/ ಬೆಂಗಳೂರುವಿದ್ಯುತ್ಸರಬರಾಜುಕಂಪನಿನಿಯಮಿತBangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited

Activities of Procurement Section, Corporate Office, BESCOM

The various materials required for carrying out Capex and other works of BESCOM are being procured from this Section.Apart from procurement of materials, tenders are invited for execution of various projects likerectification of hazardous locations by replacing bare aluminium conductor by AB cables, action plan works etc. The materials procured will be allotted to the Consignee divisions as per their requirement.

Procedure adapted for procurement of materials:

The following is the brief procedure adapted for procurement of materials:

  1. Consolidation and analysis of materials requirement:

The total quantity of materials required are consolidated by the Material Management wing based on the requirement furnished by the filed officers.

  1. Preparation of Store Budget:

The store budget required for the procurement of various materials are prepared by the Material Management wing.

  1. Floating of tenders & processing of tenders:

Notice Inviting Tender will be issued for publishing in the newspapers after obtaining approval from the Director Technical/Managing Director.

After issue of NIT, the tender documents are uploaded in the e-Procurement portal duly indicating the qualifying requirement, terms and conditions of the tender, date of opening of techno commercial bid etc.

After opening of the techno commercial bid, the techno commercial evaluation of the participated bidders will be done. The evaluation will be verified by internal audit and the proposal will be placed before the Tender Scrutiny Committee for a discussion and scrutiny.

The price bids of techno commercially responsive will be opened duly obtaining the approval from the Director Technical/ Managing Director.

The price evaluation will be done and agenda will be prepared for placing the subject before CPC/Board as the case may be. The agenda will be pre-audited.

  1. Placing of Purchase orders:

As per the resolution of the CPC/Board, Purchase Orders will be placed on L1 firm.

  1. Inspection of materials at firms premises by Q&S wing.
  2. Issue of Dispatch Instructions by MM Section.
  3. Monitoring the deliveries as per the P.O. by MM Section.
  4. Allotment of materials to various projects and to Capex works as per requirements by MM Section.
  5. Monitoring of stock position of various materials on daily basis by MM Section.

List of materials procured at Procurement Section, Corporate Office:

A)Major Materials:

1)Distribution Transformers & transformer oil


3)ACSR Conductors


1)HT UG Cables

2)LT UG Cables

3)AB Cables

4)Cable accessories


1)45 kN Disc Insulators

2)11 kV Insulators & Pins

3)1.1 kV Insulators & Pins

4)No.8 Strain Insulators

5)No. 15 Strain Insulators

D)OtherLine materials:

1)SPMT/Double Pole TC Structural materials for transformers

2)Pole Clamps

3)Cross Arms

4)Single Top Supports

5)G.I. Wire

6)Guy Wire

7)Anchor Rods

8)G.I. Grounding Pipes

9)DOLO Cutouts

10)HG Fuse Units

11)LT Protection Kits

12)LT Distribution Box


14)Lead wires

15)Bolts and Nuts