.ACT Aeromodellers Association Incorporated

ABN 58 449 580 984

PO Box 1519


Minutes Committee Meeting

Wednesday 23th November 2011 - 7:30pm
Canberra Irish Club, Parkinson Street, Weston, ACT

    Brian Malaquin, Doug Williams, Jeremy Muir, Graham Parkins(Vice Pres), Aaron Clark, Timmy Crofts, Kent Jorgensen, John Ellis, Greg Lance(Treasurer), Anthony Robinson(President), Geoff Kemp(Sectretary), Ron Artiss, Len Robinson, Mal Peden, Grant Manwaring, Jim Carter, Steve Grzeskowiak, Open 7:40 pm
    Apologies Paul Sanders.
  1. President Report
    Anthony reported on the Scale Rally at Goulburn Society of Aeromodellers 23rd October 2011. Anthony declared the the day was a great success and thanked all those who participated and helped on the day.
    Anthony briefly described the current situation with the MAAA CFI sub committee and the ACTAA’s inability to change our nominated committee member as we may require.
  2. Treasures Report as presented by Greg Lance was accepted as a true and correct record and the club is in a sound financial position.
    Moved: Kent Jorgensen - Seconded: John Ellis - Carried
  3. CFI report: Kentnoted that this FY ACTAA had awarded 12 bronze wings P, one gold wing P, one Heli Bronze wings and three new instructors.
    Kent related his recent trip to Qld for the flight training conference. Kent communicated the positives of this event and the adoption of a draft flight training manual. This will be a working document and a planned manual will be being used nationally in the future with its full adoption being planned for the MAAA 2013 national conference. The focus of the new manual will be teaching how to instruct rather than on actual flying.

A copy of the draft for comment will be available on the ACTAA and CMAC web sites.
Kent stated he had been reimbursed directly by MAAA for expenses.
Kent requested reimbursement of possible printing cost of draft instruction manuals.

Motion: Up to $30 be paid to Kent for printing of Flight training material on presentation of receipts to the ACTAA Treasure (Greg). Moved: Geoff Kemp Seconded: John Ellis – Passed

Note: Greg may be able to do all or some of the printing for free – Greg and Kent will Liaise in the best interest of the ACTAA.


The nextACTAA Scale Day

The fifth ACTAA Scale Rally will be held at Namadgi Sports Flyers on Sunday 25th March 2012. Trophies and Gift certificates will be organised by Anthony for the event.

After the Namadgi event it was proposed floor to reassess the ACTAA scale rallies and adjust the funding and format if deemed necessary.

MOTION: Anthony to purchase trophies and be reimbursed up to the value of $300 for the fifth ACTAA Scale Rally.Moved: Kent Jorgensen Second: Grant Manwaring Carried

General Business

  1. G Kemp to send New ACTAA logo to Doug to update web site and to Anthony for the Trophies
  2. Kent talked about the CFI conference and reiterated and elaborated on the points made earlier. In particular about the imperative for new members and less able pilots to be taught to fly safely in the club environment and to be taught in the most effective and efficient manner possible. It is planned that these imperatives be achieved through the development of the current draft instruction manual which was approved at the CFI conference. Kent suggested that the ACTAA, with a little enthusiasm, would have a leading roll in the development of the proposed national program.
  3. Fire Danger – after some discussion from the committee about fire risk management, the laws in ACT and NSW, the very serious penalties and legal ramifications for clubs and individual members. The ACTAA has made the following recommendation.

Recommendation: The ACTAA highly recommends that all clubs ban flying on total fire ban days.

Also a thorough fire risk assessment be made by the club and procedures and equipment be instigated to mitigate fire risk.

Geoff Kemp Secretary

ACT Aeromodellers Association Inc.