- Access the T-Eval Website by typing in the URL:
- Select the appropriate Login side by choosing the appropriate Teacher Login or Administrator Login.
- The initial login will be your e-mail address and your password will be your last name followed by your first initial (all in lower case).
1.From the Home Menu, click on Change Password
- Type in your new Password into the appropriate column, and then re-type it in the confirm box.
- Click the Update button.
1. It is best to always “Log Off” using the link that is highlighted below.
- The Tennessee Framework for Evaluations can be accessed directly using the highlighted link below.
- Accessing the “User Management” link from the highlighted section of the main page will provide administrators the ability to Add Teachers and other Administrators and/or edit their information. This function will be discussed later in the manual.
- The “Observation Management” feature is also accessible from the main page, and when selecting this highlighted link, the Administrator will be directed to the area where observations will be scheduled. This function will also be explored in a separate training section.
- By selecting the highlighted “Home” link shown below, the Administrator will be able to view scheduled observations.
- After accessing this page, you can add a new teacher or administrator individually, or mass import them from a spreadsheet. To create a new teacher, simply click on the function highlighted below.
- The “Create a new Teacher” box will appear, and you simply need to complete the appropriate boxes. You must fill something in EVERY box, or you cannot complete this function. For data not collected as yet, simply fill in the box with an “X” or similar mark to serve notice this data needs to be added at a later date.
- While this information may prove troublesome to obtain, it will prove invaluable in future years as the evaluation process proceeds. Also it is imperative to have the correct “Certificate Type” in order for the T-Eval software to incorporate the correct Tennessee Evaluation rubric when doing the Summative Report.
- Creating a new Administrator can be accomplished by selecting that function, then completing the form show below. Take special care when marking the highlighted section below, as “System Wide” Administrators will have access to ALL Evaluation Data from ALL Schools. This option should be limited to District Staff only.
- To mass import your entire staff, select the highlighted option below:
- You must create a spreadsheet of data for your teachers with as much information as possible using the format below. After you save that spreadsheet, you will need to find it using the “Browse” button that is highlighted below.
- After locating the file on your computer, double clicking it will add it into the “Import File Location” as shown below:
- You then only need to click on the “Upload File and Import Teachers” button as outlined below:
- When originally setting up your schools, you simply need to complete a spreadsheet form that will be provided by T-Eval support, and your staff will be loaded as a service of the company.
- To “Edit” Teacher Information, simply select the “Edit” button, shown below:
- You may then edit any of the fields for the selected teacher
- Once you have completed your edits, click the “Update” button as shown below:
- Selecting the “Cancel” button will delete any unsaved edits.
- Selecting the “View and Edit Administrators” tab will allow you to edit administrators in much the same method as the Teacher Edit function.
- Again, take special note of the choice for “School Admin” or “System Wide” as the latter offers access to ALL Evaluation data from ALL Schools. Be sure to click on the “Update” button when edits are completed here.
- The Administrator has two options for scheduling observations—Individual or Batch Scheduling. When planning to schedule more than a single observation, it is usually best to use the “Batch Scheduling” Option.
Bullet #1 (Observation Management) is the link to Schedule and Edit All Observations.
- When you reach the “Observation Management” page, you then have the option to schedule a single evaluation by selecting the “Schedule Observation” tab as noted by the #2 Bullet.
- Bullet #3 is the link to “Batch Scheduling,”which allows you to schedule any number of Observations at one time.
- Bullet #4 is the link to “Edit” any previously scheduled evaluations. Each option will be discussed below.
(Scheduling A Single Observation)
- From the “Schedule Observation” (Bullet #2), you then have the option to choose the type observation you wish to schedule using the “Select Observation Type to Schedule” drop down box as shown in Bullet #5.
- Then choose the Administrator who will be assigned the Evaluation using the drop down box as shown in Bullet # 6.
- Bullet #7 is a text box that allows you to type in the Observation Number (1, 2, or 3), a feature that will help manage the Observations as you progress through the year.
- Bullet #8 allows the administrator to use a drop down box to schedule the exact date of the observation.
- Bullet #9 is a search box to allow the administrator to quickly search for a particular teacher by choosing from an alphabetical list of your teachers.
- Bullet #10 is the list of observations that you have scheduled. It will also be necessary for you to click on the “Select” button to choose the teacher that you are planning to schedule. Highlighting the selected teacher will bold their name, allowing you to confirm that you are scheduling a single observation.
- Bullet #11 highlights your option to send the teacher an e-mail notification of this new observation.
- You can type in any desired message in the body of the e-mail as shown by Bullet #12.
- Bullet #13 as shown below MUST be clicked in order to finalize the scheduling process, and send the e-mail to the teacher.
(Scheduling Multiple Observations At One Time)
- Bullet #14 is the link to schedule multiple observations at one time.
- Bullet #15 is a check box that is used to select the appropriate teachers that are to be scheduled for observation.
- Bullet #16 allows the administrator to use a drop down box to select the Observation type.
- The administrator must type in the desired observation date into text box as shown by Bullet #17. The correct format to be used is MM/DD/YYYY.
- Bullet #18 is a drop down box that allows selection of the administrator who will conduct the observation.
- Bullet #19 shows examples of teachers who are being scheduled using the Batch Scheduler. Note the check marks in the boxes to the left of their names, and also the different types of evaluations, the scheduled dates and the evaluators.
- Bullet #20 is the check box to activate the e-mail notification to the teachers.
- Bullet #21 shows the text box for the message. The administrator is cautioned to note that the message will be delivered to EVERY teacher that is being scheduled using the Batch Schedule Option, and thus the message should be generic rather than teacher specific.
- The Observations will be scheduled, and the e-mails will be generated when the administrator pushes the Schedule Observation button as shown in Bullet #22.
(Editing Observations That Have Been Previously Scheduled)
- Bullet #23 allows the administrator the option to re-schedule previously scheduled observations.
- Bullet #24 is displayed to give example that all types of observations will be listed here under their respective categories.