Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board
111 St. James Court, Suite B Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 607-5781 Fax (502) 607-5780
FirstQuarter Board Minutes FY 17
July 28, 2016
Christian Ulrich, Chair Representing Emergency Services
Vacant, Vice Chair Representing Mental Health
Deborah ArnoldExecutive Director, KCCRB
Richard PeddicordRepresenting the Kentucky State Fire Marshall
Stephanie RobeyRepresenting the Division of Emergency Management
Helen Ostein Representing Kentucky American Red Cross
Connie Adams Representing Mental Health
Mark Claxton Representing Emergency Services
Present Via Phone:
Elizabeth Caywood Representing Department of Community Based Services
Hank CecilRepresenting Mental Health
Jodi Carroll Representing Mental Health
Robin K. Mohon Representing Office of Attorney General
Catherine Stapleton Representing Mental Health
Heather Walls Representing Department for Public Health
Other Attendees:
Kelli Robinson Representing KCCRB
Jean Odum (Phone) Team Member
Paul Whitman Team Member
Sherri Clusky Representing Department of Education
Sarah McCoun Representing Department for Behavior Health and Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
Alex PayneRepresenting Kentucky State Police
Woody Will Representing Local CISM Team
Phillip SandersRepresenting the Chaplain’s Association
I. Call to Order
On July 28, 2016 the FY17First Quarter Board meeting was held at the KCCRB offices at 111 St.
James Court, Suite B Frankfort and called to order by Christian Ulrich,Chair of KCCRB at 1:32pm.
Roll call was completed and a quorum was established via attendance and phone.
II. Agenda Items
Review of FY16fourth quarter meeting minutes. Motion made to accept the meeting minutes as
written was made by Mark Claxton and seconded by Cathie Stapleton. After no further discussion the
motion was passed.
III. New Business
Board Vacancies – Ms. Arnold discussed with the Board that two Board positions were up for re-
appointment, two Mental Health and three board positions had expired, representing Mental Health,
Local CISM Team and Chaplain’s Association. Both Connie Adams and Cathie Stapleton were voted
on to re-appoint. There was no discussion. Mark Claxton made the motion to re-appoint both and
Jodi Carroll seconded. The motion passed.
Ms. Arnold discussed that she had received one resume for each expired position. Jean Odum out of
Region 3 applied for the Local CISM Team position. Mark Claxton stated the Jean would do a good
job and made the motion to accept, Richard Peddicord seconded the motion, motion was voted on
and passed. Paul Whitman out of Region 6 applied for the Mental Health position. Richard
Peddicord made the motion to accept, Mark Claxton seconded, motion passed. Alan Canterbury
from Region 6 applied for the Chaplain’s Association position. Richard Peddicord made the motion to
accept, Mark Claxton seconded, motion passed.
IV. Executive Director’s Report
Deborah Arnold, Executive Director presented the Executive Directors report.
- KCCRB Overview– Ms. Arnold presented a power point to the Board explaining how KCCRB came to be, what has been done through the years, who KCCRB is and the goals for FY 17.
- FY16 End Report – Ms. Arnold discussed with Board members the ending budget numbers and expenses for FY16.
- Response Report–Ms. Arnold discussed the FY16 responses and services to the Commonwealth.
- Team Report – Ms. Arnold discussed that the team has remained consistent ending the FY with 166 current team members.
Ms. Arnold discussed Regional Team meetings. She stated that KCCRB has seen an improvement in Regional Team attendance since having a staff person attend. She stated that she is committed to having someone consistently attend the meetings to provide that support and presence.
- Training Report – Ms. Arnold gave a brief rundown of trainings for FY16.Ms. Arnold discussed the Annual Team Training which was held in May over a two day period.
- Presentations – No discussion on Presentations.
- Exercises –No discussion on Exercises.
- Communication- Ms. Arnold discussed that the public KCCRB Facebook was increasing.
IV.Committee Reports
- Membership Committee –
Jocelyn Baldor, discussed that the Membership Committee did not meet. She made recommendations to the Board regarding Leadership in Regions.
B. Training Committee –
CJ Wright discussed the Training Committee wanting to be involved in planning the Annual Team
Training. She also discussed the Coordinators wanted to know how KYLEAP would work with them.
She discussed that online trainings were still being reviewed and needed to be developed.
C. Executive Administrative Committee-
Christian Ulrich, Board Chair discussed that the committee did not meet.
V.Old Business
- Annual Team Training- AAR–Ms. Arnold discussed that about 50% of the team had attended. She stated that the focus this year was in helping to prepare the team to respond to many situations. The two day training was held at Boone National Guard in the old hangar. There were several exercises and presentations on how to work with various populations such as the Deaf and hard of hearing, those with developmental and intellectual disabilities, the aged. Small groups went very well and we had very favorable evaluations. The larger exercises went well, but the downside was that the acoustics in the hangar made it hard to hear in such a large room despite speakers. Overall though the two days went very well.
- FY17 Budget - Ms. Arnold discussed the FY 17 Budget. Requests for budget expenditures had been
submitted. The Bio-terrorism grant amount is the same with no increase or decrease. The EMPG grant was decreased. Ms. Arnold discussed that she will distribute the Team Program Coordinator job duties to four staff and will hire a Health Program Administrator to serve as the Preparedness and Team Coordinator. This position will have the primary responsibility of educating agencies providing mental health, developmental, intellectual disabilities and substance abuse services develop emergency response plans and educate them on the State Disaster Behavioral Health Support Plan.
- Ms. Arnold gave an update on the status of the KYLEAP program. She stated that she and Kelli Robinson had trained officers from the Owensboro Police Department in June who are now part of the KYLEAP team. She also stated that another training would be held at the KSP Academy in September with several KSP and other officers from around KY attending.
VI. Announcements
- Next Board Meeting: October 27, 2016
VIII. Adjournment –
Jodi Carrollmade the motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Mark Claxton. The motion to
adjourn was passed and the Board Meeting was adjourned at 3:07pm.
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