Parent / Guardian Details / Week / Dates / Alternative Emergency Contact Details
Party Leaders Name
Address / Name
Contact Number
Post Code
Tel No / Relationship
Childs Details
Full Name
Post Code / Gender
Age / D.O.B.
Dietary Requirements
i.e. Vegetarians, Vegans, No Dairy / Medical Requirements
i.e. Asthma, allergies, epilepsy, diabetics, recent injuries
Name & Address / Medication Details
Any medication that needs to be taken or carried
Additional Information
Any other information we require with regard to your child
Conditions of Booking / Payment
Please carefully read the conditions of booking below and the attached acknowledgment of risk and behaviour consent form before signing and dating and returning to the centre with a £50 non-refundable deposit. / Payment can be made in either of the following ways:
● / I understand that my child must be collected by 10 a.m. on the day of departure & any breakages/damages must be paid for. / Payment by cheque :
● / I hereby agree to any medical treatment necessary for the wellbeing of the child named on the booking form whilst in the care of Adventure International. / I enclose a cheque for the sum of £ / made payable to Adventure International
● / We have read & understand the content of the acknowledgement of risk & behaviour consent document.
● / Adventure International accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property. / Credit or debit card payment :
● / I understand that I will be asked to remove all items of jewellery prior to all activities and I may be required to wear specific items of clothing. / Card
Number :
● / Adventure International reserves the right to terminate this booking at any time if, in the company’s opinion, any party member displays behaviour likely to be detrimental to the enjoyment or safety of themselves or other guests. / Valid
From : / / / Expiry
Date : / /
Issue Number : / Security Number(last 3 digits) :
Confirmation of conditions of booking and Payment
Signed : / Date :

Please ensure yourself and your child carefully read the information below as it forms part of the conditions of your booking and you will need to sign overleaf to acknowledge you have read, understood and agree to abide by the information below.

Acknowledgement of Risk

Adventure International would like you to read the following carefully as it may affect the safety of your child and others attending the centre.

There will always be some risk involved in the adventurous activities that we offer. This residual risk is inherent in the activity and cannot be eliminated without destroying the activity or the reason for doing it.

You as parent/guardian and your child recognise the following:

The course may require an attitude and approach different from other activities that your child may have been involved in.

That the nature of the risks may be different to those which your child is familiar with.

That certain inherent risks remain.

Adventure International Ltd has clear obligations and responsibilities and we take these seriously. However, we will be expecting participants to contribute to their own and each others safety by following the instruction of our staff.

You are required to sign (overleaf) to show you have read and understood this document. In signing, it in no way compromises your legal rights. Nor does it release Adventure International Ltd from its obligations towards you and your child. It is merely to make you aware of the risks involved in the activities your child will participate in.

Behaviour Consent

1 / No anti-social behaviour : bullying, theft, racism, malicious damage e.t.c.
2 / No alcohol or illegal substances to be brought into the centre.
3 / No smoking or possessing of cigarettes lighters or matches on site.
4 / No leaving the centre grounds unsupervised.
5 / No going into accommodation areas of other guests at the centre.
6 / No girls in boys room or vice versa.

My child and I have read the above rules set out by Adventure International and agree to abide by them for the duration of their stay. We also understand that in the event of any rules being broken my child may be asked to leave the centre and it will be wholly the responsibility of the parent / guardian to arrange collection and the returning home of the child.