ACCSC 2015 Faculty Development Workshops

Request for Speaker Proposals

ACCSC invites interested parties to submit a proposal to present at one (or more) of five (5) full-day faculty development workshops to be offered by ACCSC in 2015.


Since 1965, the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) has been committed to establishing and advancing quality education at postsecondary career schools and colleges. ACCSC scope of recognition includes the accreditation of non-degree granting institutions and degree granting institutions that offer career, technical, and vocational training programs at the postsecondary level. ACCSC is dedicated to ensuring a quality education for more than 200,000 students who annually pursue career education at over 700 accredited institutions across the United States, Puerto Rico, and abroad. ACCSC has been continuously recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a reliable authority for the quality education since 1967. In 2011, ACCSC’s recognition was renewed for five years, the maximum timeframe allowed under current federal regulations.

Purpose and Goals:

Membership Support is one of the Four Pillars of ACCSC’s Strategic Plan. The Commission decided to develop these regional workshops in order to provide local opportunities for faculty development and tools and resources that faculty can bring back to utilize at their institutions. The Commission’s goal is that the workshops are structured and delivered in a way that provides attendees with resources that could be used to train faculty at their own campus.

When and Where (planned locations)*:

  • February 2015 – Midwest (Arlington, TX)
  • May 2015 – East Coast (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • July 2015 – Northeast (Springfield, MA)
  • October 2015 – Southeast (Orlando, FL)
  • November 2015 – West Coast (Long Beach (or near), CA)

* Specific dates and locations to be announced in the coming weeks

Target Audience:

Faculty and educational administrators from ACCSC-accredited schools

Maximum expected attendance: 45 people per workshop

Workshop Program Criteria:

a. Workshop Program should focus on curriculum that can apply to any vocational postsecondary school regardless of program offerings.

Example areas of focus include (can be a combination of more than one):

  • Instructional technologies in the classroom and other teaching tools;
  • Faculty development beyond classroom management;
  • Leadership training;
  • Defining Measurable Learning Objectives

• Assessing Competencies;

• Tying course objectives - to program objectives - and ultimately to the institutional mission;

  • Tearing Down the Silos! Tips for partnering with student and career services and other departments for the maximum benefit to the student educational experience and to make student services integrated as a whole-school operation
  • Other

b.Workshop should be structured and delivered in a way that provides attendees with resources that could be used to train faculty at their own campus.

• Curriculum that includes guidelines/tips for how to deliver and implement this training at attendees’ schools.

• Tools and resources such as presentations (e.g., slide show), talking points to go along with slides, guidelines/tips for how to implement this training at their school.

c.Workshop Format should include two (2) or more of the following methodologies:

Educational Methodologies / Rationale
Didactic / Conveys course content, concepts, principles and relevant research.
Discussion / Provides a forum for presenting and sharing ideas, feedback, and responses to questions while demonstrating understanding of activity content and concepts.
Case study / Provides learners withvalue of seeing situations in context and “though students’ eyes” and opportunity to analyze and assess the quality and impact of a student-teacher interaction.
Audio-visual – Training film / Provides learners with opportunity to view case studies to identify effective and ineffective communication techniques and approaches, respond, share reactions to film content and discussion points.
Role-play / Provides simulation exercises for the purpose of applying newly learned skills and opportunities for learners to appreciate the student experience.
Pair share / Allows learners to work with a colleague to examine a problem, discussion topic or task, and provide mutual feedback.
Small group presentation / Provides forum for exchanging thoughts, opinions, skills and reaching consensus.
Small group exercise / Strengthens learners’ ability to retain information through social interaction involved with cooperative learning within socially appropriate norms.


All Proposals are due via e-mail to Michelle Ragnetti, Conference and Events Coordinator, by December 31, 2014. Individuals that submit a proposal will be notified of ACCSC’s decision by January 31, 2015.


Name of Presenter:

City: State: Zip:

Preferred Location(s)/Date(s):

First Choice:

Second Choice:

Workshop Title:

Description of Full-day Workshop: Please provide a clear description of the proposed workshop following the above Workshop Program Criteria; this description will be used for promotional materials. Description may be edited by ACCSC. Please attach additional pages as necessary.

Workshop Program Criteria:

a. Workshop Focus:

b.A description of how workshop will be structured and delivered in a way that provides attendees with a resource that could be used to train faculty at their own campus including:

• Curriculum that includes guidelines/tips for how to deliver and implement this training at attendees’ schools.

• Tools and resources such as presentations (e.g., slide show), talking points to go along with slides, guidelines/tips for how to implement this training at their school.

c.List at least two (2) Educational Methodologies that will be implemented in your presentation:



d. Have you presented this session previously? If so, where and when?

e. Audio / Visual: Presenters will be provided with a projector and screen, laptop, flipchart, and internet access; generally microphones will not be provided. If you require additional tools beyond these, please describe:

Session Presenter(s) Biography / Resumé: (attach additional pages as necessary)

Your fee:[1] (Please provide your detailed estimated cost for presenting)

Materials Budget: ACCSC will cover a reasonable cost for curriculum takeaway and materials; as each workshop may differ, the amount is subject to approval for each workshop. Please include a detailed estimate of cost for workshop materials and curriculum takeaways.

[1] ACCSC will cover reasonable travel expenses in accordance with ACCSC’s policies including airfare, accommodations at the host hotel, meals, and incidentals. Please contact the ACCSC office for questions regarding the Commission’s policies.