Spring Hill Community Primary School

SEN and Disability Provision

At Spring Hill School, we make sure that everyone

can move easily around the school. We are on one

level and we have ramps to the outside doors.

We have three special access toilets. There

is a grab rail in the Foundation Stage toilets.

We have a medical room with a changing mat,

a shower, toilet and wash basin. The taps

are easy to turn on and off. The toilet and

wash basin have grab rails.

We make sure that everything we do is suitable for

everyone to join in. When we go on educational

visits everyone is included. We make

special arrangements to ensure this happens. If that is not possible, we change the trip or activity.

We make sure that everyone has the right support they need to achieve their best, both in and out of the


We make sure that everyone has the chance to join

In with school based activities such as School Council, clubs, class productions, sports clubs or music lessons

We have class rules to make sure that everyone is

treated fairly and equally.

We help people to communicate in the way that is

best for them. Sometimes that will be signs or pictures

or easier words. Sometimes it will be Braille.

We make sure that we give clear information about

activities and events to everyone.

We always provide transport for those who need it.

We make sure that all our staff are well

trained so that they understand the needs of

everyone in their class.

We provide disability awareness workshops

so that other children can have an understanding of what it is like to have a disability. We invite people into school to help us to be aware of what it feels like to have a disability.

We make sure that our books, toys and curriculum contents show that aspects of disability are part of our day to day life in school.

At Spring Hill School we make everyone feel welcome and equal!