St Mary Magdalene CE Primary School POLICY NO: 1



Here at St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School we aim to educate and develop all children in a happy, caring community, nurtured by Christian values that places individuals at its heart and allows everyone to shine.

We are committed to the welfare and safety of every child.

1.2SCHOOL MOTTO:‘Love to learn, learn to love’


We believe that values are at the heart of our school and are essential if St Mary Magdalene is to be a safe learning environment. Therefore, it is important to clarify the values that are most important to us. When discussing behaviour choices and sanctions with children we will talk about our Loving Four, rather than our ‘rules’. Our Loving Four are:

  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Aspiration


Learning 10 behaviours are what we believe children should display in school when dealing with challenges. Our discussions with children about their achievement and behaviour will relate to their use of the learning 10:

  • Reflective
  • Independence
  • Collaboration
  • High Expectations
  • Nurture
  • Inquisitive
  • Problem Solver
  • Perseverance
  • Enthusiasm
  • Risk Taker


2The aim of our Achievement and Behaviour policy is to help children grow up into confident, considerate young people, with an emphasis as a Church of England school, on the teachings of the Bible.

Jesus taught that all rules can be summed up by these two commandments.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.”

“Love your neighbour as you would love yourself.”

We want them to listen to others and be listened to, to respect others and be shown respect. We teach them to care for the school environment so that it is a pleasant, safe and worthwhile place to learn and grow.

We see children’s education as a partnership between home and school and we therefore present this policy as a balance of rights and responsibilities for children, parents and staff.


2.1 / To be educated with access to a rich, interesting and varied curriculum. / To do their best in all their learning and co-operate with all members of staff.
2.2 / To feel safe and secure in a school free from verbal or physical abuse. / Not to threaten other children or staff verbally or physically, or insult them.
2.3 / To be listened to by the staff of the school and have any problems dealt with fairly. / Listen to, respect and try to understand other people’s point of view.
2.4 / To learn and play in a pleasant and attractive environment. / Keep St Mary Magdalene a pleasant and welcoming place.
2.5 / To be treated with respect. / Behave respectfully towards others.
2.6 / To expect their children to be educated to their full potential within an equal opportunity environment. / To support staff in their task of educating children by encouraging hard work, good behaviour, punctuality and regular attendance.
2.7 / To be kept fully informed about their child’s progress and consulted if any problems arise. / To let school know if there are any concerns about their child’s learning or well being and stay in touch with school through attending parents’ meetings.
2.8 / To have concerns taken seriously. / To share concerns constructively.
2.9 / To be kept informed if their children are absent without explanation. / To send a note or telephone the school to explain any absences.
2.10 / To be treated with respect and expect their children to be listened to and treated with respect. / To behave respectfully towards others.
2.11 / To be free to teach and care for children to the best of their ability without disruption. / To ensure that they treat all children equally and ensure that they are valued, safe and secure at school.
2.12 / To expect cooperation and respect from the children in their care. / To provide a rich, interesting and well planned curriculum.
2.13 / To be treated courteously by all others in the school community. / To model courteous behaviour and recognise and acknowledge positive behaviour in others.
2.14 / To be made fully aware of the school’s systems, policies and expectation. / To keep parents fully informed of their children’s progress and consult them if any problems arise.


In order to give children a visual representation of their progress in following our Learning 10 and Loving Four, we have developed a traffic light system to encourage the kind of behaviours we are looking for.

We encourage children to ‘Go God’s Way. Go Green’ and do what is right and be rewarded.

GREEN – all children begin each day in green, this is a fresh start.

AMBER - if a child’s behaviour is unacceptable they will receive a warning.

If they ignore the warning they are moved to amber which means 15 minutes in reflection. The class teacher will look to see if they have changed their behaviour and they can move back to green.

RED - If being in amber means that they do not correct their behaviour they may be moved down to red which means 30 minutes in reflection.The class teacher does look to see if the behaviour has changed and the child may earn the right to move back up the traffic lights.

Children do have the opportunity to change their behaviour and can move back into green.

If a child has been in reflection for more than three occasions in a half term, their parents are asked to attend a meeting to discuss the behaviour and next steps.

A weekly behaviour panel of senior leaders will track those children who have been in reflection.

Each half term an analysis of Reflection Room visits is completed to measure impact and to track persistent offenders. If a child is causing concern their details are passed on to the Inclusion Manager, who will decide on the next steps to support the child.


Children are rewarded for behaving well and making the right choices.

We have house points for those in green at the end of the day.

If the teacher thinks that you have done something over and above green then you will be able to choose a gold prize from the box.

Golden time is awarded on a Friday for those who have not been in reflection.

Certificates and gold awards are shared in our celebration assembly.

* These will be reviewed with school council to ensure that we are continually responding to the needs of the children in our school.


Among the sanctions which may be used when children behave unacceptablyare:

5.1Being moved within class

5.2Missing playtimes and/or lunchtimes

5.3Sending to another class for time out

5.4Sending to KS leaders, Deputy Head teacher, Head Teacher

5.5Temporary exclusion from extra - curricular club

5.6Exclusion from a special event

5.7Internal exclusion

5.8 Exclusion for a fixed term or permanent in extreme cases.

When a child is in Reflection, the reason is added to the record sheet.

Children who persistently demonstrate poor behaviour may be referred to the Behaviour Support Team (see Inclusion Policy).

If a child has been excluded, a reintegration meeting with parents will be arranged before the child restarts school.


Our school is a safe and caring environment, but like all schools we sometimes have to deal with bullying and harassment.We then apply the Anti-bullying policy.

We will do our utmost to prevent and deal effectively with bullying with the support from governors and parents. We have anti-bullying weeks each term and use school council, SEAL resources, assemblies and circle time to deal with issues.

Children usually tell someone at home first. Please let us know if you are worried about your child so that we can help.


7.1Loss of privileges –Reflection / loss of an after school or special event

7.2Making amends – sorry letter written in Reflection Time to victim which demonstrates understanding of the effects of their actions

7.3Isolate from victim

7.4Meet with parent

7.5Give child specific jobs

7.6Internal exclusion

7.7External exclusion


Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 places a duty on local authorities and the governors of maintained schools to make arrangements to ensure that their functions are carried out with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Section 157 of the same act and the Education (Independent Schools Standards) (England) Regulations 2003 require proprietors of independent schools (including academies) to have arrangements to safeguarding and promote the welfare of children who are pupils at the school. “Keeping Children Safe in Education” was issued to schools in 2014 detailing statutory guidance, placing a duty on schools to promote the welfare of children. In March 2013, the definition of safeguarding children was revised in the document “Working Together to Safeguard Children” to the following:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s’ health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Safeguarding children is consequently more than contributing to the protection of individual children and the school is committed to the development of policy and practice that supports children and their families to be safe, healthy, enjoy and achieve, contribute positively and achieve economic wellbeing

St Mary Magdalene School strives to promote the welfare of our pupils by:

  1. Creating and maintaining a safe learning environment.
  2. Identifying child welfare concerns and taking appropriate action.
  3. Using the curriculum to enable our children to develop keep safe strategies
  4. Creating a listening culture to hear the child’s voice
  5. Operating safe recruitment and selection procedures to prevent unsuitable people working with our children.

The school has a suite of policies designed to meet these needs and are available on request or via the school website.

This policy applies mostly to points 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 above and reflects current legislation, accepted best practice and complies with Government guidance: Working together to Safeguard Children (2013) and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2014

Achievement & Behaviour Policy - Reviewed October 2016 next Review date October 2018