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I.Medical Examinations and Preventive Procedures Relative to Health and Welfare of Pupils

If pupils are to be able to benefit fully from educational opportunities and realize their full potential as adults, it is important that they maintain the greatest possible degree of good health and physical fitness. The following procedures will be followed by the school to assist in reaching this goal of healthy and physically fit pupils.

A.In accordance with the Child Health and Disability Program a pupil upon entry to the first grade must have had a physical and dental examination during the past eighteen months.

B.It will be recommended to parents that they secure medical examinations for their children by their own physicians in the physician's office at these prescribed intervals:

1.Entrance in elementary school

2.Entrance into middle school

3.Entrance into high school

C.All pupils will be carefully observed by teachers and coaches and will be referred promptly to the school nurse and parent for medical attention when a need is indicated.

D.Pupils will be required to have medical examinations prior to participation in inter-school athletic competition.

1.Inter-school athletic competition for both boys and girls includes all sports contests.

2.All boys and girls participating in any inter-scholastic sports activity as team members in grades 6 through 12 will have on file at the school evidence of having had a medical examination during the current school year (July 1-June 30) and of having received a physician's authorization for participation in inter-school sports (Form 5530). Incoming sixth or ninth graders who intend to participate the following fall may count a medical examination obtained after June 1. In lieu of this medical examination the parents may sign a waiver that they do not want their children to have such an examination and will accept the responsibility for their physical condition at the time they participate.

3.If a pupil sustains an injury after his/her medical authorizing participation in inter-scholastic athletic competition, he/she may be required by school personnel to have another examination prior to further inter-scholastic competition.

4.A pupil who has been excused from the regular physical education program because of a medical reason may not participate in any inter-school athletic competition unless he/she is authorized by a medical doctor.

5.The local school will provide a fund for the purpose of providing medical examinations for pupils unable to afford such a service. All such requests will be carefully screened, and channels for referral will include the teacher or coach, school nurse, principal and supervising nurse.

6.Pupils will be exempted from the required physical examinations listed above who have on file at school a Physical Examination Exemption Card signed by their parent or guardian. Pursuant to Education Code 49451 this card must be properly completed and filed annually with the school.

7.As required by the Education Code, all pupils engaged in inter-school athletic competition, including band members and cheerleaders, are required to meet hospital and medical insurance requirement law to cover accidental bodily injury and accidental death. No pupil will be allowed to participate in inter-school athletics unless the conditions specified in the Education Code are met. Parents may purchase student insurance at a minimum premium rate.

E.Reporting Medical Problems to Parents

When a medical problem has been noted by the health clerk, a written report shall be made to parents or guardian requesting a professional evaluation. Such reports are to be prepared in such a way to insure confidentiality of the material presented. As part of the report, recommendation may be made that the pupil be taken to a public clinic or diagnostic and treatment center operated by a public hospital or by state, county or city department or to private medical advisors. The report shall not contain any recommendations suggesting or directing the pupil to a designated individual for the purpose of curing or correcting any problem.

F.Parental Objection to Medical Treatment

If a parent or legal guardian informs the school that s/he objects to medical treatment (including first aid) on religious or other grounds, s/he must complete and sign a form (see Appendix) to that effect. The District will then respond by:

1.Sending the parent or guardian a letter outlining the school's moral and legal responsibility to provide for the health and welfare of its pupils (EC 49400), stating the District's interpretation (of EC 49400), as requiring school personnel to provide reasonable medical treatment to a sick or injured child on school grounds and under their jurisdiction, where the school district had the means to provide such treatment; and pointing out that the district, its employees, and attending physicians are immune from liability for providing reasonable medical treatment to his/her child (under the provisions of EC 49407) unless the written form from the parent or guardian specifically objects to any medical treatment other than first aid.

2.Providing the principal and school personnel with instructions on how to deal with emergency situations for the child whose parent or guardian has filed an objection to medical treatment (see B.7-a(5).

II.Development of a School Level Plan for Pupils Who Become Injured or Ill


The principal of each school shall be responsible for organizing and implementing the school level plan. In performing his/her responsibilities, he/she shall seek the advice of the District's nursing staff, health clerk, or Special Services Department.

B.Areas of Coverage

The school level plan for emergency care shall contain the following provisions:

1.Names of personnel qualified to administer first aid at school-sponsored functions. Designated personnel shall hold a Red Cross Certificate or evidence of completion of an equivalent course of training. It is highly recommended that all employees having direct contact with pupils receive inservice training in first aid procedures. Elementary school secretaries and (noon) school aides should have a current Red Cross First Aid Certificate. Staff members shall be encouraged to receive and maintain training in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

2.Location of first aid kits, supplies and equipment in classrooms and other strategic positions in the plant.

3.Completion of emergency information.

4.Listing of community facilities available for emergency care.

5.Transportation provided for pupils.

6.Accident reporting procedure. All accidents occurring at a school-sponsored function shall be reported to the District Business Office on a Student Accident Form (Form 5530-5) within one working day of the accident, unless the staff member believes that the injury received by the pupil is trivial and represents no threat to the pupil's well-being. If the pupil has obtained hospital and medical insurance, a claim form should be completed.

7.Role of Personnel in First Aid

The principal of the school shall be responsible for the definition of role responsibilities of personnel assigned in the area of first aid. Suggested roles are as follows:

a.Staff members, except nurse and principal

(1)To administer approved first aid when possible

(2)To refer serious cases to the principal or other designated authority for contacting home or family physician.

(3)To report accidents to the proper authority. (See school report form to be filled out when serious accidents occur.)

(4)To arrange for first aid instruction for self; to become informed on up-to-date first aid procedures. If possible, to become trained in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.

(5)To check emergency card on file for pupil in order to determine whether parent or guardian has filed an "Objection to Medical Treatment" form. If so, staff members should

(a)call parent or guardian to come immediately to school to assume custody and care of the child.

(b)If parent or guardian (or someone acting on their behalf) is unable to pick up the child within a reasonable time, the most medically qualified person in attendance shall determine on whether to proceed with treatment because

(1)the injury or sickness is life-threatening

(2)the child is experiencing an acute degree of pain or discomfort; or

(3)the passage of time may affect the prognosis as relates to the possibility of permanent injury or loss of life.

(c)Even if the objecting parent or guardian has been contacted and has assumed custody and care of the child, school personnel shall contact appropriate governmental child- protection services when it appears to the most medically qualified person at the school site that substantial danger to the child exists because of the parent or guardian's refusal to have the child treated.

b.Nurse or health aide

(1)To administer first aid in serious cases when in school

(2)To follow up on all accidents and illnesses as requested by the principal

(3)To instruct teachers in simple first aid procedures. First aid classes should be scheduled as needed.

(4)To keep first aid cabinet and kits supplied with materials, periodically checking to see that they are adequate and approved.

(5)See also section 7-9.-(5)-(a) above.


(1)To see that parent is notified.

(2)To arrange for transportation of injured pupil.

(3)To follow up on accident reports from teachers and nurse.

(4)To follow up with accident reports and insurance forms.

(5)To supervise distribution of insurance forms.

(6)See also section 7-9.-(5)-(a) above.

III.Number and Content of First Aid Kits

A.Each classroom at the elementary schools shall be equipped with one first aid kit to serve the needs of pupils in the classroom. Additional first aid kits shall be available to insure adequate coverage of school functions and field trips.

B.Each school bus and other vehicles used for transportation of pupils shall carry a first aid kit in an easily accessible place. If the first aid kit is not visible, a sign shall indicate its location. The kit shall be constructed to prevent dust and moisture from reaching the contents, the entire contents of the kit shall be removable, and the kit shall be removable from the place secured. The kit shall be kept fully equipped as prescribed by the State Department of Education and in good condition and shall be of a size not less than the following:

1-16passenger vehicle, inclusive-10 unit kit

17-42passenger vehicle, inclusive-16 unit kit

43 and above passenger vehicle-24 unit kit

C.Each kit shall contain at least the following articles:

3- 3x3 sterile gauze bandages

1- 1" gauze roller bandages

1- 2" roller bandages

1- roll adhesive tape, 1" (10 yards)

Adhesive compresses

1- container disinfectant


Cotton balls

Additional supplies and equipment may be added to the kit in accordance with the needs of the school. The principal, acting upon the advice of the school nurse or health clerk, shall be responsible for the maintenance of all first aid kits.

Legal Reference:

EC 32040, 32044, 49407, 49408, 49409, 49450, 49472, 49474; 5 Calif. Adm. Code 14317, Penal Code 273a, 11161.5

Cross Reference:

Policy 5534 - Exemption from Physical, Dental or Psychological Examinations, Immunizations

ADOPTED: 12-76 (P), 2-77 (A), 6-28-88

REVISED: 11-82; 1-25-83