Activity Application/Audition Dates and Deadlines
2018-2019 SchoolYear
Academic Decathlon(Mrs. Laycook, ext. 33408), K-208
/ Grade level: 9th – 12th; GPA: 2.0 minimum, plus excellent behavior; Informational Meeting: beginning of first semester; Applications due:September 1st with mandatory auditions to follow; Note: you may participate as an after-school member, if selected; all students must agree to attend ALL practices and competitions (including playoffs).
ASB / Student Governmentaafja
ABS Student Government
(Mr. Fashempour, ext. 32410), K-110
/ Grade level: 9th – 12th; GPA: 2.5 minimum (representatives); 3.0 minimum (officers)
Freshman applications available: April 2nd online, REVHS switchboard, middle school Counseling Centers; Freshman applications due: April 20th by 3:30 pm; Freshman interviews: April 26th by appointment; Selections: May 11th
(Rhonda Fouch, ext. 32777)
/ Athletic clearance participation packets available online. Information about deadlines and tryouts also online. For more information, visit REV website or e-mail Mrs. Fouch
(Ms. Bailey, ext. 32750), J-50
/ Grade level: 9th – 12th graders with academic potential to succeed in high school and enroll/succeed in 4-year university; GPA: 2.5 minimum; Applications available: February 3rd online at: or on REV AVID Website; Applications due: Friday, March 16th; InterviewsandSelections by April 27th. Parent Orientation: Thursday, February 15th & Wednesday, February, 21st at 6:00 pm in REV’s Upstairs Conference Room.
Band, Orchestra, and Color Guard
(Mr. Hollett, ext. 33850), C-114
Once all auditions are complete, Mr. Hollett will send counselors lists for necessary schedule adjustments.
Mr. Hollett will be at Moore on Feb. 26 and Clement on March 2, for information. Follow up auditions will then follow. Students at Cope or Beattie should contact Mr. Hollett directly for an audition. / STRING ENSEMBLE (String Orchestra) - Advanced String Ensemble for violins, violas, cellos, string basses, and piano only, limited spaces available; Audition required (April 2018)
CONCERT BAND (REV Instrumental Ensemble) - (9th Grade winds, strings, and percussion) developmental course from middle school to high school for ALL instruments, no sports conflicts; NO audition required but 1 year of experience recommended
SYMPHONIC WINDS (Symphonic Band) - Intermediate band working towards individual improvement and ensemble performance, no sports conflicts; audition required (April 2018)
WIND ENSEMBLE (Wind Ensemble)- Advanced Band for winds and percussion; limited spaces available, audition required (April 2018)
MARCHING BAND - 7th Period Ensemble that performs across Southern California from Aug-Nov; Participates at Rallies, Athletic Games, and Field Tournaments; Information meeting in April 2018, must be concurrently enrolled in another ensemble
COLOR GUARD - Sign up for Marching Band, does not need to be enrolled in another ensemble
(Mr. Cardenas, ext. 33801), D-101
Once all auditions are complete, Mr. Cardenas will send counselors lists for necessary schedule adjustments.
Mr. Cardenas will be at Moore on Feb. 26 and Clement on March 2, for information. Follow up auditions will then follow. Students at Cope or Beattie should contact Mr. Cardenas directly for an audition. / TREBLE CHOIR - Beginning women; no audition
CONCERT CHOIR– Beginning men. 9th – 12th MEN ONLY; no audition; 2.0 GPA required to travel to festivals and competitions
BELLA VOCE– Intermediate women.9th – 12th WOMEN ONLY; prior choral experience, strong choral singing skills required; Auditions starting in April
WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE – Advanced women. 10th – 12th WOMEN ONLY; 2.0 GPA; prior choral experience, strong tonal memory, and ability to hold part other than melody required; Auditions starting in April
EAST VALLEY SINGERS – Advanced Mixed. – 10th – 12th MEN and WOMEN; 2.0 GPA; prior choral experience, advanced vocal technique, strong tonal memory, and ability to hold complex harmonies required; minimal sight-singing skills desired; Auditions starting in April
Mock Trial / Grade Level:9th – 12th; GPA: 2.0 minimum; Informational Meeting: beginning of first semester; Applications due:September 1st with mandatory auditions to follow;
Note: you may participate as an after-school member, if selected; all students must agree to attend ALL practices and competitions (including playoffs).
Digital News Production/Journalism (Ethic News)
(Mrs. Aranda, ext. 32702), J-2
/ All grades (9th – 12th) and skills welcome to be members of the class and journalism staff (no application required): Students interested in writing, photography, videography, art, social media, or advertising are encouraged to join.
Leadership Positions:editors, directors, and managers:2.5with no “D” or “F” grade(s); 10-12th grades; Editor leadership positions require online applications; Available online at starting February 12thth; Editor leadership applications due online by Friday, March 9th.
Speech & Debate
Speech and Debate
(Mr.. Verdon, ext. 33417), K-217
/ Grade level: 9th – 12th graders interested in competitive team and individual public speaking, debate, and interpretation; GPA: 2.0 minimum; Auditions: Relatively informal, but includes attending after school practicesafter application deadline Other: New Parent Orientation; Parent Judge training sessions (2)
Note: We welcome after-school participants as well! Contact Coach Verdon if interested. Grades in class are determined by preparation assignments and attendance at competitive speaking events, you must compete to pass the class.
Spirit Leaders (Cheer, Song, Mascot)
(Crystal Regalado)
/ Grade level: 9th – 12th graders interested in trying out for cheer, song, or mascot; GPA: 2.0 minimum; TRY OUT CLINIC: Saturday March 10th 12pm-3pm Cost:$15 Mandatory Parent/Student Informational Meeting: April 2nd at 6:30 pm at REV; Clinics: April 23rd through 25th 4pm to 6:45 pm. Tryouts: Thursday, April 26th 4:00 pm to 7:00pm.
Yearbook Year
(Mrs. Tilson, ext. 33846), D-146
/ Grade level: 9th – 12th; GPA: 2.5 minimum; no “D” or “F” grades in any class; no “N” or “U” in citizenship for any class; Applications available: REVHS Counseling Center; Applications/Recommendations due: March 2 Selections: April 4
Check the REV website/bulletin for updates and announcements: