1.Following the launch of the joint policy statement on Early Years and Early Intervention, the Scottish Government and COSLA now want to move forward to the next phase of more detailed policy development.
Programme Board
2.A programme board, jointly chaired by the Scottish Government and COSLA, including representation from the NHS and the voluntary sector; the chairs of the task groups (see paragraph 3); ACPOS; and specific individuals chosen for their expertise, will oversee the development of the early years framework over the coming months. The programme board will provide overall strategic direction for the development of the framework and will be a high level forum to provide advice to Scottish Ministers and COSLA.
Task Groups
3.The detailed work will be developed by four task groups, each taking forward consideration ofone of the themes for the framework. The Task Groups will be the real power house of this development phase. The four themes they will cover are:
- Building parenting and family capacity pre and post birth
- Creating communities that provide a supportive environment for children and families
- Delivering integrated services that meet the holistic needs of children and families
- Developing a suitable workforce to support the framework
These task groups will involve a broad range of stakeholders, from the full range of early years interests, including all sectors and all levels. The groups will be supported by a team of policymakers, service managers, researchers, economists and statisticians from within the Scottish Government and local government. They will report to the programme board.
More detail on the aims objectives and on the remit of the task groups is set out in section B below. Instructions on how the task groups will function are set out at section C and the proposed membership of the task groups, programme board and virtual team are at section D.
Policy Team
4.The programme board and the task groups will be supported by the policy team, which will comprise policy officers from both the Scottish Government and COSLA. The policy team will be involved in all the task groups to provide a degree of co-ordination in policy terms. It will synthesise the outputs of the task groups for consideration by the programme board and will manage the interfaces with other major policy developments.
Virtual Team
5.This team will consist of a wide range of senior policy officers from across the Scottish Government who have an interest in the early years agenda and in the framework. Members will act as a source of reference for the task group chairs and for the programme board. They will be a valuable resource to task groups to enable them to understand the wider policy context within government. They will also ensure that developments in the Early Years Framework and thinking emerging from the Task Groups are reflected back into policy thinking elsewhere.
To develop jointly an early years framework document, within the context of early intervention, based on the themes of
- building parenting and family capacity pre and post birth
- creating communities that provide a supportive environment for children and families
- delivering integrated services that meet the holistic needs of children and families
- developing a suitable workforce to support the framework
Objectives for each individual group
- set its work clearly within the context of the Government’s Purpose[1], the strategic objectives and Government Economic Strategy;
- identify how its proposals will contribute to the achievement of the Purpose and the national outcomes;
- consider allocated tasks from the list agreed by main stakeholders, basing considerations on available evidence;
- use existing networks of contacts to ensure that as broad a range of stakeholders as possible are enabled to contribute to the discussion;
- develop creative policy proposals on how each task could be accomplished, identifying any barriers
- make clear recommendations on the means of delivery, addressing resource issues in doing so;
- ensure that the proposals put forward take account of equality and diversity principles;
- in the context of the Concordat, identify ways in which success could be effectively measured.
The final agreed list of tasks will be sub divided under the themes of the framework and allocated to the appropriate task group by the Programme Board.
Scottish Government analysts and HMIE are producing a starter pack for each task group that will summarise key research evidence, statistics and examples of innovative practice. This will provide an underpinning evidence base to support discussions but the key input will be the skills, knowledge and experience of task team members and their networks. Team members will be expected to make a time commitment to the task and will be expected to contribute to development of papers and/or discussion of those papers.
Each individual task group will be required to produce a report on the tasks allocated to the group, relating the tasks to the theme; identifying barriers and challenges and identifying how these barriers/challenges can be addressedin the short, medium or long term; and making recommendations on the means of delivery.
Final policy proposals from the task group to be with the Programme Board by end June 2008.
Overall output
The outputs from each task group will be integrated and reviewed by the Programme Board which will include the chairs of each of the task groups. The Programme Board will be responsible for putting forward proposals to Scottish Ministers and COSLA for consideration for inclusion in the final framework document. The final decisions on what the framework document will contain will be for Scottish Ministers and COSLA to determine.
1.Each task group will be provided with a starter pack of evidence related to the tasks assigned to their group. Each group will also have the support of an analyst from the Scottish Government, who will ensure that the discussions and therefore the findings of the group are evidence based as far as possible. The findings of the groups will be informed and tested against a user focus group that will run in parallel with the groups.
2.The chair will allocate tasks to sub-groups, determined by the interests and experience of the individuals. These sub-groups will identify, for their allocated task(s)
- where we are now (based on the evidence supplied);
- where we want to get to and whether these aims are for the short, medium or long term;
- what we need to do to get there;
- how we need to do it;
- who needs to do what to ensure delivery;
- what the resource implications are and how those resources will be secured;
- what the barriers are; and
- in the context of the National Conversation, those areas of reserved responsibilities where a distinctive Scottish approach would bring benefits and identify how this can be achieved.
Consideration of these will enable the subgroups to share their thinking and their proposals with the larger task group by an agreed deadline, probably mid-June.
3.Overarching tasks that all groups and sub groups will need to take into consideration in their deliberations are:
- Making the links to the principles of Getting it Right for Every Child
- Within the context of the Concordat, developing success measures and accountability arrangements for implementation of the framework.
- Embedding equality and diversity principles within all the work on the framework
- Developing an approach to support for disadvantaged and vulnerable families that integrates with the Government’s development of a framework for tackling poverty, inequality and deprivation.
4.Effective communication within the task groups and subgroups will be crucial and will need to be clear, with protocols agreed between the members at the initial meetings being help between 25 April and 2 May. In terms of practicalities, a substantial amount of communication following these initial meetings will probably be via e-mail, but each subgroup will also wish to identify dates for meetings as soon as possible. The chair of the task group, the relevant analyst and the relevant member of the SG/COSLA policy team should be copied in to all e-mails. We expect that discussion within the subgroups and within the task groups will be frank and open and on a confidential basis to the task group.
Where sub-groups are formed to progress individual tasks, these can include members from outside the task group but must operate within the same expectation of confidentiality.
5.In addition the chair will wish to consider establishing a co-ordination group from among the members of the task group. The co-ordination group will work with the chair to consider the reports from the relevant sub-groups with a view to making the links between their findings. This will clearly require a greater time commitment from those involved. It would also be helpful if dates for full meetings of the task group are identified at the very beginning of the process. The meetings should be the forum for the task group as a whole to come to their agreed position on each of the tasks.
6.The findings from the task group will be passed to the Programme Board by end June to form the basis of the final framework document. The findings will reflect the agreed proposals of the whole task group. For those areas where no agreement can be reached on what the proposals should be, this should be reflected too, along with members’ reasons for the lack of agreement.
7.Support for the task groups will be provided by SG analysts as set out at paragraph 1 above and by the Early Years policy team, made up of officials from SG and COSLA. A member of this team will be a member of each task group and they, along with the chairs of the task groups and the Programme Board, will ensure links are made across the task groups. In addition they will report progress to Scottish Ministers and COSLA and reflect their views back to task groups.
8.Although the main work of the task groups in this phase of development will come to an end in June, we anticipate that the policy team may ask for further input as the final version of the framework develops, through to publication in the autumn.
1.Building parenting and family capacity – to be chaired by Malcolm Wright, NHS Education for Scotland
John Froggatt, Child and Maternal Health
Jane Walker, Nursing Officer
James Cox, Getting it Right team
Dona Milne - Public health team – sexual health strategy
Gordon Currie - Parenting educationMargaret Tod, Support for Children and Families
Olivia Mcleod, Care and Justice
Morgan Jamieson, National Clinical Lead, Children and Young People’s Health
SG analyst
Jackie Mitchell, RCM
Zoe Dunhill
Judy Thomson, Director of Clin Psych, Yorkhill
Anne Maree Wallace, Director of Public Health
Homestart – David Milliken
Barnardo’s- Tam Baillie
Children 1st - Anne Houston
Parenting Across Scotland – Clare Simpson
Lilian Goldie, West Dunbartonshire Council, ADES
Sandra Paterson, North Ayrshire Council, ADSW
Alan Sinclair
John Carnochan
CPC chairs group-Maggie Tierney
SWIA –Gill Ottley
2.Workforce – to be chaired by Val Cox, Deputy Director, Workforce and Capacity Division, Scottish Government
Ian Davidson - Workforce and Capacity team
Elinor Mitchell- NHS Workforce-
Liz Denny – Primary Care Nursing Team
Michael Kellet – Teachers Division
SG analyst
UNISON- Matt Smith
RCGP - nomination
RCN - Anne Thomson/Maxine Moy
NES – Mary Boyle
Vol. Sector
SPPA –Ian McLaughlan
SCMA –Maggie Simpson
CCPS –Adrian Snowball
Peter Hay – Aberdeenshire Council (SPDS)
Kristine Johnson – Stirling Council (ADES Personnel Network)
Michelle Miller – City of Edinburgh Council (ADSW)
EIS – Margaret Smith
AQNS – Kathlyn Taylor
SSSC – Edith Wellwood
3.Services – to be chaired by Julia Swan, COSLA
Peter Willman - Getting it Right
Tim Wallace – Curriculum for Excellence
Robin Mckendrick- Support for learning
Rod Burns, Support for Children and Families
Alex McMahon, Mental Health Delivery and Services
Robert Stevenson - Child and Maternal Health
Healthcare in schools project officer to be identified (contact Jane Walker)
Don McGillivray/Maureen Verrall/Susan Neilands – Positive Futures
SG analyst
Vol. Sector
CALA – Ann Brady
SOSCN – Irene Audain
NCH – Andrew Girvan/ Anne Darlington
Aberlour – Ian Turner
Kay Gilmour – East Ayrshire Council (ADES)
Helen Turley – Perth and Kinross (ALACHO)
Kenny Laing – Inverclyde Council (Child Care Partnership Officer Network)
Alison MacKenzie – Argyll and Bute Council (ADSW)
Derek Cox, Director of Public Health
Dawn Moss, Consultant Children’s Nurse, NHS Borders
Scottish Association of Alcohol and Drugs Action Teams – CE
NDNA – Jacqueline Drinkwater
Care Commission – Alison Ryan
HMIE – Marion Burns
4.Community Capacity building - to be chaired by Martin Crewe, Director, Barnardo’s Scotland
Mairi Tulbure - Getting it Right team
Sean Stronach – Community Learning and Development
Brian Dornan - Social inclusion –
Alisdair McIntosh - Housing regeneration –
Angela Wiseman, Rural Communities
SG analyst –
Gus Collins – South Ayrshire Council (ALACHO)
Anne Rooney – Midlothian Council (ADES and Child Care Partnership Officer Network)
Safaa Baxter – East Renfrewshire Council (ADSW)
Vol Sector
Play Scotland – Marguerite Hunter Blair
Children in Scotland – Agnes Rennie (tbc)
Quarriers – Glynis Elgey
Peter Hamilton - HMIE CLD
Community planning - Sue Bruce
Church of Scotland – Alan Staff, Crossreach
Community Development AllianceScotland - Stewart Murdoch
Community Learning and Development Managers Scotland - John McKnight,
ACPOS nominee
5.Virtual Team –
Colin Maclean, Director Children, Young People and Social Care
Maureen Verrall, Positive Futures
Don McGillivray, Positive Futures
Dr Peter Donnelly, DCMO
Derek Feeley, Healthcare policy
John Froggatt, Child and maternal Health
Boyd Mcadam, GIRFEC
Alan Johnston, Safer Communities
Claire Monaghan, Safer Children, Stronger Families
Val Cox, Workforce and Capacity
Shane Rankin, Organisations and Quality Issues
Olivia Mcleod, Care and Justice
Mags McGuire, Nursing
Pam Whittle, Public Health and Wellbeing
Kay Barton, Health Improvement
Frances Wood/Brian Dornan, Social Inclusion
Mike Gibson, Support for Learning
Rod Harrison, IAS
Alisdair McIntosh, Housing
Geoff Huggins, Mental Health Division
Tim Wallace, Schools Directorate
Zoe Ferguson, More ChoicesMore Chances
Jim Carle, GIRFEC, Domestic Abuse
Margaret Tod, Supporting Children and Families Team
Sean Stronach, Community Learning and Development
Karen McAvenue, Skills Strategy Team
Local Government Finance Team
Public Sector Reform Team
Robert Nicol, COSLA
6.Programme Board
Colin Maclean, Director, CYPSC joint chair
Rory Mair, COSLA - joint chair
Maureen Verrall, Depute Director, Positive Futures Division, SG
Gillian Tee, COSLA
Derek Feeley, Director Healthcare Policy and Strategy
Dr Linda de Caesteker, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Romy Langeland
Tom Halpin, ACPOS
Bronwen Cohen, Children in Scotland
Malcolm Wright, Chair of parenting task groups
Val Cox, Chair of workforce task group
Martin Crewe, Chair of communities task group
Julia Swan, Chair of services task group
In attendance
Don McGillivray, Positive Futures Division, SG
Robert Nicol, COSLA
SG Communications Team
Rod Harrison, SG Analytical Services Team
Anncris Roberts, Positive Futures Division, SG
7.End users reference group
[1]The Scottish Government’s Purpose isto create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.