Virtual Lab: Chapter 10 Name:_______________________________
Directions: Applications/Biology Virtual Lab Disc/Launch.
As you do the lab, answer the following questions. (1 point each, 25 points total)
Select: Ecology and Evolution
Select: Evolution by Natural Selection
1. What does Darwin’s theory of natural selection predict?
2. Summarize the four logical steps of Darwin’s theory.
a. overproduction:
b. variation:
c. selection:
d. adaptation:
3. Bacteria undergo evolution due to what mechanism?
4. How does natural selection aid the bacteria’s survival?
5. What about bacteria growth makes natural selection evident?
6. What are bacteria and what are its main components?
7. How do bacteria reproduce?
8. How many bacteria can be produced in one day from a single bacterium?
9. How much money would you earn from the penny-a-day job in 24 days?
10. How many hours would it take for one bacterium to produce into 16 million bacteria?
11. What are antibiotics?
12. What do antibiotics do?
13. How are resistant genes passed on to their offspring?
14. How do these resistant genes work against antibiotics? (3 ways)
15. List disease caused by bacteria.
16. List bacteria that cause disease.
17. List some common antibiotics.
18. How can it be that the antibiotics that cured TB in 1983 only worked in some cases by 1993?
19. What causes TB?
20. What has occurred so that the antibiotics are no longer effective?
21. What is the conclusion in each of the scenarios?
1. No antibiotic:
2. Antibiotic R:
3. Antibiotic IS:
4. Antibiotics R & IS:
22. What are four drugs being used for TB currently?
23. What are antibiotic resistant strains of M. tuberculosis an example of?
24. What is a good way to reduce selection for antibiotic resistance?
25. What are some precautionary practices that can prevent bacterial infections?