Curriculum Committee Minutes
Tuesday, April 1, 2003
In attendance: Karen Luper (Chair), Al Reed, Daniel Primozic, Barbara Tucci, Isabella Bornet, Colette Lee, Marcia Reifman, Judy Morse (Recorder)
Program Review Summaries:
1. Small Business Management - Al Reed presented the A.A.S. and Certificate degree plans for Small Business Management (handout). The final analysis of the program review is to drop both the certificate and A.A.S. degree plans for next catalog year. There is insufficient enrollment to warrant the continuation of a stand-alone program. Al will get the appropriate degree cancellation forms to Barbara. The committee suggested that we keep some of the core SBMG classes and these could possibly be incorporated into other degree plans such as the A.A. in Business Management.
2. Credit for Prior Learning – Karen Luper presented the Credit for Prior Learning program (handout). Karen noted that the attrition rate in the first couple of semesters is mostly attributed to the fact that the students are not prepared to write at a college level about their expertise. Those who stick with the process have a very successful completion rate, and to date all credit requests have been granted.
Karen began the program in the fall of 2000, and now Colleen Lynch is handling the portfolio course. They are looking into putting the class on-line.
Draft Reg. No 711:
Karen passed out copies of the draft regulation number 711 for review by the committee next week. This regulation covers Curriculum Committee guidelines.