to love it!
Miss Sheila Wood
Head Teacher
Staff Vacancies
We have had a huge response to our Nursery Nurse vacancy and PSA positions and a reasonable response to our ASN Teacher vacancy. We hope to interview for these posts quite soon and have them in place for January. We are pleased to say Mrs Davey is to take up the teacher vacancy in the Nursery.
Dinner Tickets
Scottish Government are to provide free school meals to all pupils from P1 to 3 from January 2015. We will be considering the implications of this on our routines and will be in touch once we have more information.
Parent Council
Please put the Laurencekirk School Christmas Fair in your diary for the 29th November. We need both your help and support, in order to make this its usual success. Members of the Parent Council are doing all they can with regards forward planning and organising but come the day then we need help. They will however need your help on the day so please do a little towards this main fundraiser. Santa I believe has got the date in his diary!
Children in Need
Thank you so much for supporting the children with their outfits and contributions to Children in Need on Friday. An unbelievable £602.28 was raised through the children’s efforts. A special thanks must go to Rio for keeping quiet ALL day, to raise money for this worthwhile cause.
Remembrance Poppies
Thanks too for all your donations to the Poppy Appeal. We took great comfort in the respect shown by our youngsters at this time.
Laurencekirk Primary School
The School Day / 9am to 3.15pmBreak / 10.30am to 10.45am
Lunch / 12.15pm to 1.15pm
Nursery / A.M. / P.M.
Mixed Sessions / 8.50am-12.00pm / 12.20pm-3.30pm
Session 2014/2015
TERM 2 –
Christmas Holidays - Monday 22 December 2014 to Friday 2 January 2015
TERM 3 – School starts on Monday 5 January 2015 – School finishes on Thursday 2 April 2015
Occasional Day Thursday 12 February 2015
Occasional Day Friday 13 February 2015
Mid-Term Monday 16 February 2015
INSET Day Tuesday 17 February 2015
INSET Day Wednesday 18 February 2015
Easter Holidays – Friday 3 April 2015 to Friday 17 April 2015
TERM 4 – School starts on Monday 20 April 2015 – School finishes on Friday 3 July 2015
May Day Monday 4 May 2015
· Summer Holidays - start on Monday 6 July 2015