Branches of GovernmentLesson Plan #1
Original Source:
What has three branches but no tree?”
Subject Area: Social StudiesGrade Level: 3rd Grade
Objective: The students will be able to name the three branches of government (judicial, legislative, executive) and identify one responsibility of each branch by listing on paper the three branches of government and matching one responsibility to each branch at 100% mastery
Georgia Performance Standard: SS3CG1 The student will explain the importance of the basic principles that provide the foundation of a republican form of government.
b. Name the three levels of government (national, state, local) and the three branches in each (executive, legislative, judicial)
c. State an example of the responsibilities of each level and branch of government.
Materials: Copies of the Pre/Post assessment, PowerPoint presentation, branches of government poster, supplies for the hanger mobiles: hangers, stars cutouts, branch headings, glue, scissors, clasps.
Pre-test: Prior to instruction, the students will be individually assessed on their knowledge of the three branches of government by answering the following questions. The pre-assessment (see Assessment Attachment ) will be used to determine the students’ base knowledge, if any, of the three branches of government.
- Name the three branches of government.
- Which branch makes laws?
- Which branch makes sure people obey the law?
- Which branch reviews and explains the law?
To gain the students’ attention, the teacher will ask the students to answer a riddle. The teacher will ask the students, “What has three branches but no tree?” The teacher will explain to the students that the answer to the riddle is the three branches of the government. The teacher will explain to the students that just like the government has is separated by national and state government, the government is also separated by responsibilities. The teacher will tell the students that they will be learning about the three branches of the government today.
The teacher will display a PowerPoint presentation to the class (see PowerPoint Presentation Attachment). The PowerPoint presentation will contain the following information: the names of the three branches of the government (executive, legislative, judicial), the responsibilities of each of the branches and who comprises each branch. The PowerPoint will also contain a way for the teacher to check for understanding before beginning the hands on experience. The teacher will ask the students questions at the end of the PowerPoint in order to check their understanding.
Upon completion of the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will explain to the students that they will now make branches of government mobiles that will help them remember the responsibilities of each branch and who comprises each branch. The teacher will present to the class a completed mobile so they will have a visual of what they will be making. The teacher will display the mobile in a visible section of the room and then distribute the materials for the students to make their own. The teacher will tell the students that they will work with a partner on their mobiles but they are to each create their own. The teacher will then guide the students through the steps to make their mobiles. The steps will also be presented on the PowerPoint presentations to assist the students in completing their mobiles correctly.
Summary and Closure:
The teacher will summarize the lesson by reviewing the information that was organized on the students’ mobiles. The teacher will explain to the students that they can keep their mobiles as a way to help them remember what they have learned.
Upon completion of the lesson, the teacher will administer the Post Assessment to the students. Identical to the Pre-Assessment, the Post Assessment (see Assessment Attachment) will determine if the students have mastered the objectives. The questions will be as follows:
- Name the three branches of government.
- Which branch makes laws?
- Which branch makes sure people obey the law?
- Which branch reviews and explains the law?
For enrichment, the students will write a letter to an imaginary pen pal living in a foreign country. The students will be explaining to the students how our government works. The students will include the three branches of government and their letter as well as the other information learned about the government from previous lessons.
Special Adaptations/Accommodations:
Special adaptations made for this lesson were made for the entire class. For the visual learners, a PowerPoint presentation was used. For the tactile learners, the hands-on “graphic organizer” was used to enhance their understanding.
Students who do not master the objectives will be allowed to spend time during class on the following website: The students will be given the post assessment questions and be instructed to find the answers on the website and record them. The teacher will then discuss the questions and the student’s answers with each student.