Action Points from the SASH Executive Meeting 19.09.14
Present: Rob Benzie, Tony Bloxham, Karen Canham, Neal Chislett, David Derbyshire, Simon Faull, Richard Graydon, Lesley Greenway, Mark Griffin, Steve Jackson, Paul James, Stefan McHale, Paul Nugent, Vanessa Ogden,
Gill Rennard, Paul Scutt, Steve Smith, Justine Downs
- Apologies: Mark Payne, Mark Trusson
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes were approved as an accurate record. Most matters arising were on the agenda except for the speed at which GCSE results were reported this year. If 2014 is a one-off event, this problem will not recur, but if it does, schools and SASH needs to be much faster in collating an accurate picture.
4. Executive Officer Items
S4S3 Day
Action: All members to approach their DT teachers and nominate any who are able to make a contribution to S4S3 Day to RG.
Progression Project
Action: SS to liaise with DD about this.
Wellbeing of Children in Somerset
Action: RB to send the Health Survey Booklet to all SASH members as an attachment to the SASH Update.
Action: Results of the Health survey to be included on the Agenda for SASH Day Conference on 10 October 2014.
5. Around Somerset
Action: LG and PJ to compare the paragraph that refers to LA support in the Chilton Trinity and St Dunstan’s reports.
Action: TB to come up with a statement that colleagues can use if they are subject to an inspection and that can be included in their SEF. This will be considered by SASH SLT before recommendation to the full membership.
No Actions
6. SASH Chair and Vice Chair from January 2015
Action: All members to send suggestions for potential vice chairs to TB, RG or RB.
Action: The Chair and Vice Chair situation to be discussed with the wider membership at SASH Day Conference on 10.10.14.
7. SASH Co Ltd
Action: RB to provide clarity for Headteachers about the actions they need to take to proceed towards SASH becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee and the new timeline for this process. Ensuring it is clear that this poses no financial risk to schools.
Action: RB to create a PowerPoint presentation and a list of FAQs to assist Headteachers when they speak to their Governing Bodies.
Action: RB to scope support to arrange a meeting for Chairs of Governors to explain the process of SASH becoming a CLG.
8. Paul Nugent’s Departure
No Actions
9. Any Other Business
Date of S4S4 Day
Action: RG and JD to check the dates and arrange S4S4 for the last Friday before February Half Term.