Specialized Bicycle Components,Inc. Taiwan Branch
2015/ Heathy Examination Package
Examination Items / 10000 / Information01. General Examination
height,body weight, BMI , blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature,respiration rate, waistline / ● / Basic body function analysis
02.Urine Routine Examination
gravity,occult blood,pH,protein,urobilinogen, nitrate, / ● / Renal Insufficiency, Nephrotic Syndrome,
Urinary tract infection or stone,
Diabetes mellitus,Obstructive Jaundice
03.Blood Routine Examination
WBC , RBC , Hb,HCT ,Platelet ,MCV ,MCH,
MCHC, Neu%, Lym% , Mono% , Eosin% , Baso% MPV / ● / Anemia(Iron-deficiciency, Thalassemia),
coagulation functions, leukemia and other blood diseases, bacterial infection and sepsis
04.Blood Sugar Examination
(1)AC Sugar (2) HBA1C / ● / A survey for Diabetes mellitus, orhypoglycemia and Three-month average blood Sugar testing
05. HSCRP / ● / Cardiovascular disease
06. Electrolytes (1)CA (2)P / ● / Electrolytes abnormalities
07. Liver Function Examination
Total Protein , Albumin, A/G, ALK-P, SGOT, SGPT / ● / Liver function, analysis,hepato-biliarydiseases
nutritional status and other inflammatory
08.Liver cell Function Examination (1)r-GT / ●
09.Bilirubin Function Examination
(1)Total Bilirubin, (2)Direct Bilirubin / ● / Jaundice, biliary obstruction
10.Renal Function Examination
(1) BUN, (2)Creatinine, / ● / Renal function analysis, Renal Insufficiency
Renal Failure,Uremia,Hyperuricemia
11.GFR / ● / Assessment of renal metabolic rate, to know whether the risk of chronic kidney disease.
12. Uric Acid Function Examination / ●
13. Blood Lipid Examination
(1)Triglyceride, (2)Cholesterol, / ● / Lipid Profile, Hyperlipidemia,
Atherosclerosis/ Cardiovascular risk factors
14. Cardiovascular Examination
(1)HDL-C, LDL, (2) T- CHOL /HDL / ● / Lipid Profile,Hyperlipidemia
Atherosclerosis/ Cardiovascular risk factors
15.CK LDH / ● / Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular risk factor
16.Framingham score / ● / The next ten years the risk of major cardiovascular disease incidence
17.RA / ● / Immunoglobulin antibodies.Kidney disease rheumatoid
18.Hepatitis - A Examination IgM / 3 Choose
2 / Hepatitis-A carrier status
19. Hepatitis - B Examination
HBsAg , HBsAb , Anti-HCV / 1.Hepatitis-B (HBV)carrier status
2.Anti-HBs(immunity to HBV)
20.Hepatitis–C Examination / Hepatitis-C carrier status
21.Pancreas Examination(1)Amylase (2)Lipase / ● / Acute and chronic pancreatitis
22.Helicobacter pylori / ● / Peptic ulcer, gastritis, gastric ulcer
24.Thyroid Function TSH / ● / Thyroid function analysis Hyperthyroidism
25.Digestive Cancer Examination〈CEA〉 / ● / Digestive system tumors
26.Liver Cancer Examination 〈AFP〉 / ● / Liver tumor,
27.Cancer Examination 〈PSA〉 / male / Prostatic tumor
28.Cancer Examination 〈CA-125〉 / female / Ovarian tumor
29.Cancer Examination 〈CA-19-9〉 / ● / reproductive organ tumors
30.Lungs Cancer Examination (Cyfra21) / ● / Lungs tumors
31.X-Ray Examination ﹙Chest﹚ / ● / pneumonia, pleural effusion, bronchiectasis,
emphysema, cardiomegaly, lung tumor
32.X-Ray Examination ﹙Chest-L AT﹚ / ●
33.X-Ray Examination (KUB) / ● / Kidney, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, bladder stones
34.abdomen Echogram Examination
Liver, Gall bladder, Kidneys, Pancreas,Spleen / ● / Diseases and structural abnormalities of liver,gall-bladder, kidneys, pancreas and spleen
35.Thyroid Sonography / ● / For detection of goiter, thyroid cancer, thyroiditis, and assessment of thyroid nodule,
36.Prostate Ultrasound / male / Prostatic hypertrophy or tumor tissue
37.Framingham Risk Analysis / male / Arterial stiffness index
38.Uterus, Ovary, Echogram Examination / female / Ovarian tumor and other female reproductive tumors
39.Breast Ultrasound / female / To evaluate if there is tumor or cystic fibroadenoma of the breast Breast tumor
40.UGI-series (Uninvasive type) / 2 Choose
1 / Esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, or polyp, ulcer, tumor gastric ulcer
41.Gastroscopy (Invasive type)
Every wed, Sat ,checked / sophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, or polyp, ulcer, tumor
Undiscount item
42. Nasopharynx Endoscopic Examination
Every wed, Sat ,checked
(Invasive type) / 3 Choose
1 / Check for nasopharyngeal and laryngeal tumor Undiscount item
Colitis hemorrhoidsn polyp ulcer tumor, diverticulum
Undiscount item item
43.Carotid Ultrasound
Every Tue, wed, Sat ,checked / To evaluate the patency of Carotid artery and risk for cerebro vascular disease
Undiscount item
Whether to expand the heart, function, structure and mode valve abnormalities, congenital heart disease, myocardial infarction or severe hypoxia and other issues
Undiscount item item
44.DR-70 (ONKO-SURE)
For liver cancer, lung cancer (non-small cell), thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer (colon cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer), cervical cancer, malignant lymphoma, choriocarcinoma cells and so do early concentration detection of cancer.
The need to avoid the menstrual period, taking high amounts of aspirin / Check the concentration of the cortical cancer, early detection (0-1 s) extensive degree of cancerous cells, early detection and prevention. (Excluding brain cancer, bone cancer, leukemia)
(42-44) of item, can be change by a MSCT-64 CUT (Change item 01.or 02.)
(need to own to the Taichung Jen - Ai Hospital)
45.one Mineral Density(BMD)Examination / ● / To evaluate the statistic and dynamic aspects of bone mineral density
46.EKG Examination (1) Rest〈EKG〉 / ● / Cardiac arrhythmia, Cardiomegaly, Myocardial ischemia
47.Pulmonary Function Test / ● / Lung function analysis
48. Hearing Examination / ● / Binaural hearing, hard of hearing
49. EyesExamination / ● / Check visual acuity ,color blindness
50. Body fat Examination / ● / Degree of obesity
51.Nutritious meals / ● / breakfast
52 Nutrition assessment / ● / Improve the nutritional balance of the proposals and issues
53.Health assessment / ● / Medical interrogation
Change item
01.Multi-faceted segment tomography
(Head ) MSCT-64 CUT
Screening of brain tumors,the old asymptomatic stroke, brain degeneration, atrophy or hydrocephalus and cerebral vascular disease is abnormal.
02.Multi-faceted segment tomography
(Lungs) MSCT-64 CUT
Suitable for early symptoms of lung cancer screening, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, breast cancer, breast lymph node abnormalities, such as benign and malignant tumors.