ACE Tool User Guide.

This is the start screen.

Choose either DF600 (9570V) or DF600H (9580V / 9585V).

You can also select a "DAMP File", which will allow you to use a constituted Raid/LU text file. However, that text file has to

be created with DAMP 9.51 or later.

Clicking OK will open the appropriate configuration screen (shown below).

On either model type, you have two methods of creating cable diagrams; Logical or Physical. Click the edit button on the left side (logical) or right side (physical).

Here, I’ve chosen the physical method.

In either edit mode, you click on a block and choose the type of RKA you will install, FC or SATA.

Once you have created the subsystem that you want, you click on the arrow buttons in the middle to move the configuration to the other side.

Here is a sample subsystem completed.

Once built, you click on the Cable figure button to see how the back-end cables will be installed. On the bottom of this screen, you select the path buttons to highlight the individual path(s). You can also print this screen to your printer for use on an install or upgrade.

As you build the subsystem (in either method), you may see error messages reminding you that can’t build the subsystem that way. I don’t know all the rules, but a couple that I have seen are:

·  You cannot have a FC channel RKA behind a single SATA RKA. You must have a minimum of two SATA RKAs before you can add a FC RKA.

·  You must have code 0659 in order to install a SATA RKA in position 0 on a 958xV.

Also on the configuration screens, you can save a configuration to a CSV file for later use by the ‘load’ button. The base button allows you to build a subsystem by entering the desired number of FC and/or SATA RKAs.

The clear button will clear your current configuration so you may start over.