Performance Committee
Thursday 13th February 2014
5.4, 15 Marylebone Road
Members in attendance
Trevor Woolley (TW) / Lay Member, Hounslow CCG, ChairDaniel Elkeles (DE) / Chief Officer, CWHHE
Alastair Gilchrist (AG) / Lay Member, West London CCG, Items 1-6
Alan Hakim (AH) / Secondary Care Consultant, CWHH CCGs
Sue Jeffers (SJ) / Managing Director, Hounslow CCG
Jonathan Munday (JM) / Central London CCG
Clare Parker (CP) / Chief Financial Officer, CWHHE CCGs
Mohini Parmar (MP) / Chair, Ealing CCG
John Riordan (JR) / Secondary Care Consultant, Ealing CCG
Tim Spicer (TS) / Chair, Hammersmith & Fulham CCG
Ben Westmancott (BW) / Director of Compliance, CWHHE
Philip Young (PY) / Lay Member for Audit & Governance CWHHE
Non Members in attendance
James Eaton (JE) / Head of Performance, CWHHE
Elizabeth Ogunoye (EO) / Associate Director of Performance Management, CSU, Item 5 on
Kieran Seale (KS) / Governance Manager CWHHE, Minutes
Business Items / Action1. / Welcome/Apologies
1.1. / Apologies were received from Kathryn Magson.
2. / Declaration of Interests
2.1. / No interests in addition to those previously identified were declared at the beginning of the meeting.
Minutes of Meeting – 12th December 2013
3.1. / The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
4. / Matters Arising
4.1. / 6.8 – 3rd October 2013 – Central London Community Healthcare: it was agreed that Ben Westmancott would ask Elizabeth Youard to bring a project plan to the March meeting of the committee setting out how a review of strategic options for the future of community healthcare will be carried out. / BW
4.2. / 4.4 – 14th November 2013: Central London Community Healthcare: a report on the response to the contract query will be brought to the next meeting. / EO
4.3. / 4.3 – 12th December 2013 – 111: James Eaton has spoken to Elizabeth Ogunoye with regards to obtaining activity data from the CSU so that activity patterns between providers can be compared. This will be reported to the next meeting. / JE
4.4. / 5.2 – 12th December 2013 – Reporting Structures: Clare Parker had circulated a note on reporting mechanisms to ensure that reports are going to the appropriate forums and to minimise duplication. It was agreed that this issue needs further thought before consensus can be achieved. / CP
4.5. / 5.3 – 12th December 2013 – Performance Report: work is underway on producing an updated performance report which gives more emphasis to CCG priorities. A draft will be circulated in advance of the new report being rolled out in April.
4.6. / 5.4 – 12th December 2013 – Reporting from CCG Finance & Performance Committees: the process of capturing issues from the CCG committees has begun. James Eaton is working on putting a formal process in place. / JE
4.7. / 6.5 – 12th December 2013 – A&E Performance Management: James Eaton said that improved data on A&E performance was now available and could be accessed by logging-in to a portal. Members of the committee should contact James Eaton if they need log-in details.
5. / Performance Report
5.1. / James Eaton introduced the Performance report. He said that the 62 day cancer target at Imperial and West Middlesex and the 18 week target at Chelsea & Westminster and Imperial remained as issues and that action plans are in place for them. Clare Parker added that while Imperial achieved the 62 day target in January, they failed the 31 day target. Alan Hakim said that reports on the situation at Imperial had been presented to the Quality & Safety committee who had been impressed with the progress that Imperial is making.
5.2. / It was agreed that it would be desirable to have a “deep dive” into particular performance issues at future meetings of the committee. The following issues were agreed:
· Central London Community Healthcare action reporting;
· Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT).
James Eaton will arrange papers on these issues to be brought to the next meeting. / JE
5.3. / Philip Young asked whether the requested data on the 18 weeks target had been received from the Acute providers. Elizabeth Ogunoye said that responses had been received from Chelsea & Westminster and West Middlesex and that she would pass these to James Eaton for circulation. It was noted, however, that assurance has not yet been received from the majority of providers. Elizabeth Ogunoye will report to the next meeting on what each provider has submitted. / EO
5.4. / Daniel Elkeles raised a number of additional performance issues:
· Quality Premium – how is this calculated and how do we know how we are doing? It was agreed that a summary of where the five CCGs are should be brought to the next meeting;
· Out of Hours GP Services – we need to check if the CQC data return gives a fair picture;
· Out of Hospital Strategy – there needs to be tracking to measure the success of the Out of Hospital strategy. This is not currently in the performance report.
· Winter Plans – there should be an evaluation of winter plans to decide what should be done going forward which should be brought to the next meeting. / JE
NHS Contracts : Driving Behaviors
6.1. / Clare Parker introduced a paper describing the scope that the NHS contracting regime gives commissioners in managing contracts.
6.2. / Alastair Gilchrist asked about the capping that is imposed on penalties. Clare Parker said that a general principle of the system was the need to balance risk and reward for providers. Alastair Gilchrist went on to ask about how sequential failures by providers were tracked and responded to. Clare Parker said that while some areas of poor performance are well managed (such as 18 week performance at Imperial) some other areas require improved contract management. Jonathan Munday said that where performance was poor the focus should be on the production of a recovery plan and sharing examples of best practice across providers.
6.3. / Alan Hakim noted that there were issues with Type 1 A&E Performance and that this should be measured separately. Plans could then be drawn up to address the issues. John Riordan said that targets should be set to incentivise providers to think about flow.
6.4. / Trevor Woolley asked how much financial sanctions are a driver of performance with providers. It was noted that reputational loss may be a bigger issue for some providers than financial penalties.
6.5. / The report was noted.
7. / Any Other Business
7.1. / Clare Parker raised three issues that had arisen in CCG Finance & Performance committee meetings:
· Property Services – national decisions relating to funding allocations are producing some unexpected effects, particularly for Central London and Ealing CCGs. Clare Parker will produce a paper on how to take this issue forward;
· Maternity – there have been some issues with regards to double-billing for maternity services in Ealing. Work is underway to identify where this has occurred and resolve the issues;
· Non-elective activity – a review of the implications of the 95% cap at Imperial is underway and a paper is being produced.
Clare Parker will bring updates on these issues to the next meeting of the committee. / CP
8. / Dates of next meetings
Date and time of future meetings:
· Thursday 13th March, 11.30am
· Thursday 10th April, 10am
· Thursday 8th May, 10am
· Thursday 12th June, 10am
· Thursday 10th July, 10am
· Thursday 11th September, 10am
· Thursday 9th October, 10am
· Thursday 13th November, 10am
· Thursday 11th December, 10am.
CWHHE is a collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups: Central London, West London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hounslow & Ealing
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