Title: / SuperStream Technical Committee (SSTC)
Venue: / Australian Taxation Office – 52 Goulburn Street, Sydney
Meeting Rooms – L18.712 & L18.713
Teleconference |Phone: 1800 888 453 | Access Pin: 81746019
Event Date: / WednesdayJuly122017 / Start: / 10:00 / Finish: / 11:54
Chair: / Ty Winmill
contact: / Louise Ison / Contact Phone: / 02 62164654
Names/Section / Ty Winmill
Graham Dawson
Chao Wang
Michael Cooper
Shane Moore
Leo Cheung
Danielle Smith
Reno Ceccato
Simon Cho
Chris Thorne
Gary Baxter
Damian Haslam
Yong Zhang
Andrew Morris
Gary Jacobs
John Kennedy
Jamie Hancock
Matt Giuliano
Matt Rea
Josef Bobinac
Natasha Cox
Rodney Bedser
Darren Binskin
David Kerr
Stephen Milburn
Ali Gibson
Meri Bineesh / ATO
BT Financial Group
CBA Group
IFF/Australian Payroll Association
IQ Group, ASFA E-Commerce Group
Link Group
next Meeting: / Teleconference Wednesday26July2017
Agenda item: / 1
TOPIC: / Welcome and acceptance of minutes

The minutes from June2017 were accepted.

Agenda item: / 2
TOPIC: / Action Items

Action items were reviewed in the master action items list.

Agenda item: / 3
topic: / Services

Shane Moore updated the group on Services.

The following key points were raised in discussion:

  • Validation rules for SuperTick are being reviewed.

Currently 45 rules are untouched and we are looking at relaxing 18 rules, removing 2 and updating 6 rules. A new schematron will be applied after any rule change.

  • We are getting a lot of funds hitting validation rules which effectively means they are not using the schematron.
  • Discussion was held around the application of the schematron and what the ATO recommends as best practice.
    It was acknowledged that the schematron was developed to assist industry with their implementation and applying business rules however theMIG and that definition has the ultimate set of business rules that you should build to.
  • The committee agreed that changes to validation rules would go through the change management process, only feedback is being sought at this time.
  • YETI has reached the end of its contract and the ATO is seeking feedback on its usage, we need a picture of what industry requires from YETI, what functions are absolutely necessary. A replacement may be an option, information will be provided shortly.
  • Our team is still monitoring usage of SuperTick v1 and v2, the decommissioning date was the 30th of June which has now passed and services are still running. Some funds have an approved deferral til the end of August. Our new decommissioning date is the end of August to align with funds moving to SuperTICK3


Members noted the update

Agenda item: / 4
topic: / SBR2 Platform

Chris Thorne updated the group on SBR2 platform.

The following key points were raised in discussion:

  • In the STP space we have had batch payment runs of 300,000 records, as XML is used instead of XBRL the 10,000 transaction limitation doesn’t apply.
  • Discussion was held around the value of having a megabyte size limit indication

It was agreed that a size indication does not hold much value as it comes down to the number of transactions.

  • Questions were raised regardingSLA’s on transactions, how long would 100,000 take to be processed? The MIG defines the SLA for a batch is 5 seconds per member transaction.

Action item:
20170712-1 / Due date:
[26 July 2017] / Responsibility:
Chris Thorne
Provide guidelines around the performance of various services transactions.
  • Updated statistics on SuperTick v3 performance were clarified, the more records in the file the longer it takes to process for example if the bulk request had 200 line it would take approximately .5 seconds each and if you had 2000 lines in the file that would take 6 seconds

Action item:
20170712-2 / Due date:
[26 July 2017] / Responsibility:
Chris Thorne
Check with the performance team and commission a performance run to get new data.
  • The members raised questions around contingency plans relating to unexpected outages more specifically what would happen if the platform went down again. Chris Thorne advised the group that SBR1 is running on two sites and SBR2 will also be running on two sites pending final development checks, the gateway will be opening in August. There were discussions on the configuration of the sites, Chris Thorne advised that they are fully functional, fully configured separate sites with different end points.
  • Concerns were raised regarding funds carrying the responsibility of actively switching between sites, it was advised that it was not easy for funds to change their end point between gateway 1 and gateway 2 Chris Thorne explained the decision was made after internal discussions and current recommendations.

Action item:
20170712-3 / Due date:
[26July 2017] / Responsibility:
Chris Thorne
Hold a design session TWG around options for load balancing sites and how we might implement.

Members noted the update.

Agenda item: 5
Topic: / Rollovers V2 Implementation update

Michael Cooper updated the group on Rollovers V2 implementation.

The following Key points were raised:

  • Rollovers arecoming into BAU now.
  • 20 USM runs have been pulled through.
  • No new issues.

Members noted the update

Agenda item: / 6
Topic: / Contributions V2 Implementation update

Michael Cooper updated the group on Contributions V2 implementation.

The following Key points were raised:

  • Testing update.
  • Funds completed and passed testing – 16
  • Funds in testing – 18
  • Funds preparing to test - 30
  • Funds scheduled for test after current round – 26
  • Issues identified in the last fortnight around validation of inbound messages have been addressed and provided a basis for more rigour of the EVTE message validation process.

Invalid PRNs in messages is causing validation failures, this has caused delay in getting testing outcomes back to funds.

  • The decision was made for go live, from today’s date (12/07/2017) USIs that are ready to have their certification value activated for GCon 2 would be receiving Contributions in the Standard going forward.
  • Section 20c notices formalise in January and are sent out in February, they will go out in a similar pattern to EPF.

Members noted the update

Agenda item: / 7
Topic: / Guidance notes

Graham Dawson updated the group on Guidance Notes.

The following key messages were raised

  • Guidance notes have been published on the SIPO page for consultation.
  • Limited feedback received on the SAFF and Defined benefits, there is a draft paper on aggregation of contributions
  • Responsemessaging compliance paper isbasic principles of payments per reconciliations and refunds. Referenceswere included for the MIG and Regulations but these made the document difficult to read so key sentences have been extracted under each key point.
  • Questions were raised regarding the ATOs approach to enforcing compliance. Ty Winmill advised that where funds have self-identified issues we are able to work with them, we have written to trustees and we have the support of APRA in the compliance date of 31 August. The ATO will provide assistance to those that need help.

Members noted the update

Agenda item: / 8
Topic: / Papers for discussion

There were no comments on papers.

Agenda item: / 9
Topic: / Other business
  • David Kerr asked for an update on the workshops mentioned at the SASG around 1st home savers.

Action item:
20170712-4 / Due date:
9 August 2017 / Responsibility:
Ty Winmill
Speak with New Policy team for information on workshops discussed at SASG.
  • Stephen Milburn raised a concern that they have received out of band communication requesting recovery of monies, received through the USM channel.

Action item:
20170712-5 / Due date:
9 August 2017 / Responsibility:
Reno Ceccato
Investigate out of band communication requesting recovery of monies.
  • John Kennedydiscussed the DHS briefing in regards to data sent to the ATO, DHS advised there is a gap with data with time therefore it’s easier for them to approach funds directly, that is a significant issue.

John Kennedy will distribute documents from the DHS briefing to SSTC members.

Action item:
20170712-6 / Due date:
9 August 2017 / Responsibility:
Ty Winmill
Ty Winmill to organise a meeting to discuss the issues around DHS approaching funds for data.
  • Darren from NAB asked about how the SCIWG work and interact with the SSTC?

Ty Winmill advised that the SCIWG page will be up on SIPO soon but the charter will be distributed to SSTC members.

Action item:
20170712-7 / Due date:
9 August 2017 / Responsibility:
Ty Winmill
Distribute SCIWG Charter to SSTC members.

Meeting closed at 11:54am