Alberta Ecotrust 2018 Environmental Gathering – Create the Future
Bursary Application Form (maximum $250)
Alberta Ecotrust is pleased to offer a limited number of bursaries of up to $250 to help participants attend the Environmental Gathering – Create the Future, in Calgary, Alberta, March 8-10, 2018.
Please complete and email this bursary application form to Amy Spark
Deadline to apply for a bursary is Friday, January 26th, 2018.
Successful applicants will receive a reduced Environmental Gathering registration fee. Bursaries are not transferable to other individuals. The individual applying must attend the Conference.
Applicants will be notified via email whether or not they have been selected for a bursary by Friday, February 2nd, 2018.
Return-service Commitment
Bursary recipients are required to send a written synopsis of their experience (maximum 500 words) at the Environmental Gathering within 30 days of the event to .
Bursary Selection Criteria
Bursary recipients will be selected by Alberta Ecotrust staff based on the following assessment criteria:
- Is the applicant engaged in the Alberta’s nonprofit environmental sector?
- Would the applicantbenefit from attending the Environmental Gathering with other environmental champions?
- Would the applicant apply learningsto their environmental work, their organization, or community?
Bursary Stream
Alberta Ecotrust can offer a limited number of bursaries to youth, Indigenous persons, and individuals who require financial assistance. Please check all that apply:
Youth (Age 16-24): ☐ / Indigenous ☐ / Financial Need ☐Requested Applicant Information
2)Organization (if applicable):
3)Organization website:
4)Position or role within organization (if applicable):
5)Email address:
6)Is your organization a charity or a nonprofit? Please specify.
7)Mailing Address including Postal Code:
8)Telephone Number:
9)Bursary amount requested (maximum $250):
10)Briefly describe (maximum 250 words) why you would like to attend this event and how you and / or your organization would benefit from participating in Alberta Ecotrust’s Environmental Gathering: Breaking Through. Are there particular knowledge, skills, or information that you are hoping to gain or offer through your participation in this conference?
11)What do you see as the major opportunities / challenges / issues related to the environmental issue(s) you work with or are interested in?
12)Will any other people affiliated with your organization attend the Environmental Gathering?
13)Other comments:
By submitting this Environmental Gathering bursary application form to Alberta Ecotrust, I agree that if I receive the requested bursary, I will:
- Advise Ecotrust staff at , prior to Friday, February 16, 2018, if I am unable to attend the Environmental Gathering.
- Send a written synopsis (maximum 500 words) of my experience at the Environmental Gathering within 30 days of the event.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Spark at