ACTIVE Focus Group Questions

Intervention Group

Activity 1 (5 – 10 mins): What is physical activity? What does it mean to you?

(Flipchart/post-its – ask pupils to discuss/write down what the term means to them)

How active should people your age be? (60 minutes recommended per day)

Question 1: How active do you think people in your year are? Do you think you are as active as you can be?

Activity 2 (5 – 10 mins):What do you see as the current barriers to physical activity? How do you feel about your current levels?

(Give post-it notes and ask pupils to list 5-6 barriers to activity. Then rank these barriers in order of most common barriers and discuss the reasoning for this order)

Question 2: Why do you think people your age like/don’t like being active? Is there much to do in your area? If so, how accessible are these activities to your age group?

Question 3:Vouchers are currently accepted by (refer to list of participants). What other activities or providers would you like to see included before we start?

Question 4: Having heard the way the scheme is set up; do you think there will be any problems? What do you think we could do about these problems? Do you think we should do things differently?

Question 5: What is the best way of letting everyone in the school know about this scheme?When are the best times for the support worker to be available in the school?

Question 6: Do you have anything else to add about the project?

ACTIVE Focus Group Questions

Control Group

Activity 1 (5 – 10 mins): What is physical activity? What does it mean to you?

(Flipchart/post-its – ask pupils to discuss/write down what the term means to them)

How active should people your age be? (60 minutes recommended per day)

Question 1: How active do you think people in your year are? Do you think you are as active as you can be?

Activity 2 (5 – 10 mins):What do you see as the current barriers to physical activity? How do you feel about your current levels?

(Give post-it notes and ask pupils to list 5-6 barriers to activity. Then rank these barriers in order of most common barriers and discuss the reasoning for this order)

Question 2: Why do you think people your age like/don’t like being active?

Question 3:Is there much to do in your area? If so, how accessible are these activities to your age group?

Question 4: What do you think the best way to get people active is? What needs to happen in your local area?

Question 5: Do you have anything else to add?