1.1 Profile of a famous person/group of people (LOGO 4 grün)
The following guidelines are to help you with the structure of your coursework. If you use the tenses correctly, include personal opinions and weil-clauses you will get a high grade. You must make sure though that you adapt what you are using. Credit cannot be given for copied work. Make sure your piece of work is about 200 words long.
/ Language / Structures /Resources
Description of, for example, a person from the target-language country, a football team, a singer or band, or other individual or group; / Present tense(3rd person) / Er/Sie heißt…
Tom/Sonja hat ….
Er/Sie wohnt in…
Er/Sie ist … Jahre alt.
Sein/Ihr Geburtstag ist am…
Er/Sie wurde am …geboren.
Jamie Oliver arbeitet als... / LOGO 4 grün p. 18-19
Physical description and personal details / Present tense / Er/Sie ist ….
Er/Sie hat...Augen/Haare.
Boris Becker spielt gern .. / LOGO 4 grün p. 18-19
What the person or group is famous for / Present tense / Er/Sie ist … / LOGO 4 grün p. 134 (adapt phrases on jobs)
Past successes / Past tense / Er/Sie hat …gespielt.
Sie sind…..gegangen.
Er/Sie ist ..geschwommen.
Sie haben ….gesungen.
Boris Becker hat Wimbeldon gewonnen. / LOGO 4 grün p. 60-61/p.107
(adapt sentences)
Future prospects / Future tense / Er/Sie wird in Zukunft wieder…singen/arbeiten.
Boris Becker wird in Zukunft als Reporter in Wimbeldon arbeiten. / LOGO grün p. 135 (adapt sentences on future plans)
Your opinion of the person or group, with reasons / Present Tense, incl. weil clause / Ich finde…..super, weil er/sie …ist. / Opinions p.30 grün (needs to be adapted to a person/group)