The News

. . . according to Room 101


At the beginning of the week, students worked on story problems. This was a carry over from last week. Our goal is for students to show their thinking with words, numbers and/or pictures. We have done lots of problems in class where students use small white boards to solve the problems. We put some of the whiteboards on the document camera to show everyone good examples of complete answers. Students then got to make their own story problems! This was exciting because the next day we solved those problems. The most difficult thing about creating a story problem for a first grader is to remember to ask a question. Toward the end of the week, we also did some assessments seeing if students could use a number line to add and subtract. This is a Washington State standard.


There will be no homework over break. Your child will get another blue homework sheet on Friday, January 7.

Imagine It!

We covered a lot of different sounds this week for phonics! We learned words with: wh, er, ir, ur, and the schwa sound (upside down e, or the sound in the beginning of the word about). We also reviewed ar, m, w, and er. We learned a few new high frequency words – girl, her, an, and they. Remember in last week’s Friday Folder where there was the word list? Imagine It is where we are getting those words. Remember, if you see little books come home that have a single staple in the side, practice them!!


Small moments were the topic of the week. Students chose a small moment, drew detailed pictures and wrote about the moment. We did that a couple times this week. One of the moments was about something they did when it snowed. Another moment was just something they have done in the last week.

We also added another vocabulary word to our repertoire. Responsible was the word for the week. Not only is it a Mountain Meadow rule, it is a great word for kids to start using in their vocabulary. Use the word at home! Our kid friendly definition of responsible is to choose between right and wrong.

Reading Over Break

Please keep up with your child’s reading over break. Two full weeks without reading practice can really bring someone’s reading back. Reread old stories. Go to the library and get books!

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday, December 14

Honoring Kids Assembly

Thursday, December 16

Winter Workshop

Friday, December 17

Sing along 2:45 – 3:15

December 20 – December 31

Winter Break