SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 1 - Do whole program / R8’ / Repeat5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Walking 5 second Knee raise . / 1 min / For Balance in Slow Motion - Proper coordination of arm swing to leg - Chance to load heel to ball - Takes concentration to do it correctly
1 min Jog
2 / Walking Hip Rotations . / 45 sec / Knee way up and around to the side. Rotate the hip joint. -- -- Load weight to ball of foot, on support leg , as the recovery leg is coming through
30 sec Jog
3 / Sumo (continuous - both ways) / 30 sec (each way) / Good controlled balance and ease of movement in the legs and joints
30 sec Jog
4 . / "Small package" Calf raise . . / 7 . / Get into a very low basic position. Advance the weight from infront of the heel towards the ball of the foot. When weight loaded on the ball, do a slow calf raise(up and down) - return weight to heel - REPEAT the number of times required. Concentrate on Balance and loading.
30 sec Jog
5 / walking toe touch / 30 sec / Touch opposite hand to toe as you walk.(Can do every third step id you like)
30 sec Jog
6 / Walking side Stretch . / 30 sec / back straight, shoulders Square, hands behind head, lots of extension in your hips and legs, back knee can touch (better if you don't). Weight to front of support foot, Extend upper torso to the side of the leg extended to the front.
30 sec Jog
7 / Crossover Jogs / 1 min / Both ways
30 sec Jog
8 . / Crane . . / 5 each leg . / On a support leg - tight upper body and non-support leg tuck (ala Karate Kid) - Bringing weight to the ball of the foot, extend the upper body to the front while extending the non-support leg behind. Body should be parallel to the ground. Lots of extension. Return to tuck position/ weight to heel. Repeat number of required times.
1 min Jog
9 / Hand Stands / 5 / really work at holding yourself up. Great spacial development
1 min Jog
10 . / Cartwheel . / 5 each leg . / Low basic position on one leg, non-support leg extended to the side. Bring weight to Ball of foot , explode upwards. Land on support leg, Regrouping to prior position ,Explode -Continuous movement.
1 min Jog
SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 2 - Do whole program / R8’ / Repeat
5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Walking 5 second Knee raise . / 1 min / For Balance in Slow Motion - Proper coordination of arm swing to leg - Chance to load heel to ball - Takes concentration to do it correctly
1 min Jog
2 / Crossover Jogs / 1 min / Both ways
3 / Side V-Sits / 7 each side / Sit-up but you touch your opposite arm to your opposite toe.
30 sec Jog
4 / Pendulum Kicks . / 5 sets of 3 each leg . / Focus should be balance in motion. Concentrate your focus on the balance (support foot) and hop . Non-support leg Rotates from the back to the front - when it reaches the front you turn 180* and repeat the non-support leg kick to the rear and do one more to get you headed in a forward motion again. -
30 sec Jog
5 / . Small baby steps . / 30 sec . . / In a basic position , Control weight on each step ( do slowly)
30 sec Jog
6 / Walking Bird-dogs . / 5 each leg . / Balance on one leg for support ( can load your weight to ball) extend your opposite arm to the front with your non - support leg extended straight back [ your body should be parallel to the ground. Take three steps and repeat the opposite way.
30 sec Jog
7 / Jumping Jacks / 30 sec Jog / Do regular for 15” , do with a crossover for 15"
30 sec Jog
8 / Ballet extensions . . / 5 each leg . . / Balanced on your Left leg and your right foot (toes) held with your right hand - extend the leg straight to the front - when fully extended to the front - rotate the leg (while still holding the toe) all the way to the side, while still facing ahead). Return leg to the front and back to start position. Keep leg up and repeat ten times. Concentrate the balance on the support leg. Can also do from a loaded ankle position (feel the difference)
30 sec Jog
9 / cartwheels / 5 each side / Get them as perpendicular as possible . Try to do them - while heading in the same direction- one to the left and then one to the right. Just a matter of turning your hips and shoulders
1 min Jog
10 / Explosive Jumps to a tuck / 10 / With both legs, do explosive jumps to a tuck position . With each jump you are bringing your knees well past your waist line.
1 min Jog
SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 3 - Do whole program / R8’ / Repeat
5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Walking 5 second Knee raise . / 1 min / For Balance in Slow Motion - Proper coordination of arm swing to leg - Chance to load heel to ball - Takes concentration to do it correctly
1 min Jog
2 / Skipping / 1 min / Explode off toe, get knees up past hips
30 sec Jog
3 / Backward Low - Walk / 1 min / Extend the leg backwards (really reach) - use armswing -
30 sec Jog
4 / push-ups / 5 / Do regular push-ups
30 sec Jog
5 / Pendulum Kicks . / 5 sets of 3 each leg . / Focus should be balance in motion. Concentrate your focus on the balance (support foot) and hop . Non-support leg Rotates from the back to the front - when it reaches the front you turn 180* and repeat the non-support leg kick to the rear and do one more to get you headed in a forward motion again. -
30 sec Jog
6 / Side V-Sits / 7 each side . / Sit-up but you touch your opposite hand to your opposite toe.
30 sec Jog
7 / "Small package" Calf raise . / 7 . / Get into a very low basic position. Advance the weight from infront of the heel towards the ball of the foot. When weight loaded on the ball, do a slow calf raise(up and down) - return weight to heel - REPEAT the number of times required. Concentrate on Balance and loading .
30 sec Jog
8 / SUMO . / 1 min 30” each way. / Basic Position , balanced on one leg ( hip out) - extemd other leg to the side and place on the floor) pause slightly - shift weight across smoothly (do not raise up at the hips) to a balanced position on the other leg – pause slightly- repeat until time is complete
30 sec Jog
9 / 2"(inch) running / 2 x 10 sec / Make your feet move as fast as possible. Only lift them 2 inches off the ground. Rest is30”
30 sec Jog
10 / Walking Forward Lunge / 1 min / back straight, hips forward, lunge and stretch for a 5 count every three steps. Hands should(would be preferable) be touching the ground. That way your getting low enough.
1 min Jog
SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 4 - Do whole program / R8” / repeat
5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Walking 5 second Knee raise . / 1 min / For Balance in Slow Motion - Proper coordination of arm swing to leg - Chance to load heel to ball - Takes concentration to do it correctly
30 sec Jog
2 / Walking Hip Rotations . / 1 min / Knee way up and around to the side. Rotate the hip joint. -- -- Load weight to ball of foot, on support leg , as the recovery leg is coming through
30 sec Jog
3 / Crossover Jogs / 1 min / Both ways
30 sec Jog
4 / Quick foot pattern / 2 X 12 sec / make feet move as fast as possible - Diamond shape (Together- Apart- Together) - in a diamond shape on the ground. rest is 30”
30 sec Jog
5 / Ballet extensions . . / 7 each leg . . / Balanced on your Left leg and your right foot (toes) held with your right hand - extend the leg straight to the front - when fully extended to the front - rotate the leg (while still holding the toe) all the way to the side, while still facing ahead). Return leg to the front and back to start position. Keep leg up and repeat ten times. Concentrate the balance on the support leg. Can also do from a loaded ankle position (feel the difference)
1 min Jog
6 / Hand Stands / 6 / really work at holding yourself up. Great spacial development
1 min Jog
7 / Side V-Sits / 8 each side . / Sit-up but you touch your opposite arm to your toe.
1 min Jog
8 / Sumo (continuous - both ways) / 45” sec (each way) / Good controlled balance and ease of movement in the legs and joints
30 sec Jog
9 / Quick foot pattern / 2 X 12 sec / make feet move as fast as possible - X-shape ( Apart- Together - Apart) in an X-shape on the ground. rest is 30”
30 sec Jog
10 / "Small package" Calf raise . . / 9 . / Get into a very low basic position. Advance the weight from infront of the heel towards the ball of the foot. When weight loaded on the ball, do a slow calf raise(up and down) - return weight to heel - REPEAT the number of times required. Concentrate on Balance and loading .
1 min Jog
SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 5 - Do whole program / R8’ / Repeat
5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Walking 5 second Knee raise . / 1 min / For Balance in Slow Motion - Proper coordination of arm swing to leg - Chance to load heel to ball - Takes concentration to do it correctly
30 sec Jog
2 / SUMO . / 45 sec (each way) / Basic Position , balanced on one leg ( hip out) other leg extended to the side but on the floor) - hold for 10sec - shift weight across smoothly (do not raise up at the hips) to a balanced position on the other leg - hold 10 sec - repeat until time is complete
30 sec Jog
3 / walking toe touch / 1 min / Touch opposite hand to opposite toe as you walk.(Can do every third step if you like)
30 sec Jog
4 / Quick foot pattern / 2 X 12 sec / make feet move as fast as possible - Diamond shape (Together- Apart- Together) - in a diamond shape on the ground. rest is 30”
30 sec Jog
5 / Walking side Stretch . / 30 sec / back straight, shoulders Square, hands behind head, lots of extension in your hips and legs, back knee can touch (better if you don't). Weight to front of support foot, Extend upper torso to the side of the leg extended to the front.
1 min Jog
6 / Crane . / 8 each leg . / On a support leg - tight upper body and non-support leg tuck (ala Karate Kid) - Bringing weight to the ball of the foot, extend the upper body to the front while extending the non-support leg behind. Body should be parallel to the ground. Lots of extension. Return to tuck position/ weight to heel. Repeat number of required times.
1 min Jog
7 / Walking Forward Lunge / 30 sec / back straight, hips forward, lunge and stretch for a 5 count every three steps. Hands should(would be preferable) be touching the ground. That way your getting low enough.
30 sec Jog
8 / cartwheels / 7 each side / Get them as perpendicular as possible . Try to do them - while heading in the same direction- one to the left and then one to the right. Just a matter of turning your hips and shoulders
1 min Jog
9 / Monkey walk / 20 sec / Quick side steps (like a monkey) - use your hands like a monkey would
1 min Jog
10 / "Small package" Calf raise . / 8 . / Get into a very low basic position. Advance the weight from infront of the heel towards the ball of the foot. When weight loaded on the ball, do a slow calf raise(up and down) - return weight to heel - REPEAT the number of times required. Concentrate on Balance and loading .
1 min Jog
SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 6 - Do whole program / R8’ / Repeat
5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Walking Hip Rotations . / 1 min / Knee way up and around to the side. Rotate the hip joint. -- -- Load weight to ball of foot, on support leg , as the recovery leg is coming through
1 min Jog
2 / Walking side Stretch . / 45 “ / back straight, shoulders Square, hands behind head, lots of extension in your hips and legs, back knee can touch (better if you don't). Weight to front of support foot, Extend upper torso to the side of the leg extended to the front.
30 sec Jog
3 / Backward Low - Walk / 30 sec / Extend the leg backwards (really reach) - use armswing -
1 min Jog
4 / Quick foot pattern / 2 X 15 sec / make feet move as fast as possible - X-shape ( Apart- Together - Apart) in an X-shape on the ground. Rest is 30”
30 sec Jog
5 / Explosive Jumps to a tuck / 15 / With both legs, do explosive jumps to a tuck position . With each jump you are bringing your knees well past your waist line.
30 sec Jog
6 / Walking Bird-dogs . / 10 each leg . / Balance on one leg for support ( can load your weight to ball) extend your opposite arm to the front with your non - support leg extended straight bach [ your body should be parallel to the ground. Take three steps and repeat the opposite way.
1 min Jog
7 / cartwheels / 7 each side / Get them as perpendicular as possible . Try to do them - while heading in the same direction- one to the left and then one to the right. Just a matter of turning your hips and shoulders
1 min Jog
8 / Pendulum Kicks . / 7 reps of 3 each leg . / Focus should be balance in motion. Concentrate your focus on the balance (support foot) and hop . Non-support leg Rotates from the back to the front - when it reaches the front you turn 180* and repeat the non-support leg kick to the rear and do one more to get you headed in a forward motion again. -
30 sec Jog
9 / walking toe touch / 1 min / Touch opposite hand to toe as you walk.(Can do every third step id you like)
1 min Jog
10 / SUMO . / 1 min (Each way) / Basic Position , balanced on one leg ( hip out) other leg extended to the side but on the floor) - hold for 10sec - shift weight across smoothly (do not raise up at the hips) to a balanced position on the other leg - hold 10 sec - repeat until time is complete
1 min Jog
SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 7 - Do whole program / R8’ / Repeat
5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Crossover Jogs / 30 sec / Both ways
30 sec Jog
2 / Hand Stands / 5 / really work at holding yourself up. Great spacial development
1 min Jog
3 / Side V-Sits / 9 each side / Sit-up but you touch your opposite arm to your toe.
1 min Jog
4 / Ballet extensions . . / 8 each leg . . / Balanced on your Left leg and your right foot (toes) held with your right hand - extend the leg straight to the front - when fully extended to the front - rotate the leg (while still holding the toe) all the way to the side, while still facing ahead). Return leg to the front and back to start position. Keep leg up and repeat ten times. Concentrate the balance on the support leg. Can also do from a loaded ankle position (feel the difference)
1 min Jog
5 / Dry skate . / 45 sec . / Have good weight transfer and good recovery , control. Do slowly.
30 sec Jog
6 / push-ups / 20 / Do regular push-up but each time you push up , you also take a walk with your hands
1 min Jog
7 / Walking elbow / ankle touch / 5 each ankle . / Shoulders Square, hands behind head. Lots of extension in the legs & hips (back knee can touch) every third step [ when your right leg is extended too the front] touch your right elbow to the inside of your right ankle . Take three steps With Left leg to the front repeat but with left elbow and ankle.
30 sec Jog
8 / 2"(inch) running / 2 x 10 sec / Make your feet move as fast as possible. Only lift them 2 inches off the ground. Rest is 30”
30 sec Jog
9 / Crane / 10 each leg . / On a support leg - tight upper body and non-support leg tuck (ala Karate Kid) - Bringing weight to the ball of the foot, extend the upper body to the front while extending the non-support leg behind. Body should be parallel to the ground. Lots of extension. Return to tuck position/ weight to heel. Repeat number of required times.
1 min Jog
10 / Jumping Jacks / 1 min / Do regular for 30" , do with a crossover for 30" do to the front/back for 30" and 30" regular.
30 sec Jog
SSNB Balance and Flexibility Routines 30 program
Program # 8 - Do whole program / R8 / Repeat
5 minute brisk walk
extremity stretches
1 / Walking 5 second Knee raise / 1 min / For Balance in Slow Motion - Proper coordination of arm swing to leg - Chance to load heel to ball - Takes concentration to do it correctly
1 min Jog
2 / Walking side Stretch . / 30 sec / back straight, shoulders Square, hands behind head, lots of extension in your hips and legs, back knee can touch (better if you don't). Weight to front of support foot, Extend upper torso to the side of the leg extended to the front.
1 min Jog
3 / Walking Bird-dogs . / 7 each leg . / Balance on one leg for support ( can load your weight to ball) extend your opposite arm to the front with your non - support leg extended straight back [ your body should be parallel to the ground. Take three steps and repeat the opposite way.
30 sec Jog
4 / Ballet extensions . / 8 each leg . . / Balanced on your Left leg and your right foot (toes) held with your right hand - extend the leg straight to the front - when fully extended to the front - rotate the leg (while still holding the toe) all the way to the side, while still facing ahead). Return leg to the front and back to start position. Keep leg up and repeat ten times. Concentrate the balance on the support leg. Can also do from a loaded ankle position (feel the difference)