731 Walnut Street - P .O. Box 70 - Dayton, Indiana - 47941 (765) 296-3199)
Pastor Justin:
Darlene :
January 2015
Pastor’s Epistle
You will not see many, if any, signs of it in the community. There won’t be store windows decorated for, nor will you view nary a commercial about, this most ancient of Christian seasons. In fact, most people treat this liturgical period of time as if it’s the “ugly” step sister to the more beautifully adorned and doted over big sister Advent. What am I talking about? I’m talking about Lent of course, the less understood and even less recognized time during the church year wherein we follow Jesus into the wilderness, resist temptation, fast, and proceed “on the way” to Jerusalem, and the cross.
What we hear during Lent is that the way of the cross, the way to Easter, is through death. The new and eternal life that is beyond the power of death demands that we must die with Christ who was raised for us. To live for Christ, we must die with him. The church’s peculiar Lenten claim is that in dying we live.
Can you see now why so many people prefer Advent and Christmas time? Celebrating the birth of a baby is joyful; walking with a loved one through to the day of their death is sorrowful. And so is, and must be to some degree, the season of Lent, in order for us to truly understand the reason for this ancient Christian season.
This is why, at the beginning of Lent, we are reminded that our possessions, our rulers, our empires, our projects, our families, and even our very lives do not last forever. As was said to those assembled on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, “You are dust, and to dust you shall return” [Gen. 3:19]. The liturgies we sing and say each Sunday throughout Lent are all an attempt to pry loose our fingers, one by one, from holding fast to the presumed securities of this life as the season seeks to plunge us into the baptismal waters of Jesus Christ, waters release us from the tomb to the womb of eternal life with our Lord!
I invite you to walk with your loved one, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, as he goes from Gethsemane to Golgotha, as he suffers the cost of living a fully faithful and obedient life unto God, that cost being death on a cross. Let the same mind be in you that was in him, allowing your mind to be renewed once again this Lenten season so that you may be able to discern what God deems good, and not what the world wishes were true.
Pastor Justin
* * * SESSION NOTES * * *
Your Session met on Tuesday evening, January 20, 2015, and during the meeting the Elders:
· Reported the installation of Elders Harriett Berry, Susan Clawson, Michael DeGolyer, and Debra Ward to the office of Active Ruling Elder, the ordination and installation of Julie Rosa to the office of Active Ruling Elder, the installation of Nancy Brand (in-absentia), Molly Bull, Paul Houser, and Rebecca Sprague to the office of Active Deacon which took place during the worship service on Sunday, January 4, 2015.
· Decided to have an Ash Wednesday worship service (with creative music) on the evening of February 18
· Approved presentation of the Lenten Symbols during worship in the season of Lent
· Read a letter of thanks from the Lafayette Urban Ministry for donations received from our church
· Received committee chair appointments for 2015
· Learned that Hannah Boles and Julie Boles have volunteered to be Nursery Coordinators for 2015
· Approved the Boy Scout’s request to have an overnight event February 7, and prepare a pancakes and sausage breakfast for the congregation on February 8, with the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts participating at the Scout Sunday worship service
Michael E. Grimes, Clerk of Session
Senior High/Mid Kid Youth Group 2015 Schedule
Sunday, February 1: Souper Bowl Sunday/Skits! (During Worship)
Sunday, March 29: Easter Sonrise Planning Meeting! 12-2pm
Saturday, April 4: Easter Sonrise Practice! 10am-12pm!
Sunday, April 5: Sonrise Service! 6:30am
(pictures – Mid-Kids at Food Finders!)
Adult Sunday School
The Adult Sunday School Class will be exploring the life and legacy of John Calvin. The curriculum comes from the John Calvin: His Life & Legacy DVD produced by Witherspoon Press which brings together world-renowned scholars and church leaders to tell the powerful story of the sixteenth century pastor and theologian.
Sunday, February 1 – Calvin on the Church and Calvin on the Human Condition
Sunday, February 8 – Calvin and Culture and Calvin on the Social Order
Sunday, February 15 – The Legacy of John Calvin
If you haven’t tried it yet, try us out on a Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. in the basement. Classes are $4.00 each and taught by a certified instructor. You can lose up to 1000 calories by doing Zumba!
JANUARY ELDERS: Mike DeGolyer, Communion Susan Clawson, Devotions
JANUARY DEACONS: Cindy Stanford, Captain Karen Summers
1 Laura Houser 14 Peggy Fields
2 Alan Michael Spray 14 Ryan Patrick Fitzgerald
3 Aaron Bradley Best 14 Ryan Gard
3 Courtney Biery 15 Gene Smith
6 Nancy Edwards 16 Emily Mundell
6 Muriel Grimes 17 Stephanie Valenta
6 Kelly Reid 18 Bethany Grimes
7 Brian Mundell 19 Jill Gard
10 Evan Fitzgerald 20 Marilyn Yoder
12 Mike Alkire 24 Ron Berry
26 Dylan Holsclaw
1 Phil & Cindy Keough
10 Ron & Esther Miller
16 Ron & Harriett Berry
20 Alex & Cindy Zdravich
IN OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: Our military, our nation & its leaders; persecuted Christians; people locally & nationally in need; victims of domestic violence; Carolyn Finkenbinder; Russell Lucas; Marjora Odenkirk; Jackie Ginther (Niece/J.Schwartz) Cindy DeGolyer; Randy Smith, Monica Bretz; Andy Vasiento (father of Nicole Rosen); Kevin Konrad; Ellen Hiday (friend of T. Lineback); Betty Pfeiffer; Jack Ferry (friend of D. & J. Schwartz); Richie Holmberg (nephew of Lynn & Judy Ryan); John & Jean Downham; Ann Jarboe (daughter of C. Gribble); Margaret Stonecipher (friend of C. Stanford); Miriam Woodrow; Kathleen Smith (co-worker, K. Summers); Carol Bolander (daughter of L. Guenther); Rick McCullom (nephew of J. Schwartz); Jon Grimes; Mary Terry; Jill Plantenga (Vyse’s family friend); Lois Sherrill (mother of C. Zdravich); Terry Lynn Pfeiffer; Max Biery; Jane Yost; Terry McKillip (friend of C. Bull), Bob & Susie Yost; Riley Crye (friend of the Boles family); Brent McKinney (friend of the Boles family); Kennedy Alkire; Shirley Schwartz (sister-in-law of D. Schwartz); Jeff Westfall (brother of Gary Vyse); Debbie Ward; Nina Wagner (Aunt of Muriel Grimes); Nancy Brand; Janet Clarkson (sister of Judy Ryan); Tyler Loschen (friend of DeGolyer family); Kevin Querry (friend of K. & C. Stanford); Jack Carson; Denny Hockstra, Stan Bull.
Thank You
We would like to thank our Church Family at Memorial Presbyterian for all the prayers, cards, and kind words we received when my father passed away. We are blessed to be a part of such a kind and loving group of people. On behalf of the entire Shaw family, thank you for being there for us.
Lee, Eric, Kathy, and Wes Shaw
Who refreshes others will be refreshed. – Proverbs 11:25
New or gently used donations of winter clothing are being accepted, girl’s and boy’s sizes Newborn through girl’s junior and young men’s and maternity wear.
Our next Distribution/Sort will be Saturday, February 28th, from 9:00 am until Noon. If you would like to help, please contact Julie Boles or Muriel Grimes for more information.
Continental Breakfast Volunteers Needed!
Just a reminder as we start our New Year that we are always looking for volunteers to set up our continental breakfasts each month. It would be great if we could get individuals and/or families to sign up now and have 2015 covered! There are 10 months left to choose from; pick your month and sign up on the Parlor bulletin board.
Thank you to all who have served in the past and those who will in the coming months. You’re a blessing!
Debbie Ward
Chair, Fellowship Committee
Our Food Pantry is open every Friday, from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. If you would like to give a couple hours of your time on Fridays, please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the Church Parlor.
Due to an increase in demand, the Food Pantry is forced to adjust the eligible distribution area. Beginning January 1, 2015, Dayton Food Pantry will limit the distribution area to addresses located in Sheffield Township, IN (which includes the town of Dayton, IN), Lauramie Township, IN (which includes the towns of Clarks Hill and Stockwell, IN) and Clinton County, Indiana. Proof of address may be requested.
Laundry Detergent and Toilet Paper are always a needed item.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of us.
Carol Frantz and Paul Houser
Change for Change! This offering is meant to support local mission projects this year. Please, SAVE your loose coins (no bills – we want to make the offering buckets ring again this year!). The second Sunday of each month - bring your change to help with Change in our community and throughout the world!
In January we collected $131.50!
Our next Change for Change event is February 8, 2015.
Your church is looking for individuals or groups to share their musical gifts with the congregation during worship. Please consider taking part in our Sunday service. If you would like to SHARE YOUR TALENTS, please contact Susan Gibson or Pastor Justin to sign up.
Memorial Presbyterian Church
Ash Wednesday Service
February 18, 2015
7:00 pm
731 Walnut Street
Dayton, Indiana
Come Drive Thru History again on Sunday Mornings during Lent!
During the season of Lent, starting on Sunday, February 22 through Sunday, March 25, the Adult Sunday School class will continue their journey through history as we gather again to watch Drive Thru History: Holy Land; Jerusalem to Calvary; Temple, Cross and the Empty Tomb, as we visit the places of Jesus ministry, crucifixion and resurrection.
In a style all his own, Dave Stotts---host and editor of Drive Thru History---speeds through the ancient world of the Bible, delivering a fast-paced encounter with the people, places, and events that have shaped our world and the Christian faith. Recommended family entertainment by The Dove Foundation, Stotts' Drive Thru History series includes on-location explorations, plus loads of animations and narration that's definitely 'outside the classroom.' You will experience a visually exciting journey through the land of the Bible, revealing the history and culture behind the stories of Scripture.
8:30 am Cont. Breakfast
9:00 am Sunday School
10:00 am Cont. Breakfast
10:30 am Worship
Youth Groups’ Souper Bowl
Of Caring / 2
Boy Scouts, 6:30 pm / 3
Cub Scouts, 6:30 pm
Trustees, 7:15 pm / 4
Lectionary Bible Study, 12 pm / 5 / 6
Confirmation Retreat
Food Pantry,
9-11 am
4-H Movie Night,
6 – 10 pm / 7
Confirmation Retreat
9:00 am Scout Sunday Breakfast
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship
Change for Change / 9
Finance, 6:00 pm
Mission, 7:00 pm / 10
Presbytery Meeting
C.E., 7:00 pm
Cub Scouts, 6:30 pm / 11
Lectionary Bible Study, 12 pm / 12
Al’s Garage Dine
With Nine,
6:00 pm McGraws / 13
Food Pantry,
9-11 am / 14
15 Transfiguration of the Lord
8:30 am Cont. Breakfast
9:00 am Sunday School
10:00 am Cont. Breakfast
10:30 am Worship/Rev.
Laura Penny Bade / 16
Boy Scouts, 6:30 pm / 17
Cub Scouts, 6:30 pm
Session, 7:00 pm / 18
Lectionary Bible Study, 12 pm
Ash Wednesday
7:00 pm / 19 / 20
Food Pantry,
9-11 am / 21
22 1st Sunday in Lent
8:30 am Cont. Breakfast
9:00 am Sunday School/Kid’s
Closet Micro Mission Sort
10:00 am Cont. Breakfast
10:30 am Worship
Dine With Nine Yost & Son’s, PePe’s, 12:30 pm / 23 / 24
Presbytery Meeting / 25 / 26 / 27
Food Pantry,
9-11 am / 28
Kid’s Closet
9:00 am - Noon
Memorial Presbyterian Church
731 Walnut St. (State Road 38 E)
P. O. Box 70
Dayton, IN 47941-0070
Memorial Presbyterian Church
Ash Wednesday Service
February 18, 2015
7:00 pm
731 Walnut Street
Dayton, Indiana