Online Resource 1f: Key to variable names within Variable to Variable network (Figure 3) in alphabetical order (excluding rows 1-11 which are key inputs).
ID / VariableIAP / Input from the IAP
DATABASE / Input from the central database
POP / Population data
GDP / GDP data
PREC / Precipitation
TEMP / Temperature
AWC / Soil AWC
SRAD / Solar radiation
LAT / Latitude
CO2 / Carbon dioxide
PET / Potential evapotranspiration
FL_Area@Risk / Area at risk of flooding
FL_Damage / Flood damages
FL_Grazing_Marsh / Possible land of grazing marsh
FL_Inland_Marsh / Land of inland marsh
FL_Intertial_Flats / Land of intertidal flats
FL_No_Arable / Land not available for arable farming
FL_No_Farming / Land not available for any kind of farming
FL_People@Risk / People in risk zones
FL_People_Affected / People affected by flooding
FL_Saltmarsh / Land of saltmarsh
GT_AG_Biomass / Aboveground biomass
GT_BasalArea / Basal area
GT_BG_Biomass / Belowground biomass
GT_DBH / Diameter at breast height
GT_GPP / Gross primary production
GT_GrowthPeriod / Length of the growth period
GT_LAI / Leaf area index
GT_NEE / Net ecosystem exchange
GT_NPP / Net primary production
GT_OrganicM / Organic matter stock
GT_SoilOrganicM / Soil organic matter
GT_Ws / Water stored in soil
GT_Yields / Wood yield
LP_Biodiversity / Shannon index of biodiversity
LP_Cmass / Carbon mass
LP_LAI / Leaf area index
LP_NPP / Net primary productivity
LP_PFT / Plant Functional Type distribution
LP_SPECIES / Species distribution
PS_EcoIndex / Eco-climatic index
PS_Ngenerations / Number of generations of the pest
RG_Aggregate_rdif / Mean percentage difference in artificial surfaces relative to baseline value (aggregated indicator)
RG_NonResidential / Surface of non-residential areas (Corine Land Covers 1.2 - 1.4)
RG_PArtificialSurfaces / Proportion of artificial surfaces
RG_PArtificialSurfaces_change / Percentage difference in artificial surfaces relative to baseline value
RG_PercentageUrban / Percentage of a grid that is urban
RG_Residential / Surface of residential areas (Corine Land Cover 1.1)
SF_Abandoned / Gridcell percentage of abandoned land
SF_Arable / Gridcell percentage of arable farming
SF_Extensive / Gridcell percentage of extensive farming
SF_Fertiliser / Amount of fertiliser used
SF_Forest / Gridcell percentage of forest
SF_Intensive / Gridcell percentage of intensive farming
SF_Irrigation / Irrigation by water basin
SF_Nitrate / Amount of nitrate used
SF_Pesticide / Amount of pesticide used
SF_Profit / Profit from land use
SF_Stubble / Amount of over winter stubble
SN_SkiDays / Number of days with snow cover above 10mm of snow water equivalent
SN_SnowDays / Number of days with snow cover above 3mm of snow water equivalent
SN_SnowVol / Volume of precipitation in the form of snow
SP_Aggregate_Vuln / Summary vulnerability across selected key species
SP_Agricultural_Stresses / Species stress from agriculture
SP_GainLoss / Whether the species has gained or lost space
SP_OWS_Stress / Species stress from over winter stubble
SP_PresenceAbsence / Presence of species
SP_Q5_Stress / Species stress from high river flows
SP_Q95_Stress / Species stress from low river flows
SP_Vuln_Adapt_Country / Vulnerability summarised by country (with adaptation)
SP_Vuln_Adapt_EU / Vulnerability summarised for Europe (with adaptation)
SP_Vuln_NoAdapt_Country / Vulnerability summarised by country (without adaptation)
SP_Vuln_NoAdapt_EU / Vulnerability summarised for Europe (without adaptation)
WG-1_WA_irrigation / Water availability (wgmm_wa) minus non irrigation water consumption (wgmm_wcnoirr)
WG-1_Water_PerCap / Mean annual available surface water per capita
WG-2_Domestic_Available / Satisfied domestic water demand, (water available for domestic use)/(demand in domestic sector)
WG-2_Electric_Available / Satisfied water demand for thermal electricity production, (water available for electricity production)/(cooling water demand)
WG2_Q5 / Monthly river flow with a 5% exceedence probability taking water uses into account
WG-2_Q95 / Monthly river flow with a 95% exceedence probability taking water uses into account
WG-2_Qavg / Average river flow taking water uses into account
WG-2_WTA / Mean ratio of total surface water withdrawals to water availability
WG-2_Total_Withdrawal_EU / Average change of WG-2_WTA for all European river basins
WG-2_WaterUse_Total / Sum of all sectoral water uses
WG-H_ES_regulation / QAVG/(Q5-Q95)
WG-H_Q5n / Monthly river flow with a 5% exceedence probability under natural conditions
WG-H_Q95n / Monthly river flow with a 95% exceedence probability under natural conditions
WG-H_Qavgn / Average river flow under natural conditions
WG-H_Qmed / River flow for median annual flood based on daily river discharge
WG-H_Qmed_relative / Change factor for river flow for median annual flood based on daily river discharge compared to baseline conditions
WG-H_WaterAvailability / Average annual runoff plus average annual change in groundwater storage
YL_Ayv / Yield limited by nutrients and water availability
YL_Harvest / Harvesting information
YL_PAYv / Potential yield unlimited by nutrients
YL_PIAYv / Yield unlimited by nutrients and water availability
YL_Sow / Sowing information