A. Work of this section includes masking, protection of adjacent surfaces, priming, finishing, and cleanup of ceiling areas designated to receive acrylic coating throughout the project.

B. Definition: Acrylic coating as used herein means acrylic based ceiling coatings having a minimum thickness of 30 mils, and meeting the minimum performance specifications stated herein.


A. Product data: Submit product description and instructions for preparation of surfaces to receive coatings, rates and methods of applications and finishes to be expected in finished work.

B. Submit independent test data indicating compliance with specified performance criteria.

C. Samples: Indicate color and texture to be expected in finished work.

1. Prepare actual samples for each color and texture.

2. Submit samples in duplicate; minimum size of 1’-0" by 1’-0". Apply samples to hardboard.

3. Apply products in number of coats specified for actual work.

4. Resubmit samples as requested by Architect until acceptable.


A. Delivery:

1. Deliver materials to project site ready-mixed in original containers, with manufacturer's name and labels intact.

2. Provide labels bearing manufacturer's name, stock or batch number, coating type, color, storage instructions and recommended installation and reducing procedures.

B. Storage and handling:

1. Store materials in location acceptable to Architect.

2. Maintain neat, clean conditions in storage area. Remove rags and waste materials at end of each day's work.

3. Close containers at end of day's work. Leave no materials open.

4. Protect from freezing and maintain temperatures below 100 degrees F. Do not stack more than three containers high.


A. Environmental requirements:

1. Comply with manufacturer's product data as to environmental conditions under which materials may be applied.

2. Apply no materials in spaces where dust is being generated.

3. Apply no materials on surfaces where temperature of substrate would result in excessive drying, which will cause streaks and discoloration.

B. Protection: Protect finishes from casual impact for forty-eight hours after installation. Protect from heavy traffic for three days. Cover finished work of other trades, surfaces and prefinished items not being coated. Clean immediately, spillage, droppings, or other extraneous contact of coating materials with other surfaces.

C. Safety precautions:

1. Provide temporary fire protection equipment in materials storage area.

2. Prohibit smoking in storage area.

D. Coordination of work: Review other sections of these specifications in which prime paints, raw substrates or substances might be present to ensure compatibility of total coating system. Upon request from other trades, furnish information or characteristics of coating materials provided for use, to insure compatible substrate materials and finishes are used.


A. Applicator qualifications: Applicator shall be certified approved by product manufacturer in writing. Approval shall indicate the following:

1. Manufacturer has instructed applicator in the installation of specified material.

2. Applicator has been engaged in satisfactory application of the material on projects of similar scope for at least three years.

3. Applicator shall arrange and pay for a factory technical representative to be present at start of work and to observe work in progress for eight hours.

B. Single source responsibility: Provide primers and undercoat materials which are produced or are specifically recommended by finish coat manufacturer to insure system compatibility. Use thinners approved by coating manufacturer's product data, and use only within recommended limits.


A. Provide joint warranty from manufacturer and installer against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three years. Warranty shall begin at the Date of Substantial Completion.



A. Acceptable products; subject to compliance with specified requirements:

1. Durasystem Products, Durasystem 4000.

B. Characteristics:

1. Type: Water-based acrylic ceiling coating.

2. ASTM E84-94:

a. Flame spread: 5 or less.

b. Smoke contribution: 10 or less.

3. Scrub resistance per ASTM D2486-: 2,190 cycles.

4. Permeability per ASTM D1653-, Method A: 16.9.

5. Mildew resistance per ASTM D3273: 10.

6. Color pigments: Pigments shall be metal oxides, pure and nonfading.

7. Surface texture: as specified in interior design drawings.

8. Colors: Match colors scheduled on Interior Finish Schedule.

9. Spread rate: 100 to 125 square feet per gallon.



A. Surfaces to receive finishes shall be dry and free of debris, oils, dust or other deleterious materials.

B. Gypsum drywall: Fill narrow, shallow cracks and small holes with patching plaster. Allow to dry and sand smooth without raising nap of wallboard paper.


A. Provide an 8’-0" by 8’-0" mock-up of each selected color and texture on actual, substrates for approval of Architect. Should mock-up be disapproved, prepare additional mock-ups until approved by Architect. Approved mock-ups shall remain throughout work as standard of acrylic ceiling coating work. Approved, undamaged mock-ups may be incorporated into finished work.

B. Simulate finished lighting conditions for review of in-place work.


A. Preparation:

1. General: Verify that substrates are clean, dry and acceptable for installation of textured acrylic coating.

a. Apply coating only when moisture content of surfaces is within manufacturer's recommended limits.

b. Apply materials using clean brushes, rollers or spraying equipment.

B. Finish coats: Spray apply in accord with manufacturer's product data, to achieve spread rate specified herein.

1. Application shall match approved samples and mock-up, free of holidays, spotting, laps, tool marks, runs, sags or other surface imperfections.

2. Where coating adjoins other materials or colors, make edges clean and sharp, without overlapping.

3. Remove masking tape and clean adjacent surfaces at end of each work day. Do not leave tape or waste materials in place more than thirty-six hours.

4. Allow to achieve initial cure for a minimum of 4 hours at 65 degrees F. Allow 24 hours for working hardness curing; full cure will develop within 4 to 6 weeks.

C. Protect finished applications until Date of Substantial Completion. Repair or replace damaged work.


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