ACT Health Information Association of Australia Branch

General Meeting Minutes

Meeting held Tuesday 12 September 2000 at 9:30am, Conference Room 1, Administration, Main Block, The Canberra Hospital.

  1. Apologies

Sue Chicchio, Gloria Spyropoulos, Judy Redmond, Seija Graham, Lee Miller, Denise Crowe, Vicky Bennett.

  1. Present

Elizabeth Moss, Amanda See Toh, Jenny Kok, Jenny Elliott, Olivia Barri, Holly Lyon, Louise Hodgman, Lucianne Vagg, Anthea James.

  1. Confirmation of the Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed as correct subject to the following changes:

Branch President’s Report: The Board meeting was held on 11 August 2000.

  1. Branch President’s Report

Elizabeth has not received a handover from Denise as yet.

It is not sure if Denise has informed HIMAA of the new office bearers. This will be followed up.

Action: Lucianne will provide HIMAA with the details of the new office bearers.

  1. Correspondence





  1. Treasurers Report

Jenny has faxed the bank reconciliation receipt to Phillida Chew.

A bank statement has not been received.

GST is still an issue for the HIMAA Branches. There is a lot of confusion as to the reporting responsibilities of the Branch. There has been little helpful information provided to the Branch. GST will apply when the Branch runs courses/seminars and when purchasing anything that we pay GST on.

We have to provide an activity statement every three months.

Signatures on the bank account will need to be changed.

Action: Jenny to record all expenses and credits in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Jenny to organise changing signatures.

  1. Continuing Education

Jenny Kok is still asking members to consider topics they may like to know more about in terms of continuing education. Jenny has some ideas that we can do as a group (these may require payment from members). We need to think about having guest speakers and presentations from members.

It was raised that we need to find out what the other hospitals have in terms of continuing education that we could attend as a group.

We need to look at areas other than coder education. For example, Professional marketing skills- what we can give the organisations we work for.

It was mentioned that we could get someone from the Health Insurance Commission to come and talk us.

Issues surrounding Clinical Coder Certification and Coder Accreditation were raised. These included the continuing loss of money, and high (61%) failure rates. Ross Freer had e-mailed asking for opinions/ suggestions, but comments already submitted were along the same lines as what Jenny was thinking.

It hasn’t been determined what to do in regards to ICD-10 training. The last training session was run 4 years ago for the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10.

Action: Jenny will post an e-mail to members asking for some ideas. She will include some examples, along with a list of the courses that The Canberra Hospital Staff Development Unit has on offer.

  1. Journal Liaison

Olivia was not contacted and therefore she was unaware of the last meeting. She has not received any minutes, but is aware that Kerin Robinson is the editor of the HIMAA Editorial Journal Board. Olivia has her details and will contact her.

There are still concerns regarding the costs involved in producing the journal.

The ACT PMI is a topic being considered for a journal report.

Action: Olivia to contact Kerin Robinson and speak with Lucianne as a handover.

  1. Board Report

No report.

Action: Lucianne to distribute minutes of the last meeting.

  1. Business Arising

10.1ACT Branch Web Page

A digital photo was taken to be put on the web page.


As noted in the treasurer’s report GST is posing some problems

10.3 Retention Schedule

Jenny has received the WA retention schedule and passed it on to Anthea. The working party has not been developed and therefore this has not progressed.

Issues discussed included requests received by TCH from various facilities including Community Health, Mental Health, Public Nursing Homes and Private Hospitals.

Action: Elizabeth to contact the Policy Unit at ACT Health

10.4ACT Allied Health Casemix Committee

Holly has not received any information as yet.

Action: Holly to contact Mary Lee Sinclair-Vogt for further details.

10.5 IHFRO Representative

Louise has sent a thankyou letter- still in the mail box.

It was suggested that all members attending IHFRO give a presentation on the sessions they attend as many sessions are concurrent.

  1. New Business
  2. Casemix Conference Report- Jenny Kok

Jenny reported on the Casemix Conference held in Cairns.

Jenny is happy to provide detailed information to anyone interested.

11.2Branch Meeting Times

It was raised that the present meeting time is unsuitable for some members. It was suggested that the meeting times be alternated so more members have an opportunity to attend.

Action: The next meeting to be held as a lunchtime meeting- 12:00 midday.

11.3ACT Projects 00/01

Retention Schedule- It was mentioned that we need to work on developing an ACT Retention Schedule.

Action: Elizabeth to contact the Policy Unit at ACT Health

PMI- Jenny Elliott commented on the issues surrounding the ACT PMI. These included ownership of the PMI once more than 1 hospital is using the PMI ie double numbers and electronic consent issues. It was also mentioned that the Minister is under the impression that having an ACT PMI is like an electronic record.

Data Quality- Gary Kennedy to talk to us about issues surrounding data quality and the ACT Data Manual.

11.4Health Information Networking

Jenny Kok suggested that one of our members should sit in on the Health Information Networking Project, as there were concerns that decisions were being made without the input of health-related people.

11.5 IT14

Elizabeth mentioned the meeting in Adelaide.

Action: Elizabeth to circulate the minutes
  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 November 2000, in the Executive Meeting Room, Xavier Building – just off the main foyer (in the Pastoral Care Dept) Calvary.