Teacher Name / Date(s):
Lesson Title / Rational vs. Irrational numbers
Curriculum Area / Number Sense
Grade Level / 8th
School-based Initiatives / AVID______WICR______Schoolnet____X______ClassScape______
Curriculum Standard(s) / 8.NS.1. Know that numbers that are not rational are called irrational. Understand informally that every number has a decimal expansion; for rational numbers show that the decimal expansion repeats eventually, and convert a decimal expansion which repeats eventually into a rational number.
Technology Objective(s):
from Common Core & Essential Standards / 8.TT.1 Use technology and other resources for assigned tasks.
Essential Question(s):
What question should students be able to answer at the end of the lesson? / How can I determine the difference between rational and irrational numbers?
In what ways can rational numbers be useful?
Learning Target(s): The What-What students should know and be able to do. Students should to be able to articulate the learning target for and for others. / Students distinguish between rational and irrational numbers. Any number that can be expressed as a fraction is a rational number.
Students recognize that the decimal equivalent of a fraction will either terminate or repeat. Fractions that terminate will have denominators containing only prime factors of 2 and/or 5.
Higher Order Thinking (Revised Bloom’s & DOK) Connection/Extension / Activity (Creating and comparing)
Lesson Summary: Describe the strategies and the activities you will use to teach new information to students. / Rational vs. Irrational rap (5 min)
PowerPoint (15)
Note-taking guide and interactive notebook pages(see attached)(independent practice)(15 min)
Video (5 min)
Written instructions
Group activity Task cards (see attached)
Academic/Content Vocabulary / rational numbers
relatively prime
irrational numbers
real numbers
repeating decimals
terminating decimals
Multiple Intelligence Alignment
· Verbal/Linguistic
· Musical/Rhythmic
· Visual/Spatial
· Bodily/Kinesthetic
· Intrapersonal
· Interpersonal
· Naturalist
· Existential
Circle multiple intelligence incorporated in lesson plan / · Musical/Rhythmic – YouTube Video
· Visual/Spatial – Khan video, Instructional PowerPoint
· Bodily/Kinesthetic – Password game
· Intrapersonal – independent Practice, School Net Assessment questions
· Interpersonal-Task Cards group work
Differentiation: How will you differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students? / The use of scaffolding with notes, flexible grouping which permits peer tutoring, student interest by implementing the music and relatable subjects in Password game,
Closure: What type of formative assessment will be used to determine level of mastery by all students? / SchoolNet Assessment questions using googledocs.
Lesson Reflection: What went well?
What would you do differently?
Resources and Materials
What resources and materials are needed to teach this lesson? / Computer
Glue sticks
Construction paper
Task cards
Task card recording sheet
SchoolNet assessment
Graphing calculator
Re-teaching and Enrichment Activities
How would you extend students’ understanding of the lesson concepts through another activity or lesson? / Password vocabulary game (see attached)
Are there any students for whom you need to make modifications? / Modify the number of links the students create and task cards, modification of the number of answer choices,
Adapted from North Carolina Teacher Academy