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Cystic Fibrosis (CF) /
- A life-threatening genetic disease that is not contagious and does not affect cognitive ability.
- A defective gene causes the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that can clog the lungs, pancreas, and other organs.
- This buildup can lead to breathing problems, difficulty digesting food and susceptibility to developing lung infections from germs that would not pose a risk to healthy children or adults who do not have CF.
Diet /
- Needs special CF diet that includes pancreatic enzymes, vitamins and high-calorie, high-fat foods.
- Needs snacks / nutritional supplements throughout the school day.
Abdominal Issues /
- Abdominal pain, foul-smelling gas, and/or diarrhea may occur.
Frequent Coughing /
- Clears the excess mucus from lungs. Not contagious and should be encouraged.
Vulnerable to lung infections /
- Good hand-washing and infection control measures needed by all students and staff
Coughing /- Do not discourage coughing.
- Encourage good handwashing and infection control hygiene.
- Have tissues available, trashcan near desk, and antimicrobial hand gel for child.
- Allow water bottle at desk; encourage drinking (helps thin secretions).
- Do not draw attention to the student or stop instruction (may be self-conscious).
- May need to slip outside the classroom during coughing spells(if disruptive).
- Medication may be ordered for secretions.*
Vulnerable to lung infections /
- Keep child a safe 6-foot distance (2 meters) from others with a cold, flu or an infection in all settings, both outdoors and especially indoors.
- Encourage everyone to wash hands by making soap and water and/or alcohol-based hand gel readily available in the classroom.
- Encourage everyone to cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue. Throw the tissue away immediately, then wash or clean hands. If a tissue is not available, encourage everyone to cough or sneeze into their inner elbow.
Shortness of breath /
- Rest as needed during PE or other exercise.
- Use rescue inhaler, if ordered*. Type:
Excessive sweating due to activity or heat /
- Limit activity on very warm days.
- Limit activity if excessive sweating during exercise.
- Provide with shade or cool room.
- Encourage adequate fluid intake.
Abdominal cramps / complaints /
- Bathroom privileges, when needed.
- Seat on the perimeter of the classroom, closet to the door that leads to the bathroom.
Hunger /
- Allow snacks as suggested by doctor or parent/guardian.
- May be on high calorie diet.
Absences due to vulnerability to lung infections /
- Allow accommodations, according to illness policy.
- If absences are frequent, contact guidance(may need IEP/504) and nurse.
Medications / Enzymes /
- Enzyme medications may be added to food during lunch.
- Doctor’s order required, if staff need to administer*
Respiratory Distress /
- Position w/chest at 45o angle; cool, quiet environment; medicate, if ordered*.
- Contact school nurse and parent/guardian.
* Attach completed Medication Permission Form and Medication Adm. Log.
Please list other concerns/recommendations:
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: / Date:
School Nurse Signature ______Date ______Resource:
File original in IHR. Copies to appropriate staff and Emergency Action Plan Notebook. Revised: August 2016