2011 census unrounded population and household estimates for England and Wales / Report2011 census unrounded population and household estimates for Wales / Report
Affordable housing securing planning consent 2011/12 / Statistical Bulletin
Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and equipment. General requirements for alarm transmission systems / BS EN 50136-1:2012
Analysis of police collision files for pedestrian fatalities in London, 2006-10 / Project Report PPR620
Catheter laboratory suite: planning and design manual / Space for Health: Clinical Services
Cities for growth - solutions to our planning problems
Code of practice for safe working on lifts / BS 7255:2012
Criteria for local authorities, local nature partnerships and others to apply when identifying nature improvement areas
Current and future performance of radon protective measures. BD2848
Design in neighbourhood planning - how we can help you
Design wayfinder
Electric cables - PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cables for voltages up to and including 300/500 V, for electric power and lighting / BS 6004:2012
Electric cables - Thermosetting insulated and thermoplastic sheathed cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V for electric power and lighting and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire / BS 7211:2012
Electronic access control
Executive note to the Town and country planning (marine fish farming) (Scotland) amendment regulations 2012. SSI 2012/259
Executive note to the Town and country planning (prescribed date) (Scotland) regulations 2007. SSI 2012/260 / Scottish Statutory Instruments SSI 2012/260
Explosive atmospheres. Equipment - General requirements / BS EN 60079-0:2012
Guidance document on parapet walls. BD2452 - Safety of masonry parapets
Guidance note on the Construction products regulation
Handbook of green building design, and construction: LEED, BREEAM, and Green Globes
Handbook of loss prevention and crime prevention. 5th edition
Integrated security systems design. Concepts, design, and implementation
Intruder alarms. 3rd edition
Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Attributes for specification and assessment - code of practice / BS 8541-4:2012
Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Shape and measurement - code of practice / BS 8541-3:2012
Mechanical integrity of plant containing hazardous substances. A guide to periodic examination and testing
More homes - fewer empty buildings. Reform of the use classes order / Research Note
Onshore wind - call for evidence. Part A - community engagement and benefits
Onshore wind - call for evidence. Part B - costs
Pile design and construction - rules of thumb
Planning for a healthy environment - good practice guidance for green infrastructure and biodiversity
Planning for a healthy environment - good practice guidance for green infrastructure and biodiversity. Annex C - model policies and approaches
Precast concrete products - Bridge elements (+A1:2012) / BS EN 15050:2007
Rawlplug Ltd. Rawl R-HPTII-ZF Anchor / European Technical Approval 12/0309
Red book volume 1: List of approved products and services 2012. A specifier's guide
Red book volume 2: List of approved products and services 2012. A specifier's guide
Research project to inform the decision-making process for fire suppression systems in schools
Review of the Building (Scotland) regulations 2004 and accompanying standards and guidance for Section 0: General of the technical handbooks
Review of the Building (Scotland) regulations 2004 and accompanying standards and guidance for Section 2: Fire of the Non-domestic technical handbook
Review of the Building (Scotland) regulations 2004: Technical handbook (non domestic) - Section 7 - Sustainability
Review of the Building (Scotland) regulations 2004: Technical handbooks - Section 3: Environment and Section 4: Safety
Rural Scotland - key facts 2012
Safer high-rise living: The Callow Mount sprinkler retrofit project
Scottish house condition survey. Energy use in the home - measuring and analysing domestic energy use and energy efficiency in Scotland
Security design consulting. The business of security system design
Shower units. Specification for shower heads and related equipment / BS 6340-4:1984
Sika Services AG. Sikalastic 612 / European Technical Approval 12/0278
Smart building systems for architects, owners and builders
Specification for underground fire hydrants and surface box frames and covers / BS 750:2012
Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels (+A1:2012) / PD 5500:2012
Stability of structures
Structural elements for architects and builders. Design of columns, beams and tension elements in wood, steel and reinforced concrete
Sustainable communities design handbook. Green Engineering, architecture, and technology
The Construction Information Service - Briefing (UK - October 2012) / CIS Briefing 10/2012
Thermal insulation of pipework, ductwork, associated equipment and other industrial installations in the temperature range -100°C to +870°C - Code of practice / BS 5970:2012
Town and country planning (compensation) (Wales) (no.2) regulations 2012 (W.253) / Statutory Instruments SI 2012/2319
Town and country planning (general permitted development) (amendment) (Wales) (no.2) order 2012 (W.252) / Statutory Instruments SI 2012/2318
Town and country planning (marine fish farming) (Scotland) amendment regulations 2012 / Scottish Statutory Instruments SSI 2012/259
Town and country planning (prescribed date) (Scotland) regulations 2012 / Scottish Statutory Instruments SSI 2012/260
Understanding acoustic performance data / Building Applications Guide BG 41/2012