February 2018

Vista Christian Preschool

290 N. Melrose Dr. Vista, Ca 92083


Dear Parents,

WOW! We’re already into the second month of 2018. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your families. Through my job as director I have gotten to know so many new families and your wonderful children. I feel blessed and want you to know I LOVE working with each of you and being a part of your lives.

As our 2018-19 registration is upon us, please take the time to share your experiences at VCPS with your friends. Most of our new families come to us through word of mouth. It is extremely helpful when you encourage others to check out our program. We will be hosting an Open House on April 14th from 9am-11am for all new perspective families.

Blessings, Kim Piech

Mrs. Walker……………………. February 2nd

Logan & Carson Anderson…..February 8th

Hannah Crary…………………….February 12th

Jesslyn Davidson……………………..February 14th

Calvin Davis…………………….…February 16th

Saylor Esquivel…………………February 21st

Grace Reed……………………….February 28th


There are many ways in which you can participate in helping our walk a thon to be a successful event. Each year we put on one annual fundraiser that allows us to further our teacher training, and purchase unexpected expenses that occur during the year. Our goal is set high with $6000.00 in mind. If each family brought in a minimum of $100 we could easily reach our goal.

There are many added incentive for you to go above and beyond, a $50 gift certificate, class party and chances for you to win ½ off tuition.

Each class is assigned a theme in order to build a collective basket to be used in our Silent Auction. The items need to be brought in by February 28th. Look in your child’s class file for specific basket details.

Room 112………Fun & Games

Room 113…… Movie Night

Room 114………Pets

Room 115……….Picnic

This event is a lot of fun for all so you won’t want to miss it! You can even run your own little 5k if you’re up for it!!!