Vocabulary Medical Microbiology 127

Acne vulgaris – inflammation of sebaceous glands on the back, chest and face

Aerobic – requiring oxygen for growth

Alopecia – temporary hair loss

Anabolism – synthesis, metabolic process consisting of synthesis of protoplasm; requires oxygen

Anaerobic – growing in the absence of atmospheric oxygen

Anorexic – loss of appetite

Antibiotic – chemotherapeutic agent which occurs as the byproduct of the metabolic activity of bacteria or fungi (used to defend against bacteria)

Antibodies – specific molecules formed in the animal body in response to the presence of an antigen; once formed they react with that particular antigen

Antigens – foreign substances that induce a specific immune response

Antiseptic – a chemical agent that prevents growth, by either inhibiting the growth of, or destroying the microorganism; used for topical application to living tissue, primarily skin

Asepsis – a condition in which there are no infectious or contaminating microorganisms; the absence of sepsis.

Atelectasis - collapsed lung (usually partially)

Attenuation – change; used in reference to certain vaccines where the organism or its products are of reduced virulence.

Autoclave – steam pressure sterilizer

Autotroph – organisms that obtain energy by the oxidation of inorganic compounds (chemoautotrophs) or by respiration of products synthesized with the help of energy from the sun (photoautotrophs).

Avirulent - lacking disease producing ability

Bacteremia – the presence of bacteria in the blood

Bacteriology – the science that deals with bacteria

Balanitis – inflammation of the glans (foreskin and head of the penis)

Blepharitis – inflammation of the edges of the eyelids involving hair follicles

Buboes – enlarged regional lymph nodes

Carbuncle - ulcerated lesion with a hardened border and pus draining (more severe)

Catabolism - the set of metabolic pathways that break down molecules into smaller units and release energy.

Catalyst – a substance that alters the speed of a chemical reaction without itself being changed in the process (enzymes are a biological catalyst)

Catarrhal - inflammation of the mucus membrane

Cellulitis – inflammation of the cellular or connective tissues

Cervicitis – inflammation of the cervix

Coryza – upper respiratory tract infection (head cold).

Cystitis – inflammation of the bladder

Desiccation – drying, or removal of water

Dimorphic – occurring in two forms; characteristic of certain fungi, growing in the years formunder one set of conditions and the filamentous form under other conditions.

Disease – any changes from a state of health; interruption in the normal functioning of the organism

Disinfectant – a chemical agent that destroys disease organisms; used on inanimate objects

Dyspnea – difficulty in breathing

Edema – swelling

Encephalitis – inflammation of the brain

Endemic – a disease that occurs at a relatively stable frequency within a given area or population

Endocarditis – inflammation of the lining of the heart

Endometritis – inflammation of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus)

Empyema – pus in the pleural cavity

Enteric – relating to the intestinal tract

Epidemic – a disease that occurs at a greater than normal frequency for a given area or population

Etiology – the cause of disease

Exudate – fluid, often formed from elements of the blood, discharged from tissues to a cavity

Flora – organisms typically found in a given environment

Fomites - inanimate objects contaminated with pathogenic organisms

Furuncle – localized, inflamed area which develops soft centers and eventually discharges pus

Gonorrhea – a specific contagious catarrhal inflammation of the genital mucous membranes, sexually transmitted

Healthy carrier – a person who harbors and spreads pathogenic microorganisms without evidence of disease

Host – an organism which supports a parasite

Infection – invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms

Ischemic – local deficiency of blood due to stoppage of circulation

Lethal – the capacity to cause death

Macula – a discolored spot on the skin that is not elevated above the surface

Meningitis – inflammation of the membranes (meninges) of the spinal cord or brain

Moribund – in a dying condition

Morphology – the science or study of form and structure

Mycology – the study of fungi

Nephritis – inflammation of the kidney

Normal flora – microorganisms that have become established in a given area

Osteomyelitis – inflammation of the bone and or bone marrow

Pandemic – the occurrence of an epidemic on more than one continent simultaneously

Parasite – an organism which lives on or within a living host from which it derives its nourishment

Pathogenesis – the mechanism by which the disease is caused

Pneumonia – inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs with exudate filling the alveolar spaces

Prostration – total exhaustion

Pustule – small elevated skin lesion containing pus

Pyelitis – inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney (the funnel-like structure leading to the ureter)

Pyelonephritis – inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis

Serology – systematic study of blood sera

Somatic – associated with the cell body of the organism

Sporadic – a disease that occurs in only a few scattered cases within a given area of a population during a given period of time.

Sterilization – killing of all forms of life in a given area

Suppuration – pus formation

Vaginitis- inflammation of the vagina

Virulence - the degree of pathogenicity, as indicated by case fatality rates and/or the ability of the organism to invade the tissues of the host.