Angie Young
Assessment Literacy Class
March 2, 2002
Activity 5-6 Unit Building Selected Response Questions
This was an activity I needed to come back to. Because there were so many changes to the unit, I was unclear about what content I wanted to ask the kids at the end of the unit. I began to develop this Jeopardy Game as a fun way for the kids to practice content targets. I found myself picking and choosing important facts that from the Middleton History book and at least one question from each of the paragraphs the kids are developing for the web site. I started this before I did the blueprint knowing that I should do it first. As I began to organize the questions in order of “value” in the game it became clear that I really did need a blueprint to help me decide which information to include.
As I took another look at my targets I realized my problem. The only content targets are:
v Students will identify some significant events that have occurred in and around the community.
v Students will identify historical landmarks in and around the community.
These sounded familiar since they were the same targets I referenced in Activity 5-7. The problem is that they are really too vague to build a blue print from. What is “some”? For a content specific activity like the one I was creating become an assessment I think it really needed to have a stronger target match then the one I was finding.
I think this is a great activity, a fun way to get some of those extra points across that might not be covered by the web pages. But now I really don’t think it’s much more.
Instead I’m feeling much strong about the web quest I discussed developing with the kids help. They will get to help pick what is important to ask. The web pages will have current and historical photographs and the informational paragraphs, which will allow us to assess both of these targets. The content information will also be retrieved rather than memorized and I will be able to add questions about Middleton in general.
Its better if this becomes a fun activity in the unit, but not be developed to use as an assessment.
Middleton Jeopardy
100How did Middleton get its name? / 100
Who originally founded Middleton? / 100
What was J.A. Matthew’s award winning dealership called? / 100
Who donated the building and money for the library?
What did Middleton’s mill grind? / 200
What is a livery barn? / 200
Where was the depot for the Interurban and Rail Road located? / 200
Why did Post Master Quinn leave his store and the post office in 1882?
What powered the Interurban? / 300
Was the money from the bank robbery ever recovered? / 300
How did they get the cars to Middleton in 1924? / 300
Why was the Munday Ferry built?
Why did Samuel Foote move his mill to Caldwell? / 400
Why did the Middleton Hotel burn down in 1914? / 400
What kind of building was the library before it was remodeled? / 400
Why aren’t there any more livery barns in Middleton?
When was Middleton’s first school built? / 500
Why did Middleton move from its original town site? / 500
Why did the ferry close? / 500
Who wrote the Middleton History Book?