Activity 3.1.2a Pick and Place Routine
Have you ever tried to go someplace but did not know how to get there? You probably had to ask directions or look at a map. The importance of directions to a human navigating from one place to another is similar to the importance of a program for robot navigating from one point to another.
· Computer with RoboCell software
· Engineering notebook
1. Open Cell Setup and create the graphics in Cell Setup using the specifications below.
a. Add a robot (no slide base).
b. Add a table (1000x1000).
c. Add a cube (40x40x40), position (400,0).
2. Save this graphic file.
3. Exit Cell Setup.
4. Start the RoboCell software and create a RoboCell program for a robot to do complete the operation using the positions shown below. Refer to the program setup for additional requirement.
a. Operation:
1. Pick up a cube.
2. Lift it straight up in the air a short distance.
3. Move the arm straight back toward the base a short distance.
4. Place the cube back on the table.
5. Release the cube and return to your previous position.
6. Move to a home position.
7. This is called a Pick and Place routine.
b. Positions:
1. Position #1: This position will have the gripper in place to pick up the cube at its initial location in the work cell.
2. Position #11: This position is directly above position #1. The vertical distance should be approximately 3 times the height of the cube.
3. Position #2: This will be the final position of the cube.
4. Position #12: This position is directly above position #2. The vertical distance should be approximately 3 times the height of the cube.
5. Position #99: Home position. After homing the robot, record this position.
6. For positions 1, 11, 2, and 12, the gripper orientation should be as close to 90o to the table as possible.
c. Program setup
1. Open RoboCell
2. Under the Options menu, select PRO
3. Import the 3D graphics file
4. Add the 4 Remark statements to your program
· Remark: Act 1
· Remark: Your Name
· Remark: Period X
· Remark: Date: MM/DD/YY
5. In the Manual Movement Section, switch from Joints to XYZ mode
6. Record the 5 required positions
7. Write the program as described in Step 1
8. Run the program to see results and correct if necessary
9. Save this file as LastName_A312a.
5. Submit the program file.
1. Describe three industrial operations that a robot similar to the one used in this activity.
2. Describe how an end effector could impact the capabilities of a robot similar to the one used in this activity.
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Computer Integrated Manufacturing Activity 3.1.2a Pick and Place Routine – Page 2