*Additional Questions or Concerns regarding ANY of these processes can be directed to the DHS Statewide Court Liaison:

Adam Oldenburg-DHS/WCS Court Liaison Office: (414)239-7825, Cell (414)750-3519 or Email:

Vicki Shequen-DHS/WCS Assistant Court Liaison Office (414)303-7547 or Email:


*Questions regarding Competency Exams:

Wisconsin Forensic Unit (414)278-4690, Fax (414)223-1817 or Email:

*Questions regarding the Outpatient Competency Restoration Program (OCRP):

Behavioral Consultants, Inc. (414)271-5577, Fax (414)271-6667 or email:

*Questions regarding the 980 statutes:

Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center: Registrar Jamie Olson (608)847-1730, Fax (608)847-1732

*For questions regarding NGI Commitments, PDI/SME’s, CR Petitions and CR Plans please contact the appropriate DHS contracted service provider for your county, as indicated on the map above.