August 27, 2012
The meeting was called to order in Heritage Hall by the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr., at 7:03pm. The Clerk noted a quorum was present.
The Rev. Dr. Laha opened the meeting with a devotional focusing on a book called "The Art of Possibility." He indicated that the book discusses factors that block us from seeing things in a new way and talks about how to look "outside the box." He encouraged the Session to read it. After his discussion of "The Art of Possibility," the Rev. Dr. Laha led the Session in prayer.
Roll was taken:
Marty Barolo, Emma Beall, Jim Beall, Kathy Callahan, Laura Campbell, Sam Chamberlain, Brian Comey, Gerry Cooper, Catherine Davis, Rob Dunn, Gail Freunsch, David Gray, Rich Johnson, Linda Lanam, Alan Matney, Joe McCoy, Peggy Newman, Pete Osman, Jenny Parker, Norma Roberts, Beth Sanderson, Derrick Surratt, Larry Williams, the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr. (Moderator), the Rev. Ann Herlin
Lora Ries, Hugh Van Horn, Mark Yachmetz
Clerk of Session J.C. McElveen, Church Director of Christian Education Priscilla Andre-Colton, Church Administrator Bob Clark, Youth Director Mary Pratt, Chair of the Diaconate Doug Peterson
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of Stated Meeting of Session, May 21, 2012, approved without change.
Minutes of Called Meeting of the Session, June 12, 2012 approved with the following correction:
Under by REAFFIRMATION OF FAITH: "Stalen" changed to "Stalun."
Thank you note from New Hope Housing
"The Good News" from Menaul School, Summer, 2012
Correspondence and catalog from Presbyterian World Missions, listing 2012-2013 Presbyterian World Missions Personnel
Baptisms:Symon Franklyn Cater, Elsa Jane Cater and Elias Douglas Cater, children of Franklyn and Anita Cater, on June 24, 2012, the Rev. Cater and the Rev.Dr.Robert Laha officiating
Catherine Anne French, daughter of Michael and Courtney French, on July 15, 2012, the Rev. Ann Herlin officiating
Alexander Rudolph Wayer, son of Kevin and Ellen Wayer, on July 29, 2012, the Rev. Ann Herlin officiating
Eloise Elizabeth Simmons, daughter of Scott and Margaret Simmons, on August 19, 2012, the Rev.Dr.Robert Laha officiating
Weddings:Nancy V. Gulick (m) and Gerry Cooper (m) on June23, 2012, at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House, the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha officiating
George Brunner, III (m) and Patricia Romiti (m) on August 18, 2012 at their home, the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha officiating
Deaths:Martha (Dottie) Forbes (m) died on June 3, 2012. Amemorial service was held at Westminster in LakeRidge on June 16, 2012, the Rev. Ann Herlin officiating. An interment was held on June 18, 2012 at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, VA, the Rev.Sandra Thomas officiating
Lynn Louise Gibbons (nm) died on July 13, 2012. A memorial service was held at the OldPresbyterian Meeting House on July 17, 2012, the Rev. Ann Herlin officiating
Membership:Dismiss by Letter of Transfer
Jennifer Fulton to Trinity Presbyterian Church, Herndon, VA
Amy Anderson to Severna Park United Methodist Church, Severna Park, MD
David and Margaret Gardner to National Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC
Frances Kelly to Campbell Memorial Presbyterian Church, Weems, VA
Elizabeth and Chris Mailander to Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, Black Mountain, NC
Victoria Pedrick to the Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC
John, Dorte and Anna Hardage to Trinity Presbyterian Church, Arlington, VA
Roy Englert, Jr. to Western Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC.
Move to Inactive
Patricia and Dan Houston (moved out of the area – at their request)
Camilo and Lisa Bearman and family (moved to Charlottesville, VA)
Patrick and Rebecca Melton (moved to North Carolina)
Michael Henke (moved out of the area)
DarneshiaCalixto (at her request)
June 3, 201210:00 am
August 5, 201210:00 am
Diaconate Report to Session
Deacon Peterson expressed thanks to the Nominating Committee for recommending a great new class of Deacons. He reported the Diaconate is working to get organized and training and equipping the Deacons to reach out to their Nets. They are also working on ways of keeping track of Cares and Concerns.
Session Report from Diaconate Meeting
Report from Presbytery.
Elder Roberts reported on the Presbytery Meeting of July 17, 2012. She said there was lots of talk about the General Assembly Meeting in Pittsburgh. She circulated a summary of General Assembly actions.
In addition to the written reports distributed prior to the meeting, the following matters were addressed during the meeting:
Administration Ministry
Elder Callahan reported that communications are a must for the Meeting House. We are not set up now for great communications.
Beth Bathe has moved to Pennsylvania, and it is hard for her to work from there. The Rev. Herlin has a great editorial eye, but she is part-time.
Elder Callahan proposed: terminate the contract with Beth Bathe; create a 30 hour a week job of "Coordinator of Communications"; and
3. to try to get someone for that job who understands technology, who will be here all the time, and who understands the mission of the Church. This new person would hopefully begin 10/1/12. There will be a $9,000 budget charge this year, if that occurs. Currently, there is one good potential candidate.
After discussion, it was moved seconded and unanimously approved to authorize the Administration Ministry to search for, and contract with, a "Coordinator of Communications."
Facilities Ministry
Elder Chamberlain reported that the Pre-School offered to contribute $20,000 to help defray the cost of replacing the Education Building's HVAC system. Elder Chamberlain reported that the Facilities Ministry had gratefully accepted that gift, on behalf of the Meeting House. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Pre-School Board, thanking it for its gift.
Elder Chamberlain also reported that the Pre-School had paid for the painting of three or four Education Building classrooms and the entryway. He also indicated that, of the $200,000 in deferred maintenance items reported to the Session in the Spring, approximately $52,000 of it has been completed. Through a variety of cost-savings measures, the total cash outlay was only $19,200. Finally, he noted that efforts are being made to explore possible grants from historic preservation organizations. It was mentioned that such grants might come with strings attached.
Worship Ministry
Elder Jim Beall reported that the Taize service will be discontinued. He noted that artificial greens will be used during the Christmas season. He also reported that Jamie Jones, who is in charge of coordinating donations for flowers, has noted a reduction in the number of flower dedications. We have $18,000 in the Cox Fund, and we have tapped it, but we may have some Sundays with no flowers.
Stewardship and Finance Ministry
Elder Gray reported that there has been a rather rapid decline in the capital reserve balance, due to the necessity of paying down loan principal and meeting maintenance requirements. The desirability of replenishing capital reserves, along with the necessity of extinguishing the loans on the Elliot House and providing money for long-postponed building and campus maintenance, led into a discussion of a proposed new three-year Capital Campaign (2013-2016), to begin in the Spring of 2013, with pledges to be made by July 1, 2013. After discussion, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved, to pursue a capital campaign with a goal of raising one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1.5 million). This would include the formation of a Capital Campaign Committee and the establishment of timetables to begin the Campaign by the Spring of 2013. The funds will be used to extinguish the current mortgages, complete necessary facilities maintenance and build an appropriate reserve fund.
Education Ministry
Elders Surratt and Matney reported on behalf of the Education Ministry. ElderSurratt noted that the education program has two goals: to deliver educational content grounded in Christian beliefs, and to deliver that content in a dynamic and active way. Several issues were highlighted:
Vacation Bible School was very successful, with over 70 children and 65 volunteers participating. Priscilla Andre-Colton was recognized for her outstanding leadership.
Sunday School teachers have been recruited for the Fall, and they are pending approval.
Catherine Davis has agreed to act as moderator for Childrens' Education this coming year.
Priscilla Andre-Colton will offer training in the Child and Youth Protection Policy in Elliot House on September 4, 5 and 6. This training is mandated for all teachers and volunteers who will be working with OPMH children and youth.
The proposed Childrens' Sunday School Program was moved, seconded and unanimously approved. That program is as follows:
The curriculum will be on Biblical Covenants.
Rotation will be every three weeks, with whole group sessions at the beginning of each rotation. In September, groups will be in contained classrooms with the same teachers for the entire month. In October and November, workshop rotations will be held. In December, the large and small group format will be used, similar to last year's format.
The proposed Sunday School organization and teachers will be:
Class for 3 year olds. Taught by Ellen McCleskey, Suzanne Beerthuis, Midge Shawley, CathyCash and Molly Harper.
Class for 4 and 5 year olds. Taught by Deena Kimble, Banna Dunn, Lisa DeVaul and Toby Eckert.
K/Grade 1. Taught by Shannon Lisecki and Cristy Gallagher.
Grades 2 and 3. Taught by Alan Matney, Brooks Barwell and Lisa Seestedt.
Grades 4 and 5. Taught by Derrick and Dara Surratt.
The High School Youth Leadership Retreat is taking place in Oxford, Maryland today (August27, 2012)
Mission Ministry
Elder Williams reported that 7 members of the Meeting House and one guest participated in the West Virginia Work Camp. He discussed what was accomplished.
The following leadership roles were announced:
Olivia MichenerFamily to Family Outreach
Lindsay MerchantNational and Global Mission
Gail FreunschSocial Justice
Jim RobertsScholarship Coordinator
The major goals of Mission are to:
- get members involved in some sort of mission activity;
- try to organize an international Mission trip, hopefully to Haiti;
- organize more short-term Youth oriented mission trips;
- advise the Congregation where PCUSA stands on issues of national importance; and
- inform the congregation how we can register our positions on issues that are important to us.
Membership and Evangelism Ministry
Elder Newman said Rally Day is September 9th. Volunteers can and should sign up now, for a table. We still need some food for the Rally Day activities. Dine with 9 now has 78 members of the congregation involved. The Fall Picnic may be postponed till Spring. There are two new members of the Ministry.
Beth Sanderson, Catherine Davis, Peggy Newman, Marty Barolo and Gerry Cooper were elected to serve as Commissioners for the September 25, 2012 Presbytery Meeting at National Presbyterian Church.
There was a Report to the Session that a Commission, comprised of Clerk J.C.McElveen, and Elders Peggy Newman and Jenny Parker examined Deacons-elect David Biette, Cary Cucinelli, Debbie Farmer and Beth Roberts, on May 27, 2012, and approved them for Ordination and/or Installation.
The Ordination and/or Installation of officers-elect occurred on May 27, 2012, and August 26, 2012.
There was an Update on the Child and Youth Protection Policy, and Elders were trained in that policy.
Clerk J.C. McElveen, Elder McCoy and Elder Osman were appointed to review the Minutes of the Diaconate and the Trustees' Minutes.
J.C. McElveen was elected Clerk of the Session, for a one-year term.
Elder Pete Osman was elected Church Treasurer, for a one-year term.
The Rev. Dr. Robert Laha was elected to the Board of Directors of the Reformed Institute.
The Session agreed to have a retreat on October 20, from 9 am to 3 pm, at the Meeting House.
The Pastors and Session members shared pastoral joys and concerns within the congregation and in the greater world.
The meeting was closed with prayer by Elder Gray at 9:16 pm.
J.C. McElveen
Clerk of Session
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